"items": [
"address": "New York, NY, USA",
"series": "CGO '25",
"title": "SySTeC: A Symmetric Sparse Tensor Compiler",
"isbn": "979-8-4007-1275-3",
"shorttitle": "SySTeC",
"url": "http://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2025/SySTeC-CGO-2025.pdf",
"doi": "10.1145/3696443.3708919",
"abstract": "Symmetric and sparse tensors arise naturally in many domains including linear algebra, statistics, physics, chemistry, and graph theory. Symmetric tensors are equal to their transposes, so in the n-dimensional case we can save up to a factor of n! by avoiding redundant operations. Sparse tensors, on the other hand, are mostly zero, and we can save asymptotically by processing only nonzeros. Unfortunately, specializing for both symmetry and sparsity at the same time is uniquely challenging. Optimizing for symmetry requires consideration of n! transpositions of a triangular kernel, which can be complex and error prone. Considering multiple transposed iteration orders and triangular loop bounds also complicates iteration through intricate sparse tensor formats. Additionally, since each combination of symmetry and sparse tensor formats requires a specialized implementation, this leads to a combinatorial number of cases. A compiler is needed, but existing compilers cannot take advantage of both symmetry and sparsity within the same kernel. In this paper, we describe the first compiler which can automatically generate symmetry-aware code for sparse or structured tensor kernels. We introduce a taxonomy for symmetry in tensor kernels, and show how to target each kind of symmetry. Our implementation demonstrates significant speedups ranging from 1.36x for SSYMV to 30.4x for a 5-dimensional MTTKRP over the non-symmetric state of the art.",
"urldate": "2025-03-04",
"booktitle": "Proceedings of the 23rd ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization",
"publisher": "Association for Computing Machinery",
"author0": "Patel, Radha and Ahrens, Willow and Amarasinghe, Saman",
"month": "Mar",
"year": "2025",
"pages": "47--62",
"bibtexKey": "patel_systec_2025",
"itemType": "inproceedings",
"author": [
"Radha Patel",
"Willow Ahrens",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "SySTeC: A Symmetric Sparse Tensor Compiler",
"date": "2025-03",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "inproceedings",
"publication-type": "Conference Publication",
"html": "SySTeC: A Symmetric Sparse Tensor Compiler.
Radha Patel, Willow Ahrens, Saman Amarasinghe.
Proceedings of the 23rd ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization.
New York, NY, USA. Mar, 2025. Bibtex.
"title": "Mechanised Hypersafety Proofs about Structured Data",
"volume": "8",
"url": "http://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2024/gladshtein-mechanised-2024.pdf",
"doi": "10.1145/3656403",
"journal": "PLDI",
"author0": "Gladshtein, Vladimir and Zhao, Qiyuan and Ahrens, Willow and Amarasinghe, Saman and Sergey, Ilya",
"month": "Jun",
"year": "2024",
"keywords": [
"Computer Science - Programming Languages",
"Computer Science - Logic in Computer Science"
"pages": "173:647--173:670",
"bibtexKey": "gladshtein_mechanised_2024",
"itemType": "article",
"author": [
"Vladimir Gladshtein",
"Qiyuan Zhao",
"Willow Ahrens",
"Saman Amarasinghe",
"Ilya Sergey"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "Mechanised Hypersafety Proofs about Structured Data",
"date": "2024-06",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "article",
"publication-type": "Journal Article",
"html": "Mechanised Hypersafety Proofs about Structured Data.
Vladimir Gladshtein, Qiyuan Zhao, Willow Ahrens, Saman Amarasinghe, Ilya Sergey.
Jun, 2024. Bibtex.
"author0": "Brahmakshatriya, Ajay and Rinard, Chris and Ghobadi, Manya and Amarasinghe, Saman",
"title": "NetBlocks: Staging Layouts for High-Performance Custom Host Network Stacks",
"year": "2024",
"issue_date": "June 2024",
"publisher": "Association for Computing Machinery",
"address": "New York, NY, USA",
"volume": "8",
"number": "PLDI",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2024/PLDI24_NetBlocks.pdf",
"doi": "10.1145/3656396",
"journal": "Proc. ACM Program. Lang. (PLDI 2024)",
"month": "Jun",
"articleno": "166",
"numpages": "25",
"keywords": [
"bibtexKey": "netblocks-pldi24",
"itemType": "article",
"author": [
"Ajay Brahmakshatriya",
"Chris Rinard",
"Manya Ghobadi",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "NetBlocks: Staging Layouts for High-Performance Custom Host Network Stacks",
"date": "2024-06",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "article",
"publication-type": "Journal Article",
"html": "NetBlocks: Staging Layouts for High-Performance Custom Host Network Stacks.
Ajay Brahmakshatriya, Chris Rinard, Manya Ghobadi, Saman Amarasinghe.
Proc. ACM Program. Lang. (PLDI 2024).
New York, NY, USA. Jun, 2024. Bibtex.
"title": "An Intermediate Representation for Expressing and Optimizing Computations in Lattice Quantum Chromodynamics",
"author0": "Richard P. Sollee III",
"month": "May",
"year": "2024",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2024/sollee-MEng-Thesis.pdf",
"keywords": [
"type": "Publication",
"address": "Cambridge, MA",
"school": "Massachusetts Institute of Technology",
"bibtexKey": "Richard:meng-thesis:2024",
"itemType": "mastersthesis",
"author": [
"Richard P. Sollee III"
"label": "An Intermediate Representation for Expressing and Optimizing Computations in Lattice Quantum Chromodynamics",
"date": "2024-05",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "mastersthesis",
"publication-type": "MEng Thesis",
"html": "An Intermediate Representation for Expressing and Optimizing Computations in Lattice Quantum Chromodynamics.
Richard P. Sollee III.
MEng Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Cambridge, MA. May, 2024. Bibtex.
"title": "Fast Multistage Compilation of Machine Learning Computation Graphs",
"author0": "Kaustubh Dighe",
"month": "May",
"year": "2024",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2024/Dighe_MEng_Thesis.pdf",
"keywords": [
"Machine Learning",
"type": "Publication",
"address": "Cambridge, MA",
"school": "Massachusetts Institute of Technology",
"bibtexKey": "Dighe:meng-thesis:2024",
"itemType": "mastersthesis",
"author": [
"Kaustubh Dighe"
"label": "Fast Multistage Compilation of Machine Learning Computation Graphs",
"date": "2024-05",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "mastersthesis",
"publication-type": "MEng Thesis",
"html": "Fast Multistage Compilation of Machine Learning Computation Graphs.
Kaustubh Dighe.
MEng Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Cambridge, MA. May, 2024. Bibtex.
"title": "A System To Exploit Symmetry in Common Tensor Kernels",
"author0": "Radha Patel",
"month": "May",
"year": "2024",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2024/Radha-MEng-Thesis.pdf",
"keywords": [
"type": "Publication",
"address": "Cambridge, MA",
"school": "Massachusetts Institute of Technology",
"bibtexKey": "Radha:meng-thesis:2024",
"itemType": "mastersthesis",
"author": [
"Radha Patel"
"label": "A System To Exploit Symmetry in Common Tensor Kernels",
"date": "2024-05",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "mastersthesis",
"publication-type": "MEng Thesis",
"html": "A System To Exploit Symmetry in Common Tensor Kernels.
Radha Patel.
MEng Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Cambridge, MA. May, 2024. Bibtex.
"title": "Finch: Sparse and Structured Array Programming with Control Flow",
"shorttitle": "Finch",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2024/Willow-Finch-Arxiv.pdf",
"publisher": "arXiv",
"author0": "Ahrens, Willow and Collin, Teodoro Fields and Patel, Radha and Deeds, Kyle and Hong, Changwan and Amarasinghe, Saman",
"month": "Apr",
"year": "2024",
"keywords": [
"Computer Science",
"Mathematical Software"
"bibtexKey": "ahrens_finch_2024",
"itemType": "misc",
"author": [
"Willow Ahrens",
"Teodoro Fields Collin",
"Radha Patel",
"Kyle Deeds",
"Changwan Hong",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "Finch: Sparse and Structured Array Programming with Control Flow",
"date": "2024-04",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "misc",
"publication-type": "Other",
"html": "Finch: Sparse and Structured Array Programming with Control Flow.
Willow Ahrens, Teodoro Fields Collin, Radha Patel, Kyle Deeds, Changwan Hong, Saman Amarasinghe.
Apr, 2024. Bibtex.
"title": "AskIt: Unified Programming Interface for Programming with Large Language Models",
"author0": "Okuda, Katsumi and Amarasinghe, Saman",
"journal": "Proceedings of the 22nd ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization (CGO 2024)",
"year": "2024",
"month": "Mar",
"pages": "41-54",
"keywords": [
"doi": "10.1109/CGO57630.2024.10444830",
"url": "http://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2024/askit-cgo24.pdf",
"location": "Edinburgh, UK",
"series": "CGO 2024",
"bibtexKey": "askit-cgo24",
"itemType": "inproceedings",
"author": [
"Katsumi Okuda",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "AskIt: Unified Programming Interface for Programming with Large Language Models",
"date": "2024-03",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "inproceedings",
"publication-type": "Conference Publication",
"html": "AskIt: Unified Programming Interface for Programming with Large Language Models.
Katsumi Okuda, Saman Amarasinghe.
Proceedings of the 22nd ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization (CGO 2024).
Mar, 2024. Bibtex.
"title": "A Universal Tensor Abstraction and its Application to and Implementation within Block-Based Compression",
"author0": "Jessica Ray",
"month": "Sep",
"year": "2023",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2023/Jessica_Ray_dissertation.pdf",
"keywords": [
"type": "Publication",
"address": "Cambridge, MA",
"school": "Massachusetts Institute of Technology",
"bibtexKey": "ray:phd-thesis:2023",
"itemType": "phdthesis",
"author": [
"Jessica Ray"
"label": "A Universal Tensor Abstraction and its Application to and Implementation within Block-Based Compression",
"date": "2023-09",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "phdthesis",
"publication-type": "PhD Thesis",
"html": "A Universal Tensor Abstraction and its Application to and Implementation within Block-Based Compression.
Jessica Ray.
PhD Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Cambridge, MA. Sep, 2023. Bibtex.
"author0": "Won, Jaeyeon and Hong, Changwan and Mendis, Charith and Emer, Joel and Amarasinghe, Saman",
"title": "Unified Convolution Framework: A compiler-based approach to support sparse convolutions",
"keywords": [
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2023/2023_MLSys_SparseConvolution_camready.pdf",
"month": "Jun",
"year": "2023",
"address": "Miami, USA",
"booktitle": "Proceedings of Machine Learning and Systems (MLSys)",
"slides": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/presentations/2023/MLSys_UCF.pdf",
"bibtexKey": "jaeyeon:mlsys:2023",
"itemType": "inproceedings",
"author": [
"Jaeyeon Won",
"Changwan Hong",
"Charith Mendis",
"Joel Emer",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "Unified Convolution Framework: A compiler-based approach to support sparse convolutions",
"date": "2023-06",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "inproceedings",
"publication-type": "Conference Publication",
"html": "Unified Convolution Framework: A compiler-based approach to support sparse convolutions.
Jaeyeon Won, Changwan Hong, Charith Mendis, Joel Emer, Saman Amarasinghe.
Proceedings of Machine Learning and Systems (MLSys).
Miami, USA. Jun, 2023. Slides. Bibtex.
"author0": "Won, Jaeyeon and Hong, Changwan and Mendis, Charith and Emer, Joel and Amarasinghe, Saman",
"title": "Unified Convolution Framework: A compiler-based approach to support sparse convolutions",
"keywords": [
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2023/2023_MLSys_SparseConvolution_camready.pdf",
"month": "Jun",
"year": "2023",
"address": "Miami, USA",
"booktitle": "Proceedings of Machine Learning and Systems (MLSys)",
"slides": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/presentations/2023/MLSys_UCF.pdf",
"bibtexKey": "jaeyeon:mlsys:2023",
"itemType": "inproceedings",
"author": [
"Jaeyeon Won",
"Changwan Hong",
"Charith Mendis",
"Joel Emer",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "Unified Convolution Framework: A compiler-based approach to support sparse convolutions",
"date": "2023-06",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "inproceedings",
"publication-type": "Conference Publication",
"html": "Unified Convolution Framework: A compiler-based approach to support sparse convolutions.
Jaeyeon Won, Changwan Hong, Charith Mendis, Joel Emer, Saman Amarasinghe.
Proceedings of Machine Learning and Systems (MLSys).
Miami, USA. Jun, 2023. Slides. Bibtex.
"title": "Variational study of two-nucleon systems with lattice QCD",
"author0": "Amarasinghe, Saman and Baghdadi, Riyadh and Davoudi, Zohreh and Detmold, William and Illa, Marc and Parre\\~no, Assumpta and Pochinsky, Andrew V. and Shanahan, Phiala E. and Wagman, Michael L.",
"journal": "Phys. Rev. D",
"keywords": [
"volume": "107",
"issue": "9",
"pages": "094508",
"numpages": "79",
"year": "2023",
"month": "May",
"type": "Publication",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2023/PhysRevD.107.094508.pdf",
"publisher": "American Physical Society",
"doi": "10.1103/PhysRevD.107.094508",
"bibtexKey": "VarStudy2023",
"itemType": "article",
"author": [
"Saman Amarasinghe",
"Riyadh Baghdadi",
"Zohreh Davoudi",
"William Detmold",
"Marc Illa",
"Assumpta Parre\\~no",
"Andrew V. Pochinsky",
"Phiala E. Shanahan",
"Michael L. Wagman"
"label": "Variational study of two-nucleon systems with lattice QCD",
"date": "2023-05",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "article",
"publication-type": "Journal Article",
"html": "Variational study of two-nucleon systems with lattice QCD.
Saman Amarasinghe, Riyadh Baghdadi, Zohreh Davoudi, William Detmold, Marc Illa, Assumpta Parre\\~no, Andrew V. Pochinsky, Phiala E. Shanahan, Michael L. Wagman.
Phys. Rev. D.
May, 2023. Bibtex.
"title": "Halide in Molecular Dynamics",
"author0": "Ricardo Gayle Jr.",
"month": "May",
"year": "2023",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2023/ricardo-meng-thesis.pdf",
"keywords": [
"Molecular Dynamics"
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"school": "Massachusetts Institute of Technology",
"bibtexKey": "ricardo:meng-thesis:2023",
"itemType": "mastersthesis",
"author": [
"Ricardo Gayle Jr."
"label": "Halide in Molecular Dynamics",
"date": "2023-05",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "mastersthesis",
"publication-type": "MEng Thesis",
"html": "Halide in Molecular Dynamics.
Ricardo Gayle Jr..
MEng Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Cambridge, MA. May, 2023. Bibtex.
"title": "Implementing BREeze - a High-Performance Regular Expression Library Using Code Generation with BuildIt",
"author0": "Tamara Mitrovska",
"month": "May",
"year": "2023",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2023/tamara-meng-thesis.pdf",
"keywords": [
"type": "Publication",
"address": "Cambridge, MA",
"school": "Massachusetts Institute of Technology",
"bibtexKey": "tamara:meng-thesis:2023",
"itemType": "mastersthesis",
"author": [
"Tamara Mitrovska"
"label": "Implementing BREeze - a High-Performance Regular Expression Library Using Code Generation with BuildIt",
"date": "2023-05",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "mastersthesis",
"publication-type": "MEng Thesis",
"html": "Implementing BREeze - a High-Performance Regular Expression Library Using Code Generation with BuildIt.
Tamara Mitrovska.
MEng Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Cambridge, MA. May, 2023. Bibtex.
"title": "Halide in Molecular Dynamics",
"author0": "Ricardo Gayle Jr.",
"month": "May",
"year": "2023",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2023/ricardo-meng-thesis.pdf",
"keywords": [
"Molecular Dynamics"
"type": "Publication",
"address": "Cambridge, MA",
"school": "Massachusetts Institute of Technology",
"bibtexKey": "ricardo:meng-thesis:2023",
"itemType": "mastersthesis",
"author": [
"Ricardo Gayle Jr."
"label": "Halide in Molecular Dynamics",
"date": "2023-05",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "mastersthesis",
"publication-type": "MEng Thesis",
"html": "Halide in Molecular Dynamics.
Ricardo Gayle Jr..
MEng Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Cambridge, MA. May, 2023. Bibtex.
"title": "Implementing BREeze - a High-Performance Regular Expression Library Using Code Generation with BuildIt",
"author0": "Tamara Mitrovska",
"month": "May",
"year": "2023",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2023/tamara-meng-thesis.pdf",
"keywords": [
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"address": "Cambridge, MA",
"school": "Massachusetts Institute of Technology",
"bibtexKey": "tamara:meng-thesis:2023",
"itemType": "mastersthesis",
"author": [
"Tamara Mitrovska"
"label": "Implementing BREeze - a High-Performance Regular Expression Library Using Code Generation with BuildIt",
"date": "2023-05",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "mastersthesis",
"publication-type": "MEng Thesis",
"html": "Implementing BREeze - a High-Performance Regular Expression Library Using Code Generation with BuildIt.
Tamara Mitrovska.
MEng Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Cambridge, MA. May, 2023. Bibtex.
"author0": "Won, Jaeyeon and Mendis, Charith and Emer, Joel and Amarasinghe, Saman",
"title": "WACO: Learning workload-aware co-optimization of the format and schedule of a sparse tensor program",
"month": "Apr",
"year": "2023",
"address": "Vancouver, Canada",
"booktitle": "International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS)",
"slides": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/presentations/2023/WACO_ASPLOS.pdf",
"video": "https://youtu.be/RO6avxVDHWg",
"keywords": [
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2023/WACO_ASPLOS23.pdf",
"bibtexKey": "jaeyeon:asplos:2023",
"itemType": "inproceedings",
"author": [
"Jaeyeon Won",
"Charith Mendis",
"Joel Emer",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "WACO: Learning workload-aware co-optimization of the format and schedule of a sparse tensor program",
"date": "2023-04",
"type-original": [
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"html": "WACO: Learning workload-aware co-optimization of the format and schedule of a sparse tensor program.
Jaeyeon Won, Charith Mendis, Joel Emer, Saman Amarasinghe.
International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS).
Vancouver, Canada. Apr, 2023. Slides. Bibtex. Video.
"author0": "Won, Jaeyeon and Mendis, Charith and Emer, Joel and Amarasinghe, Saman",
"title": "WACO: Learning workload-aware co-optimization of the format and schedule of a sparse tensor program",
"month": "Apr",
"year": "2023",
"address": "Vancouver, Canada",
"booktitle": "International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS)",
"slides": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/presentations/2023/WACO_ASPLOS.pdf",
"video": "https://youtu.be/RO6avxVDHWg",
"keywords": [
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2023/WACO_ASPLOS23.pdf",
"bibtexKey": "jaeyeon:asplos:2023",
"itemType": "inproceedings",
"author": [
"Jaeyeon Won",
"Charith Mendis",
"Joel Emer",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "WACO: Learning workload-aware co-optimization of the format and schedule of a sparse tensor program",
"date": "2023-04",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "inproceedings",
"publication-type": "Conference Publication",
"html": "WACO: Learning workload-aware co-optimization of the format and schedule of a sparse tensor program.
Jaeyeon Won, Charith Mendis, Joel Emer, Saman Amarasinghe.
International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS).
Vancouver, Canada. Apr, 2023. Slides. Bibtex. Video.
"title": "Looplets: A Language for Structured Coiteration",
"author0": "Ahrens, Willow and Donenfeld, Daniel and Kjolstad, Fredrik and Amarasinghe, Saman",
"journal": "Proceedings of the 21st ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization (CGO 2023)",
"year": "2023",
"month": "Mar",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2023/looplets-cgo23.pdf",
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"location": "Montreal, Canada",
"series": "CGO 2023",
"bibtexKey": "looplets-cgo23",
"itemType": "inproceedings",
"author": [
"Willow Ahrens",
"Daniel Donenfeld",
"Fredrik Kjolstad",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "Looplets: A Language for Structured Coiteration",
"date": "2023-03",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "inproceedings",
"publication-type": "Conference Publication",
"html": "Looplets: A Language for Structured Coiteration.
Willow Ahrens, Daniel Donenfeld, Fredrik Kjolstad, Saman Amarasinghe.
Proceedings of the 21st ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization (CGO 2023).
Mar, 2023. Bibtex.
"title": "Looplets: A Language for Structured Coiteration",
"author0": "Ahrens, Willow and Donenfeld, Daniel and Kjolstad, Fredrik and Amarasinghe, Saman",
"journal": "Proceedings of the 21st ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization (CGO 2023)",
"year": "2023",
"month": "Mar",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2023/looplets-cgo23.pdf",
"keywords": [
"address": "Montreal, Canada",
"series": "CGO 2023",
"bibtexKey": "looplets-cgo23",
"itemType": "inproceedings",
"author": [
"Willow Ahrens",
"Daniel Donenfeld",
"Fredrik Kjolstad",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "Looplets: A Language for Structured Coiteration",
"date": "2023-03",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "inproceedings",
"publication-type": "Conference Publication",
"html": "Looplets: A Language for Structured Coiteration.
Willow Ahrens, Daniel Donenfeld, Fredrik Kjolstad, Saman Amarasinghe.
Proceedings of the 21st ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization (CGO 2023).
Montreal, Canada. Mar, 2023. Bibtex.
"title": "Looplets: A Language for Structured Coiteration",
"author0": "Ahrens, Willow and Donenfeld, Daniel and Kjolstad, Fredrik and Amarasinghe, Saman",
"journal": "Proceedings of the 21st ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization (CGO 2023)",
"year": "2023",
"month": "Mar",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2023/looplets-cgo23.pdf",
"keywords": [
"address": "Montreal, Canada",
"series": "CGO 2023",
"bibtexKey": "looplets-cgo23",
"itemType": "inproceedings",
"author": [
"Willow Ahrens",
"Daniel Donenfeld",
"Fredrik Kjolstad",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "Looplets: A Language for Structured Coiteration",
"date": "2023-03",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "inproceedings",
"publication-type": "Conference Publication",
"html": "Looplets: A Language for Structured Coiteration.
Willow Ahrens, Daniel Donenfeld, Fredrik Kjolstad, Saman Amarasinghe.
Proceedings of the 21st ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization (CGO 2023).
Montreal, Canada. Mar, 2023. Bibtex.
"title": "D2X: An eXtensible conteXtual Debugger for Modern DSLs",
"author0": "Brahmakshatriya, Ajay and Amarasinghe, Saman",
"journal": "Proceedings of the 21st ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization (CGO)",
"year": "2023",
"month": "Mar",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2023/ajay-cgo23-d2x.pdf",
"keywords": [
"address": "Montreal, Canada",
"series": "CGO 2023",
"price": "Distinguished Paper Award",
"bibtexKey": "d2x-cgo23",
"itemType": "inproceedings",
"author": [
"Ajay Brahmakshatriya",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "D2X: An eXtensible conteXtual Debugger for Modern DSLs",
"date": "2023-03",
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"pub-type": "inproceedings",
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"html": "D2X: An eXtensible conteXtual Debugger for Modern DSLs.
Ajay Brahmakshatriya, Saman Amarasinghe.
Proceedings of the 21st ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization (CGO).
Montreal, Canada. Mar, 2023. Bibtex.
Distinguished Paper Award.
"title": "Unified Compilation for Lossless Compression and Sparse Computing",
"author0": "Daniel Donenfeld",
"month": "Feb",
"year": "2023",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2023/donenfeld-sm-thesis.pdf",
"keywords": [
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"school": "Massachusetts Institute of Technology",
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"author": [
"Daniel Donenfeld"
"label": "Unified Compilation for Lossless Compression and Sparse Computing",
"date": "2023-02",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "sciencethesis",
"publication-type": "SM Thesis",
"html": "Unified Compilation for Lossless Compression and Sparse Computing.
Daniel Donenfeld.
SM Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Cambridge, MA. Feb, 2023. Bibtex.
"author0": "Shajii, Ariya and Ramirez, Gabriel and Smajlovic, Haris and Ray, Jessica and Berger, Bonnie and Amarasinghe, Saman and Numanagic, Ibrahim",
"title": "Codon: A Compiler for High-Performance Pythonic Applications and DSLs",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2023/cc_Codon.pdf",
"keywords": [
"month": "Feb",
"year": "2023",
"booktitle": "In Proceedings of the 32nd ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Compiler Construction (CC)",
"address": "Montreal, Canada",
"bibtexKey": "ariya:cc:2002",
"itemType": "inproceedings",
"author": [
"Ariya Shajii",
"Gabriel Ramirez",
"Haris Smajlovic",
"Jessica Ray",
"Bonnie Berger",
"Saman Amarasinghe",
"Ibrahim Numanagic"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "Codon: A Compiler for High-Performance Pythonic Applications and DSLs",
"date": "2023-02",
"type-original": [
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Ariya Shajii, Gabriel Ramirez, Haris Smajlovic, Jessica Ray, Bonnie Berger, Saman Amarasinghe, Ibrahim Numanagic.
In Proceedings of the 32nd ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Compiler Construction (CC).
Montreal, Canada. Feb, 2023. Bibtex.
"title": "Unified Compilation for Lossless Compression and Sparse Computing",
"author0": "Daniel Donenfeld",
"month": "Feb",
"year": "2023",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2023/donenfeld-sm-thesis.pdf",
"keywords": [
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"date": "2023-02",
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"pub-type": "sciencethesis",
"publication-type": "SM Thesis",
"html": "Unified Compilation for Lossless Compression and Sparse Computing.
Daniel Donenfeld.
SM Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Cambridge, MA. Feb, 2023. Bibtex.
"author0": "Shajii, Ariya and Ramirez, Gabriel and Smajlovic, Haris and Ray, Jessica and Berger, Bonnie and Amarasinghe, Saman and Numanagic, Ibrahim",
"title": "Codon: A Compiler for High-Performance Pythonic Applications and DSLs",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2023/cc_Codon.pdf",
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"year": "2023",
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"itemType": "inproceedings",
"author": [
"Ariya Shajii",
"Gabriel Ramirez",
"Haris Smajlovic",
"Jessica Ray",
"Bonnie Berger",
"Saman Amarasinghe",
"Ibrahim Numanagic"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "Codon: A Compiler for High-Performance Pythonic Applications and DSLs",
"date": "2023-02",
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"html": "Codon: A Compiler for High-Performance Pythonic Applications and DSLs.
Ariya Shajii, Gabriel Ramirez, Haris Smajlovic, Jessica Ray, Bonnie Berger, Saman Amarasinghe, Ibrahim Numanagic.
In Proceedings of the 32nd ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Compiler Construction (CC).
Montreal, Canada. Feb, 2023. Bibtex.
"author0": "Mezdour, Lina and Kadem, Khadidja and Merouani, Massinissa and Haichour, Amina Selma and Amarasinghe, Saman and Baghdadi, Riyadh",
"title": "A Deep Learning Model for Loop Interchange",
"booktitle": "In Proceedings of the 32nd ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Compiler Construction (CC)",
"series": "CC'23",
"month": "Feb",
"year": "2023",
"address": "Montreal, Canada",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/23/Loop-Interchange-Model-CC23.pdf",
"bibtexKey": "tiramisu-li",
"itemType": "inproceedings",
"author": [
"Lina Mezdour",
"Khadidja Kadem",
"Massinissa Merouani",
"Amina Selma Haichour",
"Saman Amarasinghe",
"Riyadh Baghdadi"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "A Deep Learning Model for Loop Interchange",
"date": "2023-02",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "inproceedings",
"publication-type": "Conference Publication",
"html": "A Deep Learning Model for Loop Interchange.
Lina Mezdour, Khadidja Kadem, Massinissa Merouani, Amina Selma Haichour, Saman Amarasinghe, Riyadh Baghdadi.
In Proceedings of the 32nd ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Compiler Construction (CC).
Montreal, Canada. Feb, 2023. Bibtex.
"title": "GSTACO: A Generalized Sparse Tensor Algebra Compiler",
"author0": "Alexandra Dima",
"month": "Jan",
"year": "2023",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2023/alexandra-meng-thesis.pdf",
"keywords": [
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"school": "Massachusetts Institute of Technology",
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"bibtexKey": "alexandra:meng-thesis:2023",
"itemType": "mastersthesis",
"author": [
"Alexandra Dima"
"label": "GSTACO: A Generalized Sparse Tensor Algebra Compiler",
"date": "2023-01",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "mastersthesis",
"publication-type": "MEng Thesis",
"html": "GSTACO: A Generalized Sparse Tensor Algebra Compiler.
Alexandra Dima.
MEng Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Cambridge, MA. Jan, 2023. Bibtex.
2023 Charles & Jennifer Johnson MEng in Computer Science Thesis Award.
"title": "GSTACO: A Generalized Sparse Tensor Algebra Compiler",
"author0": "Alexandra Dima",
"month": "Jan",
"year": "2023",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2023/alexandra-meng-thesis.pdf",
"keywords": [
"type": "Publication",
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"school": "Massachusetts Institute of Technology",
"price": "2023 Charles & Jennifer Johnson MEng in Computer Science Thesis Award",
"bibtexKey": "alexandra:meng-thesis:2023",
"itemType": "mastersthesis",
"author": [
"Alexandra Dima"
"label": "GSTACO: A Generalized Sparse Tensor Algebra Compiler",
"date": "2023-01",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "mastersthesis",
"publication-type": "MEng Thesis",
"html": "GSTACO: A Generalized Sparse Tensor Algebra Compiler.
Alexandra Dima.
MEng Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Cambridge, MA. Jan, 2023. Bibtex.
2023 Charles & Jennifer Johnson MEng in Computer Science Thesis Award.
"author0": "Chou, Stephen and Amarasinghe, Saman",
"title": "Compilation of Dynamic Sparse Tensor Algebra",
"journal": "Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages (OOPSLA)",
"issue_date": "October 2022",
"volume": "6",
"number": "OOPSLA2",
"keywords": [
"month": "Oct",
"year": "2022",
"pages": "175:1--175:30",
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"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2022/oopsla22-dynamic-formats.pdf",
"slides": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/presentations/2022/oopsla22-dynamic-formats-slides.pptx",
"doi": "10.1145/3563338",
"acmid": "3563338",
"publisher": "ACM",
"address": "New York, NY, USA",
"bibtexKey": "chou:2022:dynamic-formats",
"itemType": "article",
"author": [
"Stephen Chou",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "Compilation of Dynamic Sparse Tensor Algebra",
"date": "2022-10",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "article",
"publication-type": "Journal Article",
"html": "Compilation of Dynamic Sparse Tensor Algebra.
Stephen Chou, Saman Amarasinghe.
Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages (OOPSLA).
New York, NY, USA. Oct, 2022. Slides. Bibtex.
"title": "Format Abstractions for the Compilation of Sparse Tensor Algebra",
"author0": "Stephen Chou",
"month": "Aug",
"year": "2022",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2022/chou-phd-thesis.pdf",
"keywords": [
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"school": "Massachusetts Institute of Technology",
"bibtexKey": "chou:phd-thesis:2022",
"itemType": "phdthesis",
"author": [
"Stephen Chou"
"label": "Format Abstractions for the Compilation of Sparse Tensor Algebra",
"date": "2022-08",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "phdthesis",
"publication-type": "PhD Thesis",
"html": "Format Abstractions for the Compilation of Sparse Tensor Algebra.
Stephen Chou.
PhD Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Cambridge, MA. Aug, 2022. Bibtex.
"address": "New York, NY, USA",
"series": "{PLDI} 2022",
"title": "Autoscheduling for sparse tensor algebra with an asymptotic cost model",
"isbn": "978-1-4503-9265-5",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2022/3519939.3523442.pdf",
"slides": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2022/PLDI_Pigeon.pptx",
"doi": "10.1145/3519939.3523442",
"booktitle": "Proceedings of the 43rd ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI)",
"publisher": "Association for Computing Machinery",
"author0": "Ahrens, Willow and Kjolstad, Fredrik and Amarasinghe, Saman",
"month": "Jun",
"year": "2022",
"video": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IVODLShSxJk&t=21571s",
"keywords": [
"pages": "269--285",
"bibtexKey": "ahrens_autoscheduling_2022",
"itemType": "inproceedings",
"author": [
"Willow Ahrens",
"Fredrik Kjolstad",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "Autoscheduling for sparse tensor algebra with an asymptotic cost model",
"date": "2022-06",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "inproceedings",
"publication-type": "Conference Publication",
"html": "Autoscheduling for sparse tensor algebra with an asymptotic cost model.
Willow Ahrens, Fredrik Kjolstad, Saman Amarasinghe.
Proceedings of the 43rd ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI).
New York, NY, USA. Jun, 2022. Slides. Bibtex. Video.
"author0": "Chen, Yishen and Mendis, Charith and Amarasinghe, Saman",
"title": "All You Need is Superword-Level Parallelism: Systematic Control-Flow Vectorization with SLP",
"year": "2022",
"month": "Jun",
"isbn": "9781450392655",
"publisher": "Association for Computing Machinery",
"address": "New York, NY, USA",
"url": "https://groups.csail.mit.edu/commit/papers/2022/pldi22-vegen.pdf",
"slides": "https://groups.csail.mit.edu/commit/papers/2022/pldi22-vegen-slides.pdf",
"doi": "10.1145/3519939.3523701",
"booktitle": "Proceedings of the 43rd ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI)",
"pages": "301\u2013315",
"numpages": "15",
"keywords": [
"location": "San Diego, CA, USA",
"series": "PLDI 2022",
"bibtexKey": "chen:pldi:2022",
"itemType": "inproceedings",
"author": [
"Yishen Chen",
"Charith Mendis",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "All You Need is Superword-Level Parallelism: Systematic Control-Flow Vectorization with SLP",
"date": "2022-06",
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"html": "All You Need is Superword-Level Parallelism: Systematic Control-Flow Vectorization with SLP.
Yishen Chen, Charith Mendis, Saman Amarasinghe.
Proceedings of the 43rd ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI).
New York, NY, USA. Jun, 2022. Slides. Bibtex.
"title": "GraphIt to CUDA compiler in 2021 LOC: A case for high-performance DSL implementation via staging with BuilDSL",
"author0": "Brahmakshatriya, Ajay and Amarasinghe, Saman",
"journal": "Proceedings of the 20th ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization (CGO)",
"year": "2022",
"month": "Apr",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2022/ajay-cgo22-buildsl.pdf",
"location": "Republic of Korea",
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"keywords": [
"video": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u31NOIKlfP0",
"slides": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/presentations/2022/CGO22_slides_session3_paper1.pdf",
"bibtexKey": "buildsl-cgo22",
"itemType": "inproceedings",
"author": [
"Ajay Brahmakshatriya",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "GraphIt to CUDA compiler in 2021 LOC: A case for high-performance DSL implementation via staging with BuilDSL",
"date": "2022-04",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "inproceedings",
"publication-type": "Conference Publication",
"html": "GraphIt to CUDA compiler in 2021 LOC: A case for high-performance DSL implementation via staging with BuilDSL.
Ajay Brahmakshatriya, Saman Amarasinghe.
Proceedings of the 20th ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization (CGO).
Apr, 2022. Slides. Bibtex. Video.
"title": "Unified Compilation for Lossless Compression and Sparse Computing",
"author0": "Donenfeld, Daniel and Chou, Stephen and Amarasinghe, Saman",
"journal": "Proceedings of the 20th ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization (CGO)",
"year": "2022",
"month": "Apr",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2022/cgo22-TACO-lossless.pdf",
"slides": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2022/CGO22_TACO_lossless_slides.pdf",
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"series": "CGO 2022",
"video": "https://youtu.be/uU3brPcwUos",
"bibtexKey": "taco-lossless-cgo22",
"itemType": "inproceedings",
"author": [
"Daniel Donenfeld",
"Stephen Chou",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "Unified Compilation for Lossless Compression and Sparse Computing",
"date": "2022-04",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "inproceedings",
"publication-type": "Conference Publication",
"html": "Unified Compilation for Lossless Compression and Sparse Computing.
Daniel Donenfeld, Stephen Chou, Saman Amarasinghe.
Proceedings of the 20th ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization (CGO).
Apr, 2022. Slides. Bibtex. Video.
"author0": "Henry, Rawn and Hsu, Olivia and Yadav, Rohan and Chou, Stephen and Olukotun, Kunle and Amarasinghe, Saman and Kjolstad, Fredrik ",
"title": " Compilation of Sparse Array Programming Models",
"journal": "Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages (OOPSLA)",
"issue_date": "October 2021",
"volume": "1",
"number": "OOPSLA",
"month": "Oct",
"year": "2021",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2021/oopsla2021-array-programming.pdf",
"publisher": "ACM",
"address": "Chicago, IL, USA",
"keywords": [
"bibtexKey": "rawn:oopsla:2021",
"itemType": "article",
"author": [
"Rawn Henry",
"Olivia Hsu",
"Rohan Yadav",
"Stephen Chou",
"Kunle Olukotun",
"Saman Amarasinghe",
"Fredrik Kjolstad"
"type": "Publication",
"label": " Compilation of Sparse Array Programming Models",
"date": "2021-10",
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"html": " Compilation of Sparse Array Programming Models.
Rawn Henry, Olivia Hsu, Rohan Yadav, Stephen Chou, Kunle Olukotun, Saman Amarasinghe, Fredrik Kjolstad.
Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages (OOPSLA).
Chicago, IL, USA. Oct, 2021. Bibtex.
"title": "VeGen: A Vectorizer Generator for SIMD and Beyond",
"author0": "Yishen Chen",
"month": "Sep",
"year": "2021",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2021/yishen-sm-thesis.pdf",
"keywords": [
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"school": "Massachusetts Institute of Technology",
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"author": [
"Yishen Chen"
"label": "VeGen: A Vectorizer Generator for SIMD and Beyond",
"date": "2021-09",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "sciencethesis",
"publication-type": "SM Thesis",
"html": "VeGen: A Vectorizer Generator for SIMD and Beyond.
Yishen Chen.
SM Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Cambridge, MA. Sep, 2021. Bibtex.
"title": "A variational study of two-nucleon systems with lattice QCD",
"author0": "Saman Amarasinghe and Riyadh Baghdadi and Zohreh Davoudi and William Detmold and Marc Illa and Assumpta Parreno and Andrew V. Pochinsky and Phiala E. Shanahan and Michael L. Wagman",
"year": "2021",
"month": "Aug",
"eprint": "2108.10835",
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"url": "https://arxiv.org/abs/2108.10835",
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"Riyadh Baghdadi",
"Zohreh Davoudi",
"William Detmold",
"Marc Illa",
"Assumpta Parreno",
"Andrew V. Pochinsky",
"Phiala E. Shanahan",
"Michael L. Wagman"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "A variational study of two-nucleon systems with lattice QCD",
"date": "2021-08",
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Saman Amarasinghe, Riyadh Baghdadi, Zohreh Davoudi, William Detmold, Marc Illa, Assumpta Parreno, Andrew V. Pochinsky, Phiala E. Shanahan, Michael L. Wagman.
Aug, 2021. Bibtex.
"title": "High-Performance Computational Genomics",
"author0": "Ariya Shajii",
"month": "Aug",
"year": "2021",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2021/ariya-shajii-phd-thesis.pdf",
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"school": "Massachusetts Institute of Technology",
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"label": "High-Performance Computational Genomics",
"date": "2021-08",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "phdthesis",
"publication-type": "PhD Thesis",
"html": "High-Performance Computational Genomics.
Ariya Shajii.
PhD Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Cambridge, MA. Aug, 2021. Bibtex.
"author0": "Shajii, Ariya and Numanagic, Ibrahim and Leighton, Alexander T. and Greenyer, Haley and Amarasinghe, Saman and Berger, Bonnie",
"da": "2021/07/19",
"date-added": "2021-09-08 10:40:24 -0400",
"date-modified": "2021-09-08 10:40:24 -0400",
"doi": "10.1038/s41587-021-00985-6",
"isbn": "1546-1696",
"journal": "Nature Biotechnology",
"title": "A Python-based programming language for high-performance computational genomics",
"ty": "JOUR",
"url": "https://doi.org/10.1038/s41587-021-00985-6",
"year": "2021",
"month": "Jul",
"bibtexKey": "seq-nature-biotech",
"itemType": "article",
"author": [
"Ariya Shajii",
"Ibrahim Numanagic",
"Alexander T. Leighton",
"Haley Greenyer",
"Saman Amarasinghe",
"Bonnie Berger"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "A Python-based programming language for high-performance computational genomics",
"date": "2021-07",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "article",
"publication-type": "Journal Article",
"html": "A Python-based programming language for high-performance computational genomics.
Ariya Shajii, Ibrahim Numanagic, Alexander T. Leighton, Haley Greenyer, Saman Amarasinghe, Bonnie Berger.
Nature Biotechnology.
Jul, 2021. Bibtex.
"title": "Taming the Zoo: A Unified Graph Compiler Framework for Novel Architectures",
"author0": "Brahmakshatriya, Ajay and Furst, Emily and Ying, Victor and Hsu, Claire and Hong, Changwan and Ruttenberg, Max and Zhang, Yunming and Jung, Dai Cheol and Richmond, Dustin and Taylor, Michael and Shun, Julian and Oskin, Mark and Sanchez, Daniel and Amarasinghe, Saman",
"journal": "Proceedings of the 2021 International Symposium on Computer Architecturei (ISCA)",
"year": "2021",
"month": "Jun",
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"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2021/ajay-isca21-ugcf.pdf",
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"video": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3q4ZtCrKkx0",
"bibtexKey": "ugcf-isca21",
"itemType": "inproceedings",
"author": [
"Ajay Brahmakshatriya",
"Emily Furst",
"Victor Ying",
"Claire Hsu",
"Changwan Hong",
"Max Ruttenberg",
"Yunming Zhang",
"Dai Cheol Jung",
"Dustin Richmond",
"Michael Taylor",
"Julian Shun",
"Mark Oskin",
"Daniel Sanchez",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "Taming the Zoo: A Unified Graph Compiler Framework for Novel Architectures",
"date": "2021-06",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "inproceedings",
"publication-type": "Conference Publication",
"html": "Taming the Zoo: A Unified Graph Compiler Framework for Novel Architectures.
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Proceedings of the 2021 International Symposium on Computer Architecturei (ISCA).
Jun, 2021. Bibtex. Video.
"title": "Unified Graph Framework: Optimizing Graph Applications across Novel Architectures",
"author0": "Claire Hsu",
"month": "May",
"year": "2021",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2021/claire-meng-thesis.pdf",
"keywords": [
"type": "Publication",
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"school": "Massachusetts Institute of Technology",
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"Claire Hsu"
"label": "Unified Graph Framework: Optimizing Graph Applications across Novel Architectures",
"date": "2021-05",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "mastersthesis",
"publication-type": "MEng Thesis",
"html": "Unified Graph Framework: Optimizing Graph Applications across Novel Architectures.
Claire Hsu.
MEng Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Cambridge, MA. May, 2021. Bibtex.
"title": "A Deep Dive Into Understanding The Random Walk-Based Temporal Graph Learning",
"author0": "Talathi, Nishil and Jin, Di and Ye, Haojie and Brahmakshatriya, Ajay and Dasika, Ganesh and Amarasinghe, Saman and Mudge, Trevor and Koutra, Danai and Dresklinski, Ronald",
"journal": "Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Workload Characterization (IISWC)",
"year": "2021",
"month": "Apr",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2021/nishil-iiswc2021.pdf",
"keywords": [
"series": "IISWC 2021",
"bibtexKey": "randomwalk-iiswc21",
"itemType": "inproceedings",
"author": [
"Nishil Talathi",
"Di Jin",
"Haojie Ye",
"Ajay Brahmakshatriya",
"Ganesh Dasika",
"Saman Amarasinghe",
"Trevor Mudge",
"Danai Koutra",
"Ronald Dresklinski"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "A Deep Dive Into Understanding The Random Walk-Based Temporal Graph Learning",
"date": "2021-04",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "inproceedings",
"publication-type": "Conference Publication",
"html": "A Deep Dive Into Understanding The Random Walk-Based Temporal Graph Learning.
Nishil Talathi, Di Jin, Haojie Ye, Ajay Brahmakshatriya, Ganesh Dasika, Saman Amarasinghe, Trevor Mudge, Danai Koutra, Ronald Dresklinski.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Workload Characterization (IISWC).
Apr, 2021. Bibtex.
"author0": "Chen, Yishen and Mendis, Charith and Carbin, Michael and Amarasinghe, Saman",
"title": "VeGen: A Vectorizer Generator for SIMD and Beyond",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2021/vegen.pdf",
"keywords": [
"month": "Apr",
"year": "2021",
"booktitle": "International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS)",
"bibtexKey": "chen:asplos:2021",
"itemType": "inproceedings",
"author": [
"Yishen Chen",
"Charith Mendis",
"Michael Carbin",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "VeGen: A Vectorizer Generator for SIMD and Beyond",
"date": "2021-04",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "inproceedings",
"publication-type": "Conference Publication",
"html": "VeGen: A Vectorizer Generator for SIMD and Beyond.
Yishen Chen, Charith Mendis, Michael Carbin, Saman Amarasinghe.
International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS).
Apr, 2021. Bibtex.
"author0": "Baghdadi, Riyadh and Merouani, Massinissa and Leghettas, Mohamed-Hicham and Abdous, Kamel and Arbaoui, Taha and Benatchba, Karima and Amarasinghe, Saman",
"title": "A Deep Learning Based Cost Model for Automatic Code Optimization",
"booktitle": "Proceedings of the Fourth Conference on Machine Learning and Systems (MLSys)",
"series": "MLSys 2021",
"month": "Apr",
"year": "2021",
"location": "San Jose, CA, USA",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/21/tiramisu_autoscheduler.pdf",
"price": "Outstanding Paper Award",
"bibtexKey": "tiramisu-auto",
"itemType": "inproceedings",
"author": [
"Riyadh Baghdadi",
"Massinissa Merouani",
"Mohamed-Hicham Leghettas",
"Kamel Abdous",
"Taha Arbaoui",
"Karima Benatchba",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "A Deep Learning Based Cost Model for Automatic Code Optimization",
"date": "2021-04",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "inproceedings",
"publication-type": "Conference Publication",
"html": "A Deep Learning Based Cost Model for Automatic Code Optimization.
Riyadh Baghdadi, Massinissa Merouani, Mohamed-Hicham Leghettas, Kamel Abdous, Taha Arbaoui, Karima Benatchba, Saman Amarasinghe.
Proceedings of the Fourth Conference on Machine Learning and Systems (MLSys).
Apr, 2021. Bibtex.
Outstanding Paper Award.
"title": "BuildIt: A type based multistage programming framework for code generation in C++",
"author0": "Brahmakshatriya, Ajay and Amarasinghe, Saman",
"journal": "Proceedings of the 19th ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization (CGO)",
"year": "2021",
"month": "Feb",
"keywords": [
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2021/ajay-cgo21-buildit.pdf",
"location": "Virtual, Republic of Korea",
"series": "CGO 2021",
"video": "https://youtu.be/JHSCu4tzcPo",
"bibtexKey": "buildit-cgo21",
"itemType": "inproceedings",
"author": [
"Ajay Brahmakshatriya",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "BuildIt: A type based multistage programming framework for code generation in C++",
"date": "2021-02",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "inproceedings",
"publication-type": "Conference Publication",
"html": "BuildIt: A type based multistage programming framework for code generation in C++.
Ajay Brahmakshatriya, Saman Amarasinghe.
Proceedings of the 19th ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization (CGO).
Feb, 2021. Bibtex. Video.
"title": "Compiling Graph Applications for GPUs with GraphIt",
"author0": "Brahmakshatriya, Ajay and Zhang, Yunming and Hong, Changwan and Kamil, Shoaib and Shun, Julian and Amarasinghe, Saman",
"journal": "Proceedings of the 19th ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization (CGO)",
"year": "2021",
"month": "Feb",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2021/ajay-cgo21-g2.pdf",
"keywords": [
"location": "Virtual, Republic of Korea",
"series": "CGO 2021",
"video": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=38_0a0GJVTs",
"price": "Best Paper Award",
"bibtexKey": "g2-cgo21",
"itemType": "inproceedings",
"author": [
"Ajay Brahmakshatriya",
"Yunming Zhang",
"Changwan Hong",
"Shoaib Kamil",
"Julian Shun",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "Compiling Graph Applications for GPUs with GraphIt",
"date": "2021-02",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "inproceedings",
"publication-type": "Conference Publication",
"html": "Compiling Graph Applications for GPUs with GraphIt.
Ajay Brahmakshatriya, Yunming Zhang, Changwan Hong, Shoaib Kamil, Julian Shun, Saman Amarasinghe.
Proceedings of the 19th ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization (CGO).
Feb, 2021. Bibtex. Video.
Best Paper Award.
"title": "Domain-Specific Language Abstractions for Compression",
"author0": "Ray, Jessica and Brahmakshatriya, Ajay and Wang, Richard and Kamil, Shoaib and Reuther, Albert and Sze, Vivienne and Amarasinghe, Saman",
"booktitle": "2021 Data Compression Conference (DCC)",
"pages": "364--364",
"year": "2021",
"organization": "IEEE",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2021/jess-dcc2021.pdf",
"video": "https://sigport.org/documents/domain-specific-language-abstractions-compression",
"bibtexKey": "cola-dcc",
"itemType": "inproceedings",
"author": [
"Jessica Ray",
"Ajay Brahmakshatriya",
"Richard Wang",
"Shoaib Kamil",
"Albert Reuther",
"Vivienne Sze",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "Domain-Specific Language Abstractions for Compression",
"date": "2021",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "inproceedings",
"publication-type": "Conference Publication",
"html": "Domain-Specific Language Abstractions for Compression.
Jessica Ray, Ajay Brahmakshatriya, Richard Wang, Shoaib Kamil, Albert Reuther, Vivienne Sze, Saman Amarasinghe.
2021 Data Compression Conference (DCC).
2021. Bibtex. Video.
"title": "A sparse iteration space transformation framework for sparse tensor algebra",
"author0": "Senanayake, Ryan and Hong, Changwan and Wang, Ziheng and Wilson, Amalee and Chou, Stephen and Kamil, Shoaib and Amarasinghe, Saman and Kjolstad, Fredrik",
"month": "Nov",
"journal": "Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages (OOPSLA)",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2020/oopsla2020.pdf",
"volume": "4",
"number": "OOPSLA",
"pages": "1--30",
"year": "2020",
"keywords": [
"publisher": "ACM New York, NY, USA",
"video": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0wJsGWA5pTU",
"bibtexKey": "senanayake2020sparse",
"itemType": "article",
"author": [
"Ryan Senanayake",
"Changwan Hong",
"Ziheng Wang",
"Amalee Wilson",
"Stephen Chou",
"Shoaib Kamil",
"Saman Amarasinghe",
"Fredrik Kjolstad"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "A sparse iteration space transformation framework for sparse tensor algebra",
"date": "2020-11",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "article",
"publication-type": "Journal Article",
"html": "A sparse iteration space transformation framework for sparse tensor algebra.
Ryan Senanayake, Changwan Hong, Ziheng Wang, Amalee Wilson, Stephen Chou, Shoaib Kamil, Saman Amarasinghe, Fredrik Kjolstad.
Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages (OOPSLA).
Nov, 2020. Bibtex. Video.
"title": "Optimizing Parallel Graph Algorithms by Extending the GraphIt DSL",
"author0": "Tugsbayasgalan Manlaibaatar",
"month": "Sep",
"year": "2020",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2020/tugsuu_2020.pdf",
"type": "Publication",
"address": "Cambridge, MA",
"school": "Massachusetts Institute of Technology",
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"bibtexKey": "tugsuu:2020",
"itemType": "mastersthesis",
"author": [
"Tugsbayasgalan Manlaibaatar"
"label": "Optimizing Parallel Graph Algorithms by Extending the GraphIt DSL",
"date": "2020-09",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "mastersthesis",
"publication-type": "MEng Thesis",
"html": "Optimizing Parallel Graph Algorithms by Extending the GraphIt DSL.
Tugsbayasgalan Manlaibaatar.
MEng Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Cambridge, MA. Sep, 2020. Bibtex.
"title": "Universal Graph Framework: Achieving High-Performance across Algorithms, Graph Types, and Architectures",
"author0": "Ajay Brahmakshatriya",
"month": "Aug",
"year": "2020",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2020/ajay-sm-thesis.pdf",
"keywords": [
"type": "Publication",
"address": "Cambridge, MA",
"school": "Massachusetts Institute of Technology",
"bibtexKey": "ajay:sm-thesis:2020",
"itemType": "sciencethesis",
"author": [
"Ajay Brahmakshatriya"
"label": "Universal Graph Framework: Achieving High-Performance across Algorithms, Graph Types, and Architectures",
"date": "2020-08",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "sciencethesis",
"publication-type": "SM Thesis",
"html": "Universal Graph Framework: Achieving High-Performance across Algorithms, Graph Types, and Architectures.
Ajay Brahmakshatriya.
SM Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Cambridge, MA. Aug, 2020. Bibtex.
"title": "GraphIt: Optimizing the Performance and Improving the Programmability of Graph Algorithms",
"author0": "Yunming Zhang",
"month": "Aug",
"year": "2020",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2020/yunming-thesis.pdf",
"keywords": [
"type": "Publication",
"address": "Cambridge, MA",
"school": "Massachusetts Institute of Technology",
"bibtexKey": "yunming:phd-thesis:2020",
"itemType": "phdthesis",
"author": [
"Yunming Zhang"
"label": "GraphIt: Optimizing the Performance and Improving the Programmability of Graph Algorithms",
"date": "2020-08",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "phdthesis",
"publication-type": "PhD Thesis",
"html": "GraphIt: Optimizing the Performance and Improving the Programmability of Graph Algorithms.
Yunming Zhang.
PhD Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Cambridge, MA. Aug, 2020. Bibtex.
"title": "Towards Automated Construction of Compiler Optimizations",
"author0": "Charith Mendis",
"month": "Aug",
"year": "2020",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2020/mendis-thesis.pdf",
"keywords": [
"type": "Publication",
"address": "Cambridge, MA",
"school": "Massachusetts Institute of Technology",
"bibtexKey": "mendis:phd-thesis:2020",
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"author": [
"Charith Mendis"
"label": "Towards Automated Construction of Compiler Optimizations",
"date": "2020-08",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "phdthesis",
"publication-type": "PhD Thesis",
"html": "Towards Automated Construction of Compiler Optimizations.
Charith Mendis.
PhD Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Cambridge, MA. Aug, 2020. Bibtex.
"address": "Virtual Event, USA",
"series": "SPAA '20",
"title": "Sparse Tensor Transpositions",
"isbn": "978-1-4503-6935-0",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2020/mueller-transpositions-spaa.pdf",
"doi": "10.1145/3350755.3400245",
"booktitle": "Proceedings of the 32nd ACM Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures (SPAA)",
"publisher": "Association for Computing Machinery",
"author0": "Mueller, Suzanne and Ahrens, Willow and Chou, Stephen and Kjolstad, Fredrik and Amarasinghe, Saman",
"month": "Jul",
"year": "2020",
"keywords": [
"pages": "559--561",
"bibtexKey": "mueller_sparse_2020",
"itemType": "inproceedings",
"author": [
"Suzanne Mueller",
"Willow Ahrens",
"Stephen Chou",
"Fredrik Kjolstad",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "Sparse Tensor Transpositions",
"date": "2020-07",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "inproceedings",
"publication-type": "Conference Publication",
"html": "Sparse Tensor Transpositions.
Suzanne Mueller, Willow Ahrens, Stephen Chou, Fredrik Kjolstad, Saman Amarasinghe.
Proceedings of the 32nd ACM Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures (SPAA).
Virtual Event, USA. Jul, 2020. Bibtex.
"author0": "Chou, Stephen and Kjolstad, Fredrik and Amarasinghe, Saman",
"title": "Automatic Generation of Efficient Sparse Tensor Format Conversion Routines",
"year": "2020",
"month": "Jun",
"isbn": "9781450376136",
"publisher": "Association for Computing Machinery",
"address": "New York, NY, USA",
"url": "https://doi.org/10.1145/3385412.3385963",
"doi": "10.1145/3385412.3385963",
"booktitle": "Proceedings of the 41st ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI)",
"pages": "823\u2013-838",
"numpages": "16",
"keywords": [
"location": "London, UK",
"series": "PLDI 2020",
"bibtexKey": "chou-pldi20-taco-conversion",
"itemType": "inproceedings",
"author": [
"Stephen Chou",
"Fredrik Kjolstad",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "Automatic Generation of Efficient Sparse Tensor Format Conversion Routines",
"date": "2020-06",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "inproceedings",
"publication-type": "Conference Publication",
"html": "Automatic Generation of Efficient Sparse Tensor Format Conversion Routines.
Stephen Chou, Fredrik Kjolstad, Saman Amarasinghe.
Proceedings of the 41st ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI).
New York, NY, USA. Jun, 2020. Bibtex.
"author0": "Tucci, Lorenzo Di and Baghdadi, Riyadh and Amarasinghe, Saman and Santambrogio, Marco D.",
"booktitle": "2020 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium Workshops (IPDPSW)",
"title": "SALSA: A Domain Specific Architecture for Sequence Alignment",
"year": "2020",
"month": "May",
"pages": "147-150",
"doi": "10.1109/IPDPSW50202.2020.00033",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/20/salsa.pdf",
"bibtexKey": "salsa",
"itemType": "inproceedings",
"author": [
"Lorenzo Di Tucci",
"Riyadh Baghdadi",
"Saman Amarasinghe",
"Marco D. Santambrogio"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "SALSA: A Domain Specific Architecture for Sequence Alignment",
"date": "2020-05",
"type-original": [
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"publication-type": "Conference Publication",
"html": "SALSA: A Domain Specific Architecture for Sequence Alignment.
Lorenzo Di Tucci, Riyadh Baghdadi, Saman Amarasinghe, Marco D. Santambrogio.
2020 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium Workshops (IPDPSW).
May, 2020. Bibtex.
"title": "Sparse Tensor Transpositions",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2020/mueller-transpositions-arxiv.pdf",
"journal": "arXiv:2005.10427 [cs]",
"author0": "Mueller, Suzanne and Ahrens, Willow and Chou, Stephen and Kjolstad, Fredrik and Amarasinghe, Saman",
"month": "May",
"year": "2020",
"bibtexKey": "mueller_sparse_2020_full",
"itemType": "article",
"author": [
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"Willow Ahrens",
"Stephen Chou",
"Fredrik Kjolstad",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "Sparse Tensor Transpositions",
"date": "2020-05",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "article",
"publication-type": "Journal Article",
"html": "Sparse Tensor Transpositions.
Suzanne Mueller, Willow Ahrens, Stephen Chou, Fredrik Kjolstad, Saman Amarasinghe.
arXiv:2005.10427 [cs].
May, 2020. Bibtex.
"title": "A Framework for Computing on Sparse Tensors based on Operator Properties",
"author0": "Rawn Henry",
"month": "May",
"year": "2020",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2020/rawn_2020.pdf",
"type": "Publication",
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"school": "Massachusetts Institute of Technology",
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"label": "A Framework for Computing on Sparse Tensors based on Operator Properties",
"date": "2020-05",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "mastersthesis",
"publication-type": "MEng Thesis",
"html": "A Framework for Computing on Sparse Tensors based on Operator Properties.
Rawn Henry.
MEng Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Cambridge, MA. May, 2020. Bibtex.
"title": "Automatic Optimization of Sparse Tensor Algebra Programs",
"author0": "Ziheng Wang",
"month": "May",
"year": "2020",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2020/tony_2020.pdf",
"type": "Publication",
"address": "Cambridge, MA",
"school": "Massachusetts Institute of Technology",
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"Ziheng Wang"
"label": "Automatic Optimization of Sparse Tensor Algebra Programs",
"date": "2020-05",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "mastersthesis",
"publication-type": "MEng Thesis",
"html": "Automatic Optimization of Sparse Tensor Algebra Programs.
Ziheng Wang.
MEng Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Cambridge, MA. May, 2020. Bibtex.
"title": "Optimizing Ordered Graph Algorithms with GraphIt",
"author0": "Zhang, Yunming and Brahmakshatriya, Ajay and Chen, Xinyi and Dhulipala, Laxman and Kamil, Shoaib and Amarasinghe, Saman and Shun, Julian",
"journal": "Proceedings of the 18th ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization (CGO 2020)",
"year": "2020",
"month": "Feb",
"isbn": "9781450370479",
"publisher": "Association for Computing Machinery",
"address": "New York, NY, USA",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2020/yunming-cgo20.pdf",
"slides": "https://yunmingzhang.files.wordpress.com/2020/06/cgo2020.pdf",
"doi": "10.1145/3368826.3377909",
"pages": "158\u2013170",
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"series": "CGO 2020",
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"itemType": "inproceedings",
"author": [
"Yunming Zhang",
"Ajay Brahmakshatriya",
"Xinyi Chen",
"Laxman Dhulipala",
"Shoaib Kamil",
"Saman Amarasinghe",
"Julian Shun"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "Optimizing Ordered Graph Algorithms with GraphIt",
"date": "2020-02",
"type-original": [
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"html": "Optimizing Ordered Graph Algorithms with GraphIt.
Yunming Zhang, Ajay Brahmakshatriya, Xinyi Chen, Laxman Dhulipala, Shoaib Kamil, Saman Amarasinghe, Julian Shun.
Proceedings of the 18th ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization (CGO 2020).
New York, NY, USA. Feb, 2020. Slides. Bibtex.
"title": "A Unified Iteration Space Transformation Framework for Sparse and Dense Tensor Algebra",
"author0": "Ryan Senanayake",
"month": "Feb",
"year": "2020",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2020/ryan_2020.pdf",
"type": "Publication",
"address": "Cambridge, MA",
"school": "Massachusetts Institute of Technology",
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"price": "Charles Jennifer Johnson Computer Science MEng Thesis Award - 1st place, 2020",
"bibtexKey": "ryan:2020",
"itemType": "mastersthesis",
"author": [
"Ryan Senanayake"
"label": "A Unified Iteration Space Transformation Framework for Sparse and Dense Tensor Algebra",
"date": "2020-02",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "mastersthesis",
"publication-type": "MEng Thesis",
"html": "A Unified Iteration Space Transformation Framework for Sparse and Dense Tensor Algebra.
Ryan Senanayake.
MEng Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Cambridge, MA. Feb, 2020. Bibtex.
Charles Jennifer Johnson Computer Science MEng Thesis Award - 1st place, 2020.
"title": "Sparse Tensor Transpositions in the Tensor Algebra Compiler",
"author0": "Suzanne Mueller",
"month": "Feb",
"year": "2020",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2020/suzanne_2020.pdf",
"type": "Publication",
"address": "Cambridge, MA",
"school": "Massachusetts Institute of Technology",
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"itemType": "mastersthesis",
"author": [
"Suzanne Mueller"
"label": "Sparse Tensor Transpositions in the Tensor Algebra Compiler",
"date": "2020-02",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "mastersthesis",
"publication-type": "MEng Thesis",
"html": "Sparse Tensor Transpositions in the Tensor Algebra Compiler.
Suzanne Mueller.
MEng Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Cambridge, MA. Feb, 2020. Bibtex.
"title": "Sparse Tensor Algebra Compilation",
"author0": "Fredrik Kjolstad",
"month": "Feb",
"year": "2020",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2020/kjolstad-thesis.pdf",
"type": "Publication",
"address": "Cambridge, MA",
"school": "Massachusetts Institute of Technology",
"keywords": [
"price": "George M. Sprowls PhD Thesis Award in MIT Computer Science, 1st place, 2021",
"bibtexKey": "fred-taco",
"itemType": "phdthesis",
"author": [
"Fredrik Kjolstad"
"label": "Sparse Tensor Algebra Compilation",
"date": "2020-02",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "phdthesis",
"publication-type": "PhD Thesis",
"html": "Sparse Tensor Algebra Compilation.
Fredrik Kjolstad.
PhD Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Cambridge, MA. Feb, 2020. Bibtex.
George M. Sprowls PhD Thesis Award in MIT Computer Science, 1st place, 2021.
"title": "Compiler Auto-Vectorization with Imitation Learning",
"author0": "Mendis, Charith and Yang, Cambridge and Pu, Yewen and Amarasinghe, Saman and Carbin, Michael",
"booktitle": "Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 32 (NeurIPS)",
"editor": "H. Wallach and H. Larochelle and A. Beygelzimer and F. d\\textquotesingle Alch\\'{e}-Buc and E. Fox and R. Garnett",
"pages": "14598--14609",
"year": "2019",
"month": "Dec",
"publisher": "Curran Associates, Inc.",
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"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/19/vemal-nips.pdf",
"bibtexKey": "vemal-neurips",
"itemType": "incollection",
"author": [
"Charith Mendis",
"Cambridge Yang",
"Yewen Pu",
"Saman Amarasinghe",
"Michael Carbin"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "Compiler Auto-Vectorization with Imitation Learning",
"date": "2019-12",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "incollection",
"publication-type": "Other",
"html": "Compiler Auto-Vectorization with Imitation Learning.
Charith Mendis, Cambridge Yang, Yewen Pu, Saman Amarasinghe, Michael Carbin.
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 32 (NeurIPS).
Dec, 2019. Bibtex.
"title": "BHive: A Benchmark Suite and Measurement Framework for Validating x86-64 Basic Block Performance Models",
"author0": "Chen, Yishen and Brahmakshatriya, Ajay and Mendis, Charith and Renda, Alex and Atkinson, Eric and Sykora, Ondrej and Amarasinghe, Saman and Carbin, Michael",
"booktitle": "2019 IEEE international symposium on workload characterization (IISWC)",
"year": "2019",
"month": "Nov",
"organization": "IEEE",
"keywords": [
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/19/ithemal-measurement.pdf",
"bibtexKey": "bhive",
"itemType": "inproceedings",
"author": [
"Yishen Chen",
"Ajay Brahmakshatriya",
"Charith Mendis",
"Alex Renda",
"Eric Atkinson",
"Ondrej Sykora",
"Saman Amarasinghe",
"Michael Carbin"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "BHive: A Benchmark Suite and Measurement Framework for Validating x86-64 Basic Block Performance Models",
"date": "2019-11",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "inproceedings",
"publication-type": "Conference Publication",
"html": "BHive: A Benchmark Suite and Measurement Framework for Validating x86-64 Basic Block Performance Models.
Yishen Chen, Ajay Brahmakshatriya, Charith Mendis, Alex Renda, Eric Atkinson, Ondrej Sykora, Saman Amarasinghe, Michael Carbin.
2019 IEEE international symposium on workload characterization (IISWC).
Nov, 2019. Bibtex.
"author0": "Shajii, Ariya and Numanagic, Ibrahim and Baghdadi, Riyadh and Berger, Bonnie and Amarasinghe, Saman",
"title": "Seq: A High-performance Language for Bioinformatics",
"journal": "Proc. ACM Program. Lang. (OOPSLA)",
"issue_date": "October 2019",
"volume": "3",
"number": "OOPSLA",
"month": "Oct",
"year": "2019",
"issn": "2475-1421",
"pages": "125:1--125:29",
"articleno": "125",
"numpages": "29",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2019/oopsla-seq.pdf",
"doi": "10.1145/3360551",
"acmid": "3360551",
"publisher": "ACM",
"address": "New York, NY, USA",
"keywords": [
"bibtexKey": "shajii:oopsla:2019",
"itemType": "article",
"author": [
"Ariya Shajii",
"Ibrahim Numanagic",
"Riyadh Baghdadi",
"Bonnie Berger",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "Seq: A High-performance Language for Bioinformatics",
"date": "2019-10",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "article",
"publication-type": "Journal Article",
"html": "Seq: A High-performance Language for Bioinformatics.
Ariya Shajii, Ibrahim Numanagic, Riyadh Baghdadi, Bonnie Berger, Saman Amarasinghe.
Proc. ACM Program. Lang. (OOPSLA).
New York, NY, USA. Oct, 2019. Bibtex.
"title": "Ithemal: Accurate, Portable and Fast Basic Block Throughput Estimation using Deep Neural Networks",
"author0": "Mendis, Charith and Renda, Alex and Amarasinghe, Saman and Carbin, Michael",
"booktitle": "Proceedings of the 36th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML)",
"pages": "4505--4515",
"year": "2019",
"editor": "Chaudhuri, Kamalika and Salakhutdinov, Ruslan",
"volume": "97",
"series": "Proceedings of Machine Learning Research",
"address": "Long Beach, California, USA",
"month": "Jun",
"publisher": "PMLR",
"pdf": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/19/ithemal-icml.pdf",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/19/ithemal-icml.pdf",
"keywords": [
"price": "Best Paper Award (ML for Systems workshop @ISCA 2019)",
"abstract": "Predicting the number of clock cycles a processor takes to execute a block of assembly instructions in steady state (the throughput) is important for both compiler designers and performance engineers. Building an analytical model to do so is especially complicated in modern x86-64 Complex Instruction Set Computer (CISC) machines with sophisticated processor microarchitectures in that it is tedious, error prone, and must be performed from scratch for each processor generation. In this paper we present Ithemal, the first tool which learns to predict the throughput of a set of instructions. Ithemal uses a hierarchical LSTM\u2013based approach to predict throughput based on the opcodes and operands of instructions in a basic block. We show that Ithemal is more accurate than state-of-the-art hand-written tools currently used in compiler backends and static machine code analyzers. In particular, our model has less than half the error of state-of-the-art analytical models (LLVM\u2019s llvm-mca and Intel\u2019s IACA). Ithemal is also able to predict these throughput values just as fast as the aforementioned tools, and is easily ported across a variety of processor microarchitectures with minimal developer effort.",
"bibtexKey": "ithemal-icml",
"itemType": "inproceedings",
"author": [
"Charith Mendis",
"Alex Renda",
"Saman Amarasinghe",
"Michael Carbin"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "Ithemal: Accurate, Portable and Fast Basic Block Throughput Estimation using Deep Neural Networks",
"date": "2019-06",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "inproceedings",
"publication-type": "Conference Publication",
"html": "Ithemal: Accurate, Portable and Fast Basic Block Throughput Estimation using Deep Neural Networks.
Charith Mendis, Alex Renda, Saman Amarasinghe, Michael Carbin.
Proceedings of the 36th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML).
Long Beach, California, USA. Jun, 2019. Bibtex.
Best Paper Award (ML for Systems workshop @ISCA 2019).
"title": "Improving performance and security of indirect memory references on speculative execution machines",
"author0": "Vladimir Kiriansky",
"month": "Jun",
"year": "2019",
"url": "https://groups.csail.mit.edu/commit/papers/2019/vkiriansky19phd.pdf",
"keywords": [
"type": "Publication",
"address": "Cambridge, MA",
"school": "Massachusetts Institute of Technology",
"bibtexKey": "vlk:phd-thesis:2019",
"itemType": "phdthesis",
"author": [
"Vladimir Kiriansky"
"label": "Improving performance and security of indirect memory references on speculative execution machines",
"date": "2019-06",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "phdthesis",
"publication-type": "PhD Thesis",
"html": "Improving performance and security of indirect memory references on speculative execution machines.
Vladimir Kiriansky.
PhD Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Cambridge, MA. Jun, 2019. Bibtex.
"title": "Efficient Memory and GPU Operations for Tiramisu Compiler",
"author0": "Abdurrahman Akkas",
"month": "May",
"year": "2019",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2019/akkas.pdf",
"type": "Publication",
"address": "Cambridge, MA",
"school": "Massachusetts Institute of Technology",
"keywords": [
"bibtexKey": "akkas2019",
"itemType": "mastersthesis",
"author": [
"Abdurrahman Akkas"
"label": "Efficient Memory and GPU Operations for Tiramisu Compiler",
"date": "2019-05",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "mastersthesis",
"publication-type": "MEng Thesis",
"html": "Efficient Memory and GPU Operations for Tiramisu Compiler.
Abdurrahman Akkas.
MEng Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Cambridge, MA. May, 2019. Bibtex.
"title": "A Tensor Algebra Compiler Library Interface and Runtime",
"author0": "Patricio Noyola",
"month": "May",
"year": "2019",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2019/Patricio_thesis.pdf",
"type": "Publication",
"address": "Cambridge, MA",
"school": "Massachusetts Institute of Technology",
"keywords": [
"bibtexKey": "patricio:2019",
"itemType": "mastersthesis",
"author": [
"Patricio Noyola"
"label": "A Tensor Algebra Compiler Library Interface and Runtime",
"date": "2019-05",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "mastersthesis",
"publication-type": "MEng Thesis",
"html": "A Tensor Algebra Compiler Library Interface and Runtime.
Patricio Noyola.
MEng Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Cambridge, MA. May, 2019. Bibtex.
"title": "Tiramisu: A Polyhedral Compiler for Expressing Fast and Portable Code",
"author0": "Baghdadi, Riyadh and Ray, Jessica and Ben Romdhane, Malek and Del Sozzo, Emanuele and Akkas, Abdurrahman and Zhang, Yunming and Suriana, Patricia and Kamil, Shoaib and Amarasinghe, Saman",
"journal": "Proceedings of the 2019 International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization (CGO)",
"month": "Feb",
"keywords": [
"year": "2019",
"location": "Washington DC, USA",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2018/tiramisu_paper.pdf",
"bibtexKey": "tiramisu",
"itemType": "article",
"author": [
"Riyadh Baghdadi",
"Jessica Ray",
"Malek Ben Romdhane",
"Emanuele Del Sozzo",
"Abdurrahman Akkas",
"Yunming Zhang",
"Patricia Suriana",
"Shoaib Kamil",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "Tiramisu: A Polyhedral Compiler for Expressing Fast and Portable Code",
"date": "2019-02",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "article",
"publication-type": "Journal Article",
"html": "Tiramisu: A Polyhedral Compiler for Expressing Fast and Portable Code.
Riyadh Baghdadi, Jessica Ray, Malek Ben Romdhane, Emanuele Del Sozzo, Abdurrahman Akkas, Yunming Zhang, Patricia Suriana, Shoaib Kamil, Saman Amarasinghe.
Proceedings of the 2019 International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization (CGO).
Feb, 2019. Bibtex.
"title": "Tensor Algebra Compilation with Workspaces",
"author0": "Fredrik Kjolstad and Peter Ahrens and Shoaib Kamil and Saman Amarasinghe",
"journal": "International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization (CGO)",
"year": "2019",
"month": "Feb",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2018/kjolstad-18-workspaces.pdf",
"keywords": [
"bibtexKey": "kjolstad:2018:workspaces",
"itemType": "article",
"author": [
"Fredrik Kjolstad",
"Peter Ahrens",
"Shoaib Kamil",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "Tensor Algebra Compilation with Workspaces",
"date": "2019-02",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "article",
"publication-type": "Journal Article",
"html": "Tensor Algebra Compilation with Workspaces.
Fredrik Kjolstad, Peter Ahrens, Shoaib Kamil, Saman Amarasinghe.
International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization (CGO).
Feb, 2019. Bibtex.
"title": "SuperTaco: Taco Tensor Algebra Kernels on Distributed Systems Using Legion",
"author0": "Sachin Dilip Shinde",
"month": "Feb",
"year": "2019",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2019/thesis-shinde.pdf",
"type": "Publication",
"address": "Cambridge, MA",
"school": "Massachusetts Institute of Technology",
"keywords": [
"bibtexKey": "shinde:2018",
"itemType": "mastersthesis",
"author": [
"Sachin Dilip Shinde"
"label": "SuperTaco: Taco Tensor Algebra Kernels on Distributed Systems Using Legion",
"date": "2019-02",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "mastersthesis",
"publication-type": "MEng Thesis",
"html": "SuperTaco: Taco Tensor Algebra Kernels on Distributed Systems Using Legion.
Sachin Dilip Shinde.
MEng Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Cambridge, MA. Feb, 2019. Bibtex.
"author0": "Mendis, Charith and Jain, Ajay and Jain, Paras and Amarasinghe, Saman",
"title": "Revec: Program Rejuvenation Through Revectorization",
"booktitle": "Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Compiler Construction (CC)",
"series": "CC 2019",
"year": "2019",
"isbn": "978-1-4503-6277-1",
"location": "Washington, DC, USA",
"pages": "29--41",
"numpages": "13",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/19/revec-cc.pdf",
"doi": "10.1145/3302516.3307357",
"acmid": "3307357",
"publisher": "ACM",
"address": "New York, NY, USA",
"keywords": [
"bibtexKey": "revec-cc",
"itemType": "inproceedings",
"author": [
"Charith Mendis",
"Ajay Jain",
"Paras Jain",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "Revec: Program Rejuvenation Through Revectorization",
"date": "2019",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "inproceedings",
"publication-type": "Conference Publication",
"html": "Revec: Program Rejuvenation Through Revectorization.
Charith Mendis, Ajay Jain, Paras Jain, Saman Amarasinghe.
Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Compiler Construction (CC).
New York, NY, USA. 2019. Bibtex.
"author0": "Mendis, Charith and Yang, Cambridge and Pu, Yewen and Amarasinghe, Saman and Carbin, Michael",
"title": "Compiler Auto-Vectorization using Imitation Learning",
"booktitle": "Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS)",
"year": "2019",
"url": "https://groups.csail.mit.edu/commit/papers/2019/not_yet.pdf",
"keywords": [
"bibtexKey": "charithautovec",
"itemType": "article",
"author": [
"Charith Mendis",
"Cambridge Yang",
"Yewen Pu",
"Saman Amarasinghe",
"Michael Carbin"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "Compiler Auto-Vectorization using Imitation Learning",
"date": "2019",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "article",
"publication-type": "Journal Article",
"html": "Compiler Auto-Vectorization using Imitation Learning.
Charith Mendis, Cambridge Yang, Yewen Pu, Saman Amarasinghe, Michael Carbin.
Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS).
2019. Bibtex.
"author0": "Vladimir Kiriansky and Ilia Lebedev and Saman Amarasinghe and Srinivas Devadas and Joel Emer",
"title": "DAWG: A Defense Against Cache Timing Attacks in Speculative Execution Processors",
"year": "2018",
"keywords": [
"url": "https://groups.csail.mit.edu/commit/papers/2018/kiriansky-micro18-dawg.pdf",
"slides": "https://groups.csail.mit.edu/commit/papers/2018/kiriansky18micro-dawg-slides.pdf",
"booktitle": "2018 51th Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture",
"series": "MICRO '18",
"month": "Oct",
"bibtexKey": "kiriansky-micro18-dawg",
"itemType": "inproceedings",
"author": [
"Vladimir Kiriansky",
"Ilia Lebedev",
"Saman Amarasinghe",
"Srinivas Devadas",
"Joel Emer"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "DAWG: A Defense Against Cache Timing Attacks in Speculative Execution Processors",
"date": "2018-10",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "inproceedings",
"publication-type": "Conference Publication",
"html": "DAWG: A Defense Against Cache Timing Attacks in Speculative Execution Processors.
Vladimir Kiriansky, Ilia Lebedev, Saman Amarasinghe, Srinivas Devadas, Joel Emer.
2018 51th Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture.
Oct, 2018. Slides. Bibtex.
"author0": "Zhang, Yunming and Yang, Mengjiao and Baghdadi, Riyadh and Kamil, Shoaib and Shun, Julian and Amarasinghe, Saman",
"title": "GraphIt: A High-performance Graph DSL",
"journal": "Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages (OOPSLA)",
"issue_date": "November 2018",
"volume": "2",
"number": "OOPSLA",
"month": "Oct",
"year": "2018",
"issn": "2475-1421",
"pages": "121:1--121:30",
"articleno": "121",
"numpages": "30",
"slides": "https://yunmingzhang.files.wordpress.com/2020/06/graphit_v5.0_wide_screen_20min.pdf",
"url": "https://groups.csail.mit.edu/commit/papers/2018/graphit.pdf",
"doi": "10.1145/3276491",
"acmid": "3276491",
"publisher": "ACM",
"address": "New York, NY, USA",
"keywords": [
"bibtexKey": "graphit",
"itemType": "article",
"author": [
"Yunming Zhang",
"Mengjiao Yang",
"Riyadh Baghdadi",
"Shoaib Kamil",
"Julian Shun",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "GraphIt: A High-performance Graph DSL",
"date": "2018-10",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "article",
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"html": "GraphIt: A High-performance Graph DSL.
Yunming Zhang, Mengjiao Yang, Riyadh Baghdadi, Shoaib Kamil, Julian Shun, Saman Amarasinghe.
Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages (OOPSLA).
New York, NY, USA. Oct, 2018. Slides. Bibtex.
"author0": "Mendis, Charith and Amarasinghe, Saman",
"title": "goSLP: Globally Optimized Superword Level Parallelism Framework",
"journal": "Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages (OOPSLA)",
"issue_date": "November 2018",
"volume": "2",
"number": "OOPSLA",
"month": "Oct",
"year": "2018",
"issn": "2475-1421",
"pages": "110:1--110:28",
"articleno": "110",
"numpages": "28",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2018/oopsla-goslp.pdf",
"doi": "10.1145/3276480",
"acmid": "3276480",
"publisher": "ACM",
"address": "New York, NY, USA",
"keywords": [
"bibtexKey": "goslp",
"itemType": "article",
"author": [
"Charith Mendis",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "goSLP: Globally Optimized Superword Level Parallelism Framework",
"date": "2018-10",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "article",
"publication-type": "Journal Article",
"html": "goSLP: Globally Optimized Superword Level Parallelism Framework.
Charith Mendis, Saman Amarasinghe.
Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages (OOPSLA).
New York, NY, USA. Oct, 2018. Bibtex.
"author0": "Chou, Stephen and Kjolstad, Fredrik and Amarasinghe, Saman",
"title": "Format Abstraction for Sparse Tensor Algebra Compilers",
"journal": "Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages (OOPSLA)",
"issue_date": "November 2018",
"volume": "2",
"number": "OOPSLA",
"month": "Oct",
"year": "2018",
"issn": "2475-1421",
"pages": "123:1--123:30",
"articleno": "123",
"numpages": "30",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2018/chou-oopsla18-taco-formats.pdf",
"doi": "10.1145/3276493",
"acmid": "3276493",
"publisher": "ACM",
"address": "New York, NY, USA",
"keywords": [
"bibtexKey": "chou:2018:formats",
"itemType": "article",
"author": [
"Stephen Chou",
"Fredrik Kjolstad",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "Format Abstraction for Sparse Tensor Algebra Compilers",
"date": "2018-10",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "article",
"publication-type": "Journal Article",
"html": "Format Abstraction for Sparse Tensor Algebra Compilers.
Stephen Chou, Fredrik Kjolstad, Saman Amarasinghe.
Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages (OOPSLA).
New York, NY, USA. Oct, 2018. Bibtex.
"author0": "Mendis, Charith and Amarasinghe, Saman and Carbin, Michael",
"title": "Ithemal: Accurate, Portable and Fast Basic Block Throughput Estimation using Deep Neural Networks",
"journal": "ArXiv e-prints",
"archiveprefix": "arXiv",
"eprint": "1808.07412",
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"url": "https://arxiv.org/pdf/1808.07412.pdf",
"adsurl": "http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2018arXiv180807412M",
"adsnote": "Provided by the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System",
"bibtexKey": "ithemal",
"itemType": "article",
"author": [
"Charith Mendis",
"Saman Amarasinghe",
"Michael Carbin"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "Ithemal: Accurate, Portable and Fast Basic Block Throughput Estimation using Deep Neural Networks",
"date": "2018-08",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "article",
"publication-type": "Journal Article",
"html": "Ithemal: Accurate, Portable and Fast Basic Block Throughput Estimation using Deep Neural Networks.
Charith Mendis, Saman Amarasinghe, Michael Carbin.
ArXiv e-prints.
Aug, 2018. Bibtex.
"title": "Extending the Capabilities of Tiramisu",
"author0": "Malek Ben Romdhane",
"month": "Jun",
"year": "2018",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2018/thesis_malek.pdf",
"type": "Publication",
"address": "Cambridge, MA",
"school": "Massachusetts Institute of Technology",
"keywords": [
"bibtexKey": "malek:2018",
"itemType": "mastersthesis",
"author": [
"Malek Ben Romdhane"
"label": "Extending the Capabilities of Tiramisu",
"date": "2018-06",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "mastersthesis",
"publication-type": "MEng Thesis",
"html": "Extending the Capabilities of Tiramisu.
Malek Ben Romdhane.
MEng Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Cambridge, MA. Jun, 2018. Bibtex.
"title": "Unified Sparse Formats for Tensor Algebra Compilers",
"author0": "Stephen Chou",
"month": "Feb",
"year": "2018",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2018/chou-18-sm-thesis.pdf",
"type": "Publication",
"address": "Cambridge, MA",
"school": "Massachusetts Institute of Technology",
"keywords": [
"bibtexKey": "chou:sm-thesis:2018",
"itemType": "sciencethesis",
"author": [
"Stephen Chou"
"label": "Unified Sparse Formats for Tensor Algebra Compilers",
"date": "2018-02",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "sciencethesis",
"publication-type": "SM Thesis",
"html": "Unified Sparse Formats for Tensor Algebra Compilers.
Stephen Chou.
SM Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Cambridge, MA. Feb, 2018. Bibtex.
"title": "Tiramisu: a Three-Layered Abstraction for Hiding Hardware Complexity from DSL Compilers",
"author0": "Baghdadi, Riyadh and Ray, Jessica and Ben Romdhane, Malek and Del Sozzo, Emanuele and Suriana, Patricia and Kamil, Shoaib and Amarasinghe, Saman",
"journal": "ArXiv e-prints",
"archiveprefix": "arXiv",
"eprint": "1803.00419",
"month": "Feb",
"primaryclass": "cs.MS",
"year": "2018",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2018/tiramisu_techreport.pdf",
"keywords": [
"bibtexKey": "tiramisu_techreport",
"itemType": "article",
"author": [
"Riyadh Baghdadi",
"Jessica Ray",
"Malek Ben Romdhane",
"Emanuele Del Sozzo",
"Patricia Suriana",
"Shoaib Kamil",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "Tiramisu: a Three-Layered Abstraction for Hiding Hardware Complexity from DSL Compilers",
"date": "2018-02",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "article",
"publication-type": "Journal Article",
"html": "Tiramisu: a Three-Layered Abstraction for Hiding Hardware Complexity from DSL Compilers.
Riyadh Baghdadi, Jessica Ray, Malek Ben Romdhane, Emanuele Del Sozzo, Patricia Suriana, Shoaib Kamil, Saman Amarasinghe.
ArXiv e-prints.
Feb, 2018. Bibtex.
"title": "A Unified Compiler Backend for Distributed, Cooperative Heterogeneous Execution",
"author0": "Jessica Ray",
"month": "Feb",
"year": "2018",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2018/jessica_master.pdf",
"type": "Publication",
"address": "Cambridge, MA",
"school": "Massachusetts Institute of Technology",
"keywords": [
"bibtexKey": "jessica:2018",
"itemType": "mastersthesis",
"author": [
"Jessica Ray"
"label": "A Unified Compiler Backend for Distributed, Cooperative Heterogeneous Execution",
"date": "2018-02",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "mastersthesis",
"publication-type": "MEng Thesis",
"html": "A Unified Compiler Backend for Distributed, Cooperative Heterogeneous Execution.
Jessica Ray.
MEng Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Cambridge, MA. Feb, 2018. Bibtex.
"author0": "Kiriansky, Vladimir and Xu, Haoran and Rinard, Martin and Amarasinghe, Saman",
"title": "Cimple: Instruction and Memory Level Parallelism: A DSL for Uncovering ILP and MLP",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2018/kiriansky-pact18-cimple.pdf",
"slides": "https://groups.csail.mit.edu/commit/papers/2018/kiriansky18pact-cimple-slides.pdf",
"booktitle": "Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques (PACT)",
"series": "PACT '18",
"year": "2018",
"isbn": "978-1-4503-5986-3",
"location": "Limassol, Cyprus",
"pages": "30:1--30:16",
"articleno": "30",
"numpages": "16",
"doi": "10.1145/3243176.3243185",
"acmid": "3243185",
"publisher": "ACM",
"address": "New York, NY, USA",
"keywords": [
"bibtexKey": "kiriansky-pact18-cimple",
"itemType": "article",
"author": [
"Vladimir Kiriansky",
"Haoran Xu",
"Martin Rinard",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "Cimple: Instruction and Memory Level Parallelism: A DSL for Uncovering ILP and MLP",
"date": "2018",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "article",
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"html": "Cimple: Instruction and Memory Level Parallelism: A DSL for Uncovering ILP and MLP.
Vladimir Kiriansky, Haoran Xu, Martin Rinard, Saman Amarasinghe.
Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques (PACT).
New York, NY, USA. 2018. Slides. Bibtex.
"author0": "Kjolstad, Fredrik and Kamil, Shoaib and Amarasinghe, Saman",
"title": "Automatic Generation of Sparse Tensor Kernels with Workspaces",
"journal": "ArXiv e-prints",
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"year": "2018",
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"author": [
"Fredrik Kjolstad",
"Shoaib Kamil",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "Automatic Generation of Sparse Tensor Kernels with Workspaces",
"date": "2018",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "article",
"publication-type": "Journal Article",
"html": "Automatic Generation of Sparse Tensor Kernels with Workspaces.
Fredrik Kjolstad, Shoaib Kamil, Saman Amarasinghe.
ArXiv e-prints.
2018. Bibtex.
"author0": "Del Sozzo, Emanuele and Baghdadi, Riyadh and Amarasinghe, Saman and Santambrogio, Marco D.",
"booktitle": "2018 IEEE 29th International Conference on Application-specific Systems, Architectures and Processors (ASAP)",
"title": "A Unified Backend for Targeting FPGAs from DSLs",
"year": "2018",
"volume": "",
"number": "",
"keywords": [
"pages": "1-8",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2018/frost_ASAP.pdf",
"doi": "10.1109/ASAP.2018.8445108",
"bibtexKey": "del2018",
"itemType": "inproceedings",
"author": [
"Emanuele Del Sozzo",
"Riyadh Baghdadi",
"Saman Amarasinghe",
"Marco D. Santambrogio"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "A Unified Backend for Targeting FPGAs from DSLs",
"date": "2018",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "inproceedings",
"publication-type": "Conference Publication",
"html": "A Unified Backend for Targeting FPGAs from DSLs.
Emanuele Del Sozzo, Riyadh Baghdadi, Saman Amarasinghe, Marco D. Santambrogio.
2018 IEEE 29th International Conference on Application-specific Systems, Architectures and Processors (ASAP).
2018. Bibtex.
"title": "Gloss: Seamless Live Reconfiguration and Reoptimization of Stream Programs",
"author0": "Rajadurai, Sumanaruban and Bosboom, Jeffrey and Wong, Weng-Fai and Amarasinghe, Saman",
"booktitle": "The 23rd ACM International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS)",
"year": "2018",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2018/asplos013.pdf",
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"author": [
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"Jeffrey Bosboom",
"Weng-Fai Wong",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "Gloss: Seamless Live Reconfiguration and Reoptimization of Stream Programs",
"date": "2018",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "inproceedings",
"publication-type": "Conference Publication",
"html": "Gloss: Seamless Live Reconfiguration and Reoptimization of Stream Programs.
Sumanaruban Rajadurai, Jeffrey Bosboom, Weng-Fai Wong, Saman Amarasinghe.
The 23rd ACM International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS).
2018. Slides. Bibtex.
"author0": "Ragan-Kelley, Jonathan and Adams, Andrew and Sharlet, Dillon and Barnes, Connelly and Paris, Sylvain and Levoy, Marc and Amarasinghe, Saman and Durand, Fredo",
"title": "Halide: Decoupling Algorithms from Schedules for High-performance Image Processing",
"journal": "Communications of the ACM",
"issue_date": "January 2018",
"volume": "61",
"number": "1",
"month": "Dec",
"year": "2017",
"issn": "0001-0782",
"pages": "106--115",
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"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2018/p106-ragan-kelley.pdf",
"doi": "10.1145/3150211",
"acmid": "3150211",
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"bibtexKey": "Ragan-Kelley:2017:HDA:3176926.3150211",
"itemType": "article",
"author": [
"Jonathan Ragan-Kelley",
"Andrew Adams",
"Dillon Sharlet",
"Connelly Barnes",
"Sylvain Paris",
"Marc Levoy",
"Saman Amarasinghe",
"Fredo Durand"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "Halide: Decoupling Algorithms from Schedules for High-performance Image Processing",
"date": "2017-12",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "article",
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"html": "Halide: Decoupling Algorithms from Schedules for High-performance Image Processing.
Jonathan Ragan-Kelley, Andrew Adams, Dillon Sharlet, Connelly Barnes, Sylvain Paris, Marc Levoy, Saman Amarasinghe, Fredo Durand.
Communications of the ACM.
New York, NY, USA. Dec, 2017. Bibtex.
"author0": "Zhang, Yunming and Kiriansky, Vladimir and Mendis, Charith and Zaharia, Matei and Amarasinghe, Saman",
"title": "Making Caches Work for Graph Analytics",
"booktitle": "IEEE International Conference on Big Data",
"month": "Dec",
"series": "BigData '17",
"year": "2017",
"location": "Boston, USA",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2017/zhang-bigdata17-cagra.pdf",
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"author": [
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"Charith Mendis",
"Matei Zaharia",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
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"label": "Making Caches Work for Graph Analytics",
"date": "2017-12",
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"html": "Making Caches Work for Graph Analytics.
Yunming Zhang, Vladimir Kiriansky, Charith Mendis, Matei Zaharia, Saman Amarasinghe.
IEEE International Conference on Big Data.
Dec, 2017. Bibtex.
Best Student Paper Award.
"author0": "Kjolstad, Fredrik and Kamil, Shoaib and Chou, Stephen and Lugato, David and Amarasinghe, Saman",
"title": "The Tensor Algebra Compiler",
"journal": "Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages (OOPSLA)",
"issue_date": "October 2017",
"volume": "1",
"number": "OOPSLA",
"month": "Oct",
"year": "2017",
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"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2017/kjolstad-oopsla17-tensor-compiler.pdf",
"doi": "10.1145/3133901",
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"Fredrik Kjolstad",
"Shoaib Kamil",
"Stephen Chou",
"David Lugato",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "The Tensor Algebra Compiler",
"date": "2017-10",
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"pub-type": "article",
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"html": "The Tensor Algebra Compiler.
Fredrik Kjolstad, Shoaib Kamil, Stephen Chou, David Lugato, Saman Amarasinghe.
Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages (OOPSLA).
New York, NY, USA. Oct, 2017. Bibtex.
OOPSLA Distinguished Paper Award.
"author0": "Shoumik Palkar and James J. Thomas and Anil Shanbhag and Deepak Narayanan and Holger Pirk and Malte Schwarzkopf and Saman Amarasinghe and Matei Zaharia",
"title": "Weld: A Common Runtime for High Performance Data Analytics",
"booktitle": "The biennial Conference on Innovative Data Systems Research",
"month": "Jan",
"series": "CIDR '17",
"year": "2017",
"location": "Chaminade, California",
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"Anil Shanbhag",
"Deepak Narayanan",
"Holger Pirk",
"Malte Schwarzkopf",
"Saman Amarasinghe",
"Matei Zaharia"
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"label": "Weld: A Common Runtime for High Performance Data Analytics",
"date": "2017-01",
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Shoumik Palkar, James J. Thomas, Anil Shanbhag, Deepak Narayanan, Holger Pirk, Malte Schwarzkopf, Saman Amarasinghe, Matei Zaharia.
The biennial Conference on Innovative Data Systems Research.
Jan, 2017. Bibtex.
"author0": "Kjolstad, Fredrik and Chou, Stephen and Lugato, David and Kamil, Shoaib and Amarasinghe, Saman",
"title": "Taco: A Tool to Generate Tensor Algebra Kernels",
"booktitle": "Proceedings of the 32Nd IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering",
"series": "ASE 2017",
"year": "2017",
"isbn": "978-1-5386-2684-9",
"location": "Urbana-Champaign, IL, USA",
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"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2017/kjolstad-ase17-taco.pdf",
"acmid": "3155683",
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"bibtexKey": "Kjolstad:2017:TTG:3155562.3155683",
"itemType": "inproceedings",
"author": [
"Fredrik Kjolstad",
"Stephen Chou",
"David Lugato",
"Shoaib Kamil",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "Taco: A Tool to Generate Tensor Algebra Kernels",
"date": "2017",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "inproceedings",
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Fredrik Kjolstad, Stephen Chou, David Lugato, Shoaib Kamil, Saman Amarasinghe.
Proceedings of the 32Nd IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering.
Piscataway, NJ, USA. 2017. Bibtex.
"title": "A Common Backend for Hardware Acceleration on FPGA",
"author0": "Del Sozzo, Emanuele and Baghdadi, Riyadh and Amarasinghe, Saman and Santambrogio, Marco D",
"booktitle": "Computer Design (ICCD), 2017 IEEE International Conference on",
"pages": "427--430",
"year": "2017",
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"label": "A Common Backend for Hardware Acceleration on FPGA",
"date": "2017",
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"pub-type": "inproceedings",
"publication-type": "Conference Publication",
"html": "A Common Backend for Hardware Acceleration on FPGA.
Emanuele Del Sozzo, Riyadh Baghdadi, Saman Amarasinghe, Marco D Santambrogio.
Computer Design (ICCD), 2017 IEEE International Conference on.
2017. Bibtex.
"author0": "Kiriansky, Vladimir and Zhang, Yunming and Amarasinghe, Saman",
"title": "Optimizing Indirect Memory References with milk",
"booktitle": "2016 International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques (PACT)",
"month": "Sep",
"series": "PACT '16",
"year": "2016",
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"url": "http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/2967938.2967948",
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"itemType": "article",
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"Yunming Zhang",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "Optimizing Indirect Memory References with milk",
"date": "2016-09",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "article",
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"html": "Optimizing Indirect Memory References with milk.
Vladimir Kiriansky, Yunming Zhang, Saman Amarasinghe.
2016 International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques (PACT).
Sep, 2016. Bibtex.
"title": "Linear Algebra on Lattices: Simit Language Extensions with Applications to Lattice QCD",
"author0": "Gurtej Kanwar",
"month": "Jun",
"year": "2016",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2016/tej-thesis.pdf",
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"Gurtej Kanwar"
"label": "Linear Algebra on Lattices: Simit Language Extensions with Applications to Lattice QCD",
"date": "2016-06",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "mastersthesis",
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"html": "Linear Algebra on Lattices: Simit Language Extensions with Applications to Lattice QCD.
Gurtej Kanwar.
MEng Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Cambridge, MA. Jun, 2016. Bibtex.
"title": "An Investigation of Sparse Tensor Formats for Tensor Libraries",
"author0": "Parker Allen Tew",
"month": "Jun",
"year": "2016",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2016/parker-thesis.pdf",
"type": "Publication",
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"Parker Allen Tew"
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"html": "An Investigation of Sparse Tensor Formats for Tensor Libraries.
Parker Allen Tew.
MEng Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Cambridge, MA. Jun, 2016. Bibtex.
"author0": "Bernstein, Gilbert Louis and Kjolstad, Fredrik",
"title": "Why New Programming Languages for Simulation?",
"journal": "ACM Trans. Graph.",
"issue_date": "May 2016",
"volume": "35",
"number": "2",
"month": "May",
"year": "2016",
"issn": "0730-0301",
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"doi": "10.1145/2930661",
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"label": "Why New Programming Languages for Simulation?",
"date": "2016-05",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "article",
"publication-type": "Journal Article",
"html": "Why New Programming Languages for Simulation?.
Gilbert Louis Bernstein, Fredrik Kjolstad.
ACM Trans. Graph..
New York, NY, USA. May, 2016. Bibtex.
"title": "Experimental Implementations of Stereo Matching Algorithms in Halide",
"author0": "Min Zhang",
"month": "May",
"year": "2016",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2016/min-zhang-meng-thesis.pdf",
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"type-original": [
"pub-type": "mastersthesis",
"publication-type": "MEng Thesis",
"html": "Experimental Implementations of Stereo Matching Algorithms in Halide.
Min Zhang.
MEng Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Cambridge, MA. May, 2016. Bibtex.
"author0": "Tyler Denniston and Shoaib Kamil and Saman Amarasinghe",
"title": "Distributed Halide",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2016/tyler-ppopp16.pdf",
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"label": "Distributed Halide",
"date": "2016-03",
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"html": "Distributed Halide.
Tyler Denniston, Shoaib Kamil, Saman Amarasinghe.
Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming.
Mar, 2016. Bibtex.
"title": "Simit: A Language for Physical Simulation",
"author0": "Kjolstad, Fredrik and Kamil, Shoaib and Ragan-Kelley, Jonathan and Levin, David I. W. and Sueda, Shinjiro and Chen, Desai and Vouga, Etienne and Kaufman, Danny M. and Kanwar, Gurtej and Matusik, Wojciech and Amarasinghe, Saman",
"journal": "ACM Trans. Graph.",
"issue_date": "March 2016",
"volume": "35",
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"year": "2016",
"issn": "0730-0301",
"pages": "20:1--20:21",
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"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2016/simit.pdf",
"doi": "10.1145/2866569",
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"David I. W. Levin",
"Shinjiro Sueda",
"Desai Chen",
"Etienne Vouga",
"Danny M. Kaufman",
"Gurtej Kanwar",
"Wojciech Matusik",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
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"label": "Simit: A Language for Physical Simulation",
"date": "2016-03",
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ACM Trans. Graph..
New York, NY, USA. Mar, 2016. Bibtex.
"title": "Fourier-Motzkin with Non-Linear Symbolic Constant Coefficients",
"author0": "Patricia Suriana",
"month": "Feb",
"year": "2016",
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"html": "Fourier-Motzkin with Non-Linear Symbolic Constant Coefficients.
Patricia Suriana.
MEng Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Cambridge, MA. Feb, 2016. Bibtex.
"title": "Terapixel Image Processing and Simulation with Distributed Halide",
"author0": "Tyler Denniston",
"month": "Feb",
"year": "2016",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2016/denniston-sm-thesis.pdf",
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"author": [
"Tyler Denniston"
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"date": "2016-02",
"type-original": [
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"html": "Terapixel Image Processing and Simulation with Distributed Halide.
Tyler Denniston.
MEng Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Cambridge, MA. Feb, 2016. Bibtex.
"title": "DeepTuner: A System for Search Technique Recommendation in Program Autotuning",
"author0": "Kevin Wu",
"month": "Jul",
"year": "2015",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2015/kevinwu-meng-thesis.pdf",
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"html": "DeepTuner: A System for Search Technique Recommendation in Program Autotuning.
Kevin Wu.
SM Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Cambridge, MA. Jul, 2015. Bibtex.
"title": "Efficient and Proven Verification of Unreliable Hardware Executions of Classic Algorithms",
"author0": "Yoana Gyurova",
"month": "Jun",
"year": "2015",
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"school": "Massachusetts Institute of Technology",
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"itemType": "mastersthesis",
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"label": "Efficient and Proven Verification of Unreliable Hardware Executions of Classic Algorithms",
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"type-original": [
"pub-type": "mastersthesis",
"publication-type": "MEng Thesis",
"html": "Efficient and Proven Verification of Unreliable Hardware Executions of Classic Algorithms.
Yoana Gyurova.
MEng Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Cambridge, MA. Jun, 2015. Bibtex.
"author0": "Charith Mendis and Jeffrey Bosboom and Kevin Wu and Shoaib Kamil and Jonathan Ragan-Kelley and Sylvain Paris and Qin Zhao and Saman Amarasinghe",
"title": "Helium: Lifting High-Performance Stencil Kernels from Stripped x86 Binaries to Halide DSL Code",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2015/mendis-pldi15-helium.pdf",
"month": "Jun",
"year": "2015",
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"itemType": "inproceedings",
"author": [
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"Jeffrey Bosboom",
"Kevin Wu",
"Shoaib Kamil",
"Jonathan Ragan-Kelley",
"Sylvain Paris",
"Qin Zhao",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "Helium: Lifting High-Performance Stencil Kernels from Stripped x86 Binaries to Halide DSL Code",
"date": "2015-06",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "inproceedings",
"publication-type": "Conference Publication",
"html": "Helium: Lifting High-Performance Stencil Kernels from Stripped x86 Binaries to Halide DSL Code.
Charith Mendis, Jeffrey Bosboom, Kevin Wu, Shoaib Kamil, Jonathan Ragan-Kelley, Sylvain Paris, Qin Zhao, Saman Amarasinghe.
ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI).
Portland, OR. Jun, 2015. Bibtex.
"author0": "Yufei Ding and Jason Ansel and Kalyan Veeramachaneni and Xipeng Shen and Una-May O'Reilly and Saman Amarasinghe",
"title": "Autotuning Algorithmic Choice For Input Sensitivity",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2015/yding-pldi15-pbinput.pdf",
"keywords": [
"month": "Jun",
"year": "2015",
"address": "Portland, OR",
"booktitle": "ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI)",
"bibtexKey": "ding:pldi:2015",
"itemType": "inproceedings",
"author": [
"Yufei Ding",
"Jason Ansel",
"Kalyan Veeramachaneni",
"Xipeng Shen",
"Una-May O'Reilly",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "Autotuning Algorithmic Choice For Input Sensitivity",
"date": "2015-06",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "inproceedings",
"publication-type": "Conference Publication",
"html": "Autotuning Algorithmic Choice For Input Sensitivity.
Yufei Ding, Jason Ansel, Kalyan Veeramachaneni, Xipeng Shen, Una-May O'Reilly, Saman Amarasinghe.
ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI).
Portland, OR. Jun, 2015. Bibtex.
"title": "Helium: Lifting High-Performance Stencil Kernels from Stripped x86 Binaries to Halide DSL Code",
"author0": "Charith Mendis",
"month": "Jun",
"year": "2015",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2015/mendis-15-sm-thesis.pdf",
"type": "Publication",
"address": "Cambridge, MA",
"school": "Massachusetts Institute of Technology",
"keywords": [
"price": "2015 William A. Martin Memorial Thesis Award for outstanding thesis in Computer Science",
"bibtexKey": "charithm:sm-thesis:2015",
"itemType": "sciencethesis",
"author": [
"Charith Mendis"
"label": "Helium: Lifting High-Performance Stencil Kernels from Stripped x86 Binaries to Halide DSL Code",
"date": "2015-06",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "sciencethesis",
"publication-type": "SM Thesis",
"html": "Helium: Lifting High-Performance Stencil Kernels from Stripped x86 Binaries to Halide DSL Code.
Charith Mendis.
SM Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Cambridge, MA. Jun, 2015. Bibtex.
2015 William A. Martin Memorial Thesis Award for outstanding thesis in Computer Science.
"author0": "Jeffrey Bosboom and Sumanaruban Rajadurai and Weng-Fai Wong and Saman Amarasinghe",
"title": "StreamJIT: A Commensal Compiler for High-Performance Stream Programming",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2014/bosboom-oopsla14-commensal.pdf",
"slides": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2014/bosboom-oopsla14-commensal-slides.pdf",
"month": "Oct",
"year": "2014",
"address": "Portland, OR",
"booktitle": "ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Object-Oriented Programming Systems and Applications",
"keywords": [
"bibtexKey": "bosboom:oopsla:2014",
"itemType": "inproceedings",
"author": [
"Jeffrey Bosboom",
"Sumanaruban Rajadurai",
"Weng-Fai Wong",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "StreamJIT: A Commensal Compiler for High-Performance Stream Programming",
"date": "2014-10",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "inproceedings",
"publication-type": "Conference Publication",
"html": "StreamJIT: A Commensal Compiler for High-Performance Stream Programming.
Jeffrey Bosboom, Sumanaruban Rajadurai, Weng-Fai Wong, Saman Amarasinghe.
ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Object-Oriented Programming Systems and Applications.
Portland, OR. Oct, 2014. Slides. Bibtex.
"author0": "Jason Ansel and Shoaib Kamil and Kalyan Veeramachaneni and Jonathan Ragan-Kelley and Jeffrey Bosboom and Una-May O'Reilly and Saman Amarasinghe",
"title": "OpenTuner: An Extensible Framework for Program Autotuning",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2014/ansel-pact14-opentuner.pdf",
"slides": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2014/ansel-pact14-opentuner-slides.pdf",
"keywords": [
"month": "Aug",
"year": "2014",
"address": "Edmonton, Canada",
"booktitle": "International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques (PACT)",
"bibtexKey": "ansel:pact:2014",
"itemType": "inproceedings",
"author": [
"Jason Ansel",
"Shoaib Kamil",
"Kalyan Veeramachaneni",
"Jonathan Ragan-Kelley",
"Jeffrey Bosboom",
"Una-May O'Reilly",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "OpenTuner: An Extensible Framework for Program Autotuning",
"date": "2014-08",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "inproceedings",
"publication-type": "Conference Publication",
"html": "OpenTuner: An Extensible Framework for Program Autotuning.
Jason Ansel, Shoaib Kamil, Kalyan Veeramachaneni, Jonathan Ragan-Kelley, Jeffrey Bosboom, Una-May O'Reilly, Saman Amarasinghe.
International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques (PACT).
Edmonton, Canada. Aug, 2014. Slides. Bibtex.
"title": "Decoupling Algorithms from the Organization of Computation for High Performance Image Processing",
"author0": "Jonathan Ragan-Kelley",
"month": "Jun",
"year": "2014",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2014/jrkthesis.pdf",
"keywords": [
"type": "Publication",
"address": "Cambridge, MA",
"school": "Massachusetts Institute of Technology",
"bibtexKey": "jrk:phd-thesis:2014",
"itemType": "phdthesis",
"author": [
"Jonathan Ragan-Kelley"
"label": "Decoupling Algorithms from the Organization of Computation for High Performance Image Processing",
"date": "2014-06",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "phdthesis",
"publication-type": "PhD Thesis",
"html": "Decoupling Algorithms from the Organization of Computation for High Performance Image Processing.
Jonathan Ragan-Kelley.
PhD Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Cambridge, MA. Jun, 2014. Bibtex.
"author0": "Yufei Ding and Jason Ansel and Kalyan Veeramachaneni and Xipeng Shen and Una-May O'Reilly and Saman Amarasinghe",
"month": "Jun",
"year": "2014",
"title": "Autotuning Algorithmic Choice for Input Sensitivity",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2014/MIT-CSAIL-TR-2014-014.pdf",
"keywords": [
"number": "MIT/CSAIL Technical Report MIT-CSAIL-TR-2014-014",
"type": "Publication",
"address": "Cambridge, MA",
"institution": "Massachusetts Institute of Technology",
"bibtexKey": "ding:mitcsail-tr:2014",
"itemType": "techreport",
"author": [
"Yufei Ding",
"Jason Ansel",
"Kalyan Veeramachaneni",
"Xipeng Shen",
"Una-May O'Reilly",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
"label": "Autotuning Algorithmic Choice for Input Sensitivity",
"date": "2014-06",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "techreport",
"publication-type": "Technical Report",
"html": "Autotuning Algorithmic Choice for Input Sensitivity.
Yufei Ding, Jason Ansel, Kalyan Veeramachaneni, Xipeng Shen, Una-May O'Reilly, Saman Amarasinghe.
MIT/CSAIL Technical Report MIT-CSAIL-TR-2014-014.
Cambridge, MA. Jun, 2014. Bibtex.
"title": "StreamJIT: A Commensal Compiler for High-Performance Stream Programming",
"author0": "Jeffrey Bosboom",
"month": "Jun",
"year": "2014",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2014/jbosboom-sm-thesis.pdf",
"type": "Publication",
"address": "Cambridge, MA",
"school": "Massachusetts Institute of Technology",
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"bibtexKey": "jbosboom:sm-thesis:2014",
"itemType": "sciencethesis",
"author": [
"Jeffrey Bosboom"
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"date": "2014-06",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "sciencethesis",
"publication-type": "SM Thesis",
"html": "StreamJIT: A Commensal Compiler for High-Performance Stream Programming.
Jeffrey Bosboom.
SM Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Cambridge, MA. Jun, 2014. Bibtex.
"title": "Autotuning Programs with Algorithmic Choice",
"author0": "Jason Ansel",
"month": "Feb",
"year": "2014",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2014/ansel-phd-thesis.pdf",
"slides": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2014/ansel-phd-thesis-slides.pdf",
"keywords": [
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"address": "Cambridge, MA",
"school": "Massachusetts Institute of Technology",
"bibtexKey": "ansel:phd-thesis:2014",
"itemType": "phdthesis",
"author": [
"Jason Ansel"
"label": "Autotuning Programs with Algorithmic Choice",
"date": "2014-02",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "phdthesis",
"publication-type": "PhD Thesis",
"html": "Autotuning Programs with Algorithmic Choice.
Jason Ansel.
PhD Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Cambridge, MA. Feb, 2014. Slides. Bibtex.
"title": "Detection of False Sharing Using Machine Learning",
"author0": "Sanath Jayasena and Saman Amarasinghe and Asanka Abeyweera and Gayashan Amarasinghe and Himeshi De Silva and Sunimal Rathnayake and Xiaoqiao Meng and Yanbin Liu",
"booktitle": "ACM International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC13)",
"month": "Nov",
"year": "2013",
"address": "Denver, CO",
"keywords": [
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2013/falsesharing-sc13.pdf",
"slides": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2013/falsesharing-sc13-slides.pdf",
"bibtexKey": "falsesharing:sc:2013",
"itemType": "inproceedings",
"author": [
"Sanath Jayasena",
"Saman Amarasinghe",
"Asanka Abeyweera",
"Gayashan Amarasinghe",
"Himeshi De Silva",
"Sunimal Rathnayake",
"Xiaoqiao Meng",
"Yanbin Liu"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "Detection of False Sharing Using Machine Learning",
"date": "2013-11",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "inproceedings",
"publication-type": "Conference Publication",
"html": "Detection of False Sharing Using Machine Learning.
Sanath Jayasena, Saman Amarasinghe, Asanka Abeyweera, Gayashan Amarasinghe, Himeshi De Silva, Sunimal Rathnayake, Xiaoqiao Meng, Yanbin Liu.
ACM International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC13).
Denver, CO. Nov, 2013. Slides. Bibtex.
"author0": "Jason Ansel and Shoaib Kamil and Kalyan Veeramachaneni and Una-May O'Reilly and Saman Amarasinghe",
"month": "Nov",
"year": "2013",
"title": "OpenTuner: An Extensible Framework for Program Autotuning",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2013/MIT-CSAIL-TR-2013-026.pdf",
"keywords": [
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"type": "Publication",
"address": "Cambridge, MA",
"institution": "Massachusetts Institute of Technology",
"bibtexKey": "ansel:mitcsail-tr:2013",
"itemType": "techreport",
"author": [
"Jason Ansel",
"Shoaib Kamil",
"Kalyan Veeramachaneni",
"Una-May O'Reilly",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
"label": "OpenTuner: An Extensible Framework for Program Autotuning",
"date": "2013-11",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "techreport",
"publication-type": "Technical Report",
"html": "OpenTuner: An Extensible Framework for Program Autotuning.
Jason Ansel, Shoaib Kamil, Kalyan Veeramachaneni, Una-May O'Reilly, Saman Amarasinghe.
MIT/CSAIL Technical Report MIT-CSAIL-TR-2013-026.
Cambridge, MA. Nov, 2013. Bibtex.
"title": "Halide: A Language and Compiler for Optimizing Parallelism, Locality, and Recomputation in Image Processing Pipelines",
"author0": "Jonathan Ragan-Kelley and Connelly Barnes and Andrew Adams and Sylvain Paris and Fredo Durand and Saman Amarasinghe",
"booktitle": "ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI)",
"month": "Jun",
"year": "2013",
"address": "Seattle, WA",
"keywords": [
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2013/halide-pldi13.pdf",
"price": "Most Influential PLDI Paper Award, PLDI 2023, Orlando, FL",
"bibtexKey": "halide:pldi:2013",
"itemType": "inproceedings",
"author": [
"Jonathan Ragan-Kelley",
"Connelly Barnes",
"Andrew Adams",
"Sylvain Paris",
"Fredo Durand",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "Halide: A Language and Compiler for Optimizing Parallelism, Locality, and Recomputation in Image Processing Pipelines",
"date": "2013-06",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "inproceedings",
"publication-type": "Conference Publication",
"html": "Halide: A Language and Compiler for Optimizing Parallelism, Locality, and Recomputation in Image Processing Pipelines.
Jonathan Ragan-Kelley, Connelly Barnes, Andrew Adams, Sylvain Paris, Fredo Durand, Saman Amarasinghe.
ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI).
Seattle, WA. Jun, 2013. Bibtex.
Most Influential PLDI Paper Award, PLDI 2023, Orlando, FL.
"title": "Dynamic Expressivity with Static Optimization for Streaming Languages",
"author0": "Robert Soule and Michael I. Gordon and Saman Amarasinghe and Robert Grimm and Martin Hirzel",
"booktitle": "The 7th ACM International Conference on Distributed Event-Based Systems",
"address": "Arlington, TX",
"month": "Jun",
"year": "2013",
"keywords": [
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"bibtexKey": "soule:debs:2013",
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"Robert Soule",
"Michael I. Gordon",
"Saman Amarasinghe",
"Robert Grimm",
"Martin Hirzel"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "Dynamic Expressivity with Static Optimization for Streaming Languages",
"date": "2013-06",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "inproceedings",
"publication-type": "Conference Publication",
"html": "Dynamic Expressivity with Static Optimization for Streaming Languages.
Robert Soule, Michael I. Gordon, Saman Amarasinghe, Robert Grimm, Martin Hirzel.
The 7th ACM International Conference on Distributed Event-Based Systems.
Arlington, TX. Jun, 2013. Bibtex.
"title": "Portable Performance on Heterogeneous Architectures",
"author0": "Phitchaya Mangpo Phothilimthana and Jason Ansel and Jonathan Ragan-Kelley and Saman Amarasinghe",
"booktitle": "The International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems",
"address": "Houston, TX",
"month": "Mar",
"year": "2013",
"keywords": [
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"bibtexKey": "phothilimthana:asplos:2013",
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"author": [
"Phitchaya Mangpo Phothilimthana",
"Jason Ansel",
"Jonathan Ragan-Kelley",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "Portable Performance on Heterogeneous Architectures",
"date": "2013-03",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "inproceedings",
"publication-type": "Conference Publication",
"html": "Portable Performance on Heterogeneous Architectures.
Phitchaya Mangpo Phothilimthana, Jason Ansel, Jonathan Ragan-Kelley, Saman Amarasinghe.
The International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems.
Houston, TX. Mar, 2013. Bibtex.
"title": "SiblingRivalry: Online Autotuning Through Local Competitions",
"author0": "Jason Ansel and Maciej Pacula and Yee Lok Wong and Cy Chan and Marek Olszewski and Una-May O'Reilly and Saman Amarasinghe",
"booktitle": "International Conference on Compilers Architecture and Synthesis for Embedded Systems",
"address": "Tampere, Finland",
"month": "Oct",
"year": "2012",
"keywords": [
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2012/ansel-cases12-siblingrivalry.pdf",
"bibtexKey": "ansel:cases:2012",
"itemType": "inproceedings",
"author": [
"Jason Ansel",
"Maciej Pacula",
"Yee Lok Wong",
"Cy Chan",
"Marek Olszewski",
"Una-May O'Reilly",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "SiblingRivalry: Online Autotuning Through Local Competitions",
"date": "2012-10",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "inproceedings",
"publication-type": "Conference Publication",
"html": "SiblingRivalry: Online Autotuning Through Local Competitions.
Jason Ansel, Maciej Pacula, Yee Lok Wong, Cy Chan, Marek Olszewski, Una-May O'Reilly, Saman Amarasinghe.
International Conference on Compilers Architecture and Synthesis for Embedded Systems.
Tampere, Finland. Oct, 2012. Bibtex.
"title": "Optimizations in Stream Programming for Multimedia Applications",
"author0": "Eric Wong",
"month": "Aug",
"year": "2012",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2012/ewong-meng-thesis.pdf",
"keywords": [
"type": "Publication",
"address": "Cambridge, MA",
"school": "Massachusetts Institute of Technology",
"bibtexKey": "ewong:meng-thesis:2012",
"itemType": "mastersthesis",
"author": [
"Eric Wong"
"label": "Optimizations in Stream Programming for Multimedia Applications",
"date": "2012-08",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "mastersthesis",
"publication-type": "MEng Thesis",
"html": "Optimizations in Stream Programming for Multimedia Applications.
Eric Wong.
MEng Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Cambridge, MA. Aug, 2012. Bibtex.
"title": "Decoupling Algorithms from Schedules for Easy Optimization of Image Processing Pipelines",
"author0": "Jonathan Ragan-Kelley and Andrew Adams and Sylvain Paris and Marc Levoy and Saman Amarasinghe and Fredo Durand",
"journal": "ACM Transactions on Graphics",
"volume": "31",
"number": "4",
"month": "Jul",
"year": "2012",
"keywords": [
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2012/ragan-kelley-siggraph12-halide.pdf",
"bibtexKey": "ragankelley:halide:2012",
"itemType": "article",
"author": [
"Jonathan Ragan-Kelley",
"Andrew Adams",
"Sylvain Paris",
"Marc Levoy",
"Saman Amarasinghe",
"Fredo Durand"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "Decoupling Algorithms from Schedules for Easy Optimization of Image Processing Pipelines",
"date": "2012-07",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "article",
"publication-type": "Journal Article",
"html": "Decoupling Algorithms from Schedules for Easy Optimization of Image Processing Pipelines.
Jonathan Ragan-Kelley, Andrew Adams, Sylvain Paris, Marc Levoy, Saman Amarasinghe, Fredo Durand.
ACM Transactions on Graphics.
Jul, 2012. Bibtex.
"title": "Distributed Data as a Choice in PetaBricks",
"author0": "Phumpong Watanaprakornkul",
"month": "Jun",
"year": "2012",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2012/yod-meng-thesis.pdf",
"keywords": [
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"school": "Massachusetts Institute of Technology",
"bibtexKey": "yod:meng-thesis:2012",
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"Phumpong Watanaprakornkul"
"label": "Distributed Data as a Choice in PetaBricks",
"date": "2012-06",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "sciencethesis",
"publication-type": "SM Thesis",
"html": "Distributed Data as a Choice in PetaBricks.
Phumpong Watanaprakornkul.
SM Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Cambridge, MA. Jun, 2012. Bibtex.
"title": "Hyperparameter Tuning in Bandit-Based Adaptive Operator Selection",
"author0": "Maciej Pacula and Jason Ansel and Saman Amarasinghe and Una-May O'Reilly",
"booktitle": "European Conference on the Applications of Evolutionary Computation",
"address": "Malaga, Spain",
"month": "Apr",
"year": "2012",
"keywords": [
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2012/pacula-evoapps12-banditext.pdf",
"bibtexKey": "pacula:evoapps:2012",
"itemType": "inproceedings",
"author": [
"Maciej Pacula",
"Jason Ansel",
"Saman Amarasinghe",
"Una-May O'Reilly"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "Hyperparameter Tuning in Bandit-Based Adaptive Operator Selection",
"date": "2012-04",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "inproceedings",
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"html": "Hyperparameter Tuning in Bandit-Based Adaptive Operator Selection.
Maciej Pacula, Jason Ansel, Saman Amarasinghe, Una-May O'Reilly.
European Conference on the Applications of Evolutionary Computation.
Malaga, Spain. Apr, 2012. Bibtex.
"title": "Transparent Dynamic Instrumentation",
"author0": "Derek Bruening and Qin Zhao and Saman Amarasinghe",
"booktitle": "The International Conference on Virtual Execution Environments",
"address": "London, UK",
"month": "Mar",
"year": "2012",
"keywords": [
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2012/bruening-vee12-transparency.pdf",
"bibtexKey": "bruening:vee:2012",
"itemType": "inproceedings",
"author": [
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"Qin Zhao",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "Transparent Dynamic Instrumentation",
"date": "2012-03",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "inproceedings",
"publication-type": "Conference Publication",
"html": "Transparent Dynamic Instrumentation.
Derek Bruening, Qin Zhao, Saman Amarasinghe.
The International Conference on Virtual Execution Environments.
London, UK. Mar, 2012. Bibtex.
"title": "Aikido: Accelerating Shared Data Dynamic Analyses",
"author0": "Marek Olszewski and Qin Zhao and David Koh and Jason Ansel and Saman Amarasinghe",
"booktitle": "The International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems",
"address": "London, UK",
"month": "Mar",
"year": "2012",
"keywords": [
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2012/olszewski-asplos12-aikido.pdf",
"bibtexKey": "olszewski:asplos:2012",
"itemType": "inproceedings",
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"Marek Olszewski",
"Qin Zhao",
"David Koh",
"Jason Ansel",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "Aikido: Accelerating Shared Data Dynamic Analyses",
"date": "2012-03",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "inproceedings",
"publication-type": "Conference Publication",
"html": "Aikido: Accelerating Shared Data Dynamic Analyses.
Marek Olszewski, Qin Zhao, David Koh, Jason Ansel, Saman Amarasinghe.
The International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems.
London, UK. Mar, 2012. Bibtex.
"title": "Can Silhouette Execution mitigate VM Boot Storms?",
"author0": "Syed Aunn Hasan Raza",
"month": "Sep",
"year": "2011",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2011/syedraza-master-thesis.pdf",
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"school": "Massachusetts Institute of Technology",
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"author": [
"Syed Aunn Hasan Raza"
"label": "Can Silhouette Execution mitigate VM Boot Storms?",
"date": "2011-09",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "mastersthesis",
"publication-type": "MEng Thesis",
"html": "Can Silhouette Execution mitigate VM Boot Storms?.
Syed Aunn Hasan Raza.
MEng Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Cambridge, MA. Sep, 2011. Bibtex.
"title": "Optimization of Naive Dynamic Binary Instrumentation Tools",
"author0": "Reid Kleckner",
"month": "Aug",
"year": "2011",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2011/rnk-meng-thesis.pdf",
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"type": "Publication",
"address": "Cambridge, MA",
"school": "Massachusetts Institute of Technology",
"bibtexKey": "rnk:meng-thesis:2011",
"itemType": "mastersthesis",
"author": [
"Reid Kleckner"
"label": "Optimization of Naive Dynamic Binary Instrumentation Tools",
"date": "2011-08",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "mastersthesis",
"publication-type": "MEng Thesis",
"html": "Optimization of Naive Dynamic Binary Instrumentation Tools.
Reid Kleckner.
MEng Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Cambridge, MA. Aug, 2011. Bibtex.
"title": "An Efficient Evolutionary Algorithm for Solving Bottom Up Problems",
"author0": "Jason Ansel and Maciej Pacula and Saman Amarasinghe and Una-May O'Reilly",
"booktitle": "Annual Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation",
"address": "Dublin, Ireland",
"month": "Jul",
"year": "2011",
"keywords": [
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2011/ansel-gecco11-pbautotuner.pdf",
"bibtexKey": "ansel:gecco:2011",
"itemType": "inproceedings",
"author": [
"Jason Ansel",
"Maciej Pacula",
"Saman Amarasinghe",
"Una-May O'Reilly"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "An Efficient Evolutionary Algorithm for Solving Bottom Up Problems",
"date": "2011-07",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "inproceedings",
"publication-type": "Conference Publication",
"html": "An Efficient Evolutionary Algorithm for Solving Bottom Up Problems.
Jason Ansel, Maciej Pacula, Saman Amarasinghe, Una-May O'Reilly.
Annual Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation.
Dublin, Ireland. Jul, 2011. Bibtex.
"title": "Language-Independent Sandboxing of Just-In-Time Compilation and Self-Modifying Code",
"author0": "Jason Ansel and Petr Marchenko and Ulfar Erlingsson and Elijah Taylor and Brad Chen and Derek Schuff and David Sehr and Cliff Biffle and and Bennet Yee",
"booktitle": "ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI)",
"month": "Jun",
"year": "2011",
"address": "San Jose, CA",
"keywords": [
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2011/ansel-pldi11-nacljit.pdf",
"bibtexKey": "ansel:pldi:2011",
"itemType": "inproceedings",
"author": [
"Jason Ansel",
"Petr Marchenko",
"Ulfar Erlingsson",
"Elijah Taylor",
"Brad Chen",
"Derek Schuff",
"David Sehr",
"Cliff Biffle",
"and Bennet Yee"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "Language-Independent Sandboxing of Just-In-Time Compilation and Self-Modifying Code",
"date": "2011-06",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "inproceedings",
"publication-type": "Conference Publication",
"html": "Language-Independent Sandboxing of Just-In-Time Compilation and Self-Modifying Code.
Jason Ansel, Petr Marchenko, Ulfar Erlingsson, Elijah Taylor, Brad Chen, Derek Schuff, David Sehr, Cliff Biffle, and Bennet Yee.
ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI).
San Jose, CA. Jun, 2011. Bibtex.
"author0": "Jason Ansel",
"title": "Autotuning Aspects of PetaBricks",
"booktitle": "Workshop on Statistical and Machine Learning Approaches to Architecture and Compilation (SMART)",
"keywords": [
"type": "Publication",
"month": "Apr",
"year": "2011",
"bibtexKey": "ansel:smart:2011",
"itemType": "misc",
"author": [
"Jason Ansel"
"label": "Autotuning Aspects of PetaBricks",
"date": "2011-04",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "misc",
"publication-type": "Other",
"html": "Autotuning Aspects of PetaBricks.
Jason Ansel.
Workshop on Statistical and Machine Learning Approaches to Architecture and Compilation (SMART).
Apr, 2011. Bibtex.
"title": "Practical Memory Checking with Dr. Memory",
"author0": "Derek Bruening and Qin Zhao",
"booktitle": "The International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization",
"address": "Chamonix, France",
"month": "Apr",
"year": "2011",
"keywords": [
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2011/bruening-cgo11-drmemory.pdf",
"bibtexKey": "bruening:cgo:2011",
"itemType": "inproceedings",
"author": [
"Derek Bruening",
"Qin Zhao"
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"label": "Practical Memory Checking with Dr. Memory",
"date": "2011-04",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "inproceedings",
"publication-type": "Conference Publication",
"html": "Practical Memory Checking with Dr. Memory.
Derek Bruening, Qin Zhao.
The International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization.
Chamonix, France. Apr, 2011. Bibtex.
"title": "Language and Compiler Support For Auto-Tuning Variable-Accuracy Algorithms",
"author0": "Jason Ansel and Yee Lok Won and Cy Chan and Marek Olszewski and Alan Edelman and Saman Amarasinghe",
"booktitle": "The International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization",
"address": "Chamonix, France",
"month": "Apr",
"year": "2011",
"keywords": [
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2011/ansel-cgo11-pbaccuracy.pdf",
"bibtexKey": "ansel:cgo:2011",
"itemType": "inproceedings",
"author": [
"Jason Ansel",
"Yee Lok Won",
"Cy Chan",
"Marek Olszewski",
"Alan Edelman",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "Language and Compiler Support For Auto-Tuning Variable-Accuracy Algorithms",
"date": "2011-04",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "inproceedings",
"publication-type": "Conference Publication",
"html": "Language and Compiler Support For Auto-Tuning Variable-Accuracy Algorithms.
Jason Ansel, Yee Lok Won, Cy Chan, Marek Olszewski, Alan Edelman, Saman Amarasinghe.
The International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization.
Chamonix, France. Apr, 2011. Bibtex.
"author0": "Marek Olszewski and Jason Ansel and Saman Amarasinghe",
"title": "Scaling Deterministic Multithreading",
"keywords": [
"month": "Mar",
"year": "2011",
"booktitle": "Workshop on Determinism and Correctness in Parallel Programming (WoDet)",
"address": "Newport Beach, CA",
"bibtexKey": "olszewski:wodet:2011",
"itemType": "inproceedings",
"author": [
"Marek Olszewski",
"Jason Ansel",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "Scaling Deterministic Multithreading",
"date": "2011-03",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "inproceedings",
"publication-type": "Conference Publication",
"html": "Scaling Deterministic Multithreading.
Marek Olszewski, Jason Ansel, Saman Amarasinghe.
Workshop on Determinism and Correctness in Parallel Programming (WoDet).
Newport Beach, CA. Mar, 2011. Bibtex.
"title": "Dynamic Cache Contention Detection in Multi-threaded Applications",
"author0": "Qin Zhao and David Koh and Syed Raza and Derek Bruening and Weng-Fai Wong and Saman Amarasinghe",
"booktitle": "The International Conference on Virtual Execution Environments",
"address": "Newport Beach, CA",
"month": "Mar",
"year": "2011",
"keywords": [
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2011/zhao-vee11-cache-contention.pdf",
"bibtexKey": "zhao:vee:2011",
"itemType": "inproceedings",
"author": [
"Qin Zhao",
"David Koh",
"Syed Raza",
"Derek Bruening",
"Weng-Fai Wong",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "Dynamic Cache Contention Detection in Multi-threaded Applications",
"date": "2011-03",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "inproceedings",
"publication-type": "Conference Publication",
"html": "Dynamic Cache Contention Detection in Multi-threaded Applications.
Qin Zhao, David Koh, Syed Raza, Derek Bruening, Weng-Fai Wong, Saman Amarasinghe.
The International Conference on Virtual Execution Environments.
Newport Beach, CA. Mar, 2011. Bibtex.
"author0": "Jason Ansel and Cy Chan",
"title": "PetaBricks: Building adaptable and more efficient programs for the multi-core era",
"address": "New York, NY, USA",
"issn": "1528-4972",
"journal": "Crossroads, The ACM Magazine for Students (XRDS)",
"keywords": [
"type": "Publication",
"month": "Sep",
"number": "1",
"pages": "32--37",
"publisher": "ACM",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2010/ansel-xrds.pdf",
"volume": "17",
"year": "2010",
"bibtexKey": "ansel:xrds:2010",
"itemType": "article",
"author": [
"Jason Ansel",
"Cy Chan"
"label": "PetaBricks: Building adaptable and more efficient programs for the multi-core era",
"date": "2010-09",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "article",
"publication-type": "Journal Article",
"html": "PetaBricks: Building adaptable and more efficient programs for the multi-core era.
Jason Ansel, Cy Chan.
Crossroads, The ACM Magazine for Students (XRDS).
New York, NY, USA. Sep, 2010. Bibtex.
"title": "An Empirical Characterization of Stream Programs and its Implications for Language and Compiler Design",
"author0": "William Thies and Saman Amarasinghe",
"booktitle": "International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques (PACT)",
"address": "Vienna, Austria",
"month": "Sep",
"year": "2010",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2010/thies-pact10.pdf",
"slides": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2010/thies-pact10-slides.pdf",
"keywords": [
"bibtexKey": "thies:pact:2010",
"itemType": "inproceedings",
"author": [
"William Thies",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "An Empirical Characterization of Stream Programs and its Implications for Language and Compiler Design",
"date": "2010-09",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "inproceedings",
"publication-type": "Conference Publication",
"html": "An Empirical Characterization of Stream Programs and its Implications for Language and Compiler Design.
William Thies, Saman Amarasinghe.
International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques (PACT).
Vienna, Austria. Sep, 2010. Slides. Bibtex.
"author0": "Jason Ansel and Yee Lok Won and Cy Chan and Marek Olszewski and Alan Edelman and Saman Amarasinghe",
"month": "Jul",
"year": "2010",
"title": "Language and Compiler Support for Auto-Tuning Variable-Accuracy Algorithms",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2010/MIT-CSAIL-TR-2010-032.pdf",
"keywords": [
"number": "MIT/CSAIL Technical Report MIT-CSAIL-TR-2010-032",
"type": "Publication",
"address": "Cambridge, MA",
"institution": "Massachusetts Institute of Technology",
"bibtexKey": "ansel:mitcsail-tr:2010",
"itemType": "techreport",
"author": [
"Jason Ansel",
"Yee Lok Won",
"Cy Chan",
"Marek Olszewski",
"Alan Edelman",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
"label": "Language and Compiler Support for Auto-Tuning Variable-Accuracy Algorithms",
"date": "2010-07",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "techreport",
"publication-type": "Technical Report",
"html": "Language and Compiler Support for Auto-Tuning Variable-Accuracy Algorithms.
Jason Ansel, Yee Lok Won, Cy Chan, Marek Olszewski, Alan Edelman, Saman Amarasinghe.
MIT/CSAIL Technical Report MIT-CSAIL-TR-2010-032.
Cambridge, MA. Jul, 2010. Bibtex.
"title": "Efficient Memory Shadowing for 64-bit Architectures",
"author0": "Qin Zhao and Derek Bruening and Saman Amarasinghe",
"booktitle": "The International Symposium on Memory Management",
"address": "Toronto, Canada",
"month": "Jun",
"year": "2010",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2010/zhao-ismm10-ems64.pdf",
"slides": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2010/zhao-ismm10-ems64-slides.pptx",
"keywords": [
"bibtexKey": "zhao:ismm:2010",
"itemType": "inproceedings",
"author": [
"Qin Zhao",
"Derek Bruening",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "Efficient Memory Shadowing for 64-bit Architectures",
"date": "2010-06",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "inproceedings",
"publication-type": "Conference Publication",
"html": "Efficient Memory Shadowing for 64-bit Architectures.
Qin Zhao, Derek Bruening, Saman Amarasinghe.
The International Symposium on Memory Management.
Toronto, Canada. Jun, 2010. Slides. Bibtex.
"title": "Compiler Techniques for Scalable Performance of Stream Programs on Multicore Architectures",
"author0": "Michael I. Gordon",
"month": "May",
"year": "2010",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2010/mgordon-phd-thesis.pdf",
"keywords": [
"type": "Publication",
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"school": "Massachusetts Institute of Technology",
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"author": [
"Michael I. Gordon"
"label": "Compiler Techniques for Scalable Performance of Stream Programs on Multicore Architectures",
"date": "2010-05",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "phdthesis",
"publication-type": "PhD Thesis",
"html": "Compiler Techniques for Scalable Performance of Stream Programs on Multicore Architectures.
Michael I. Gordon.
PhD Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Cambridge, MA. May, 2010. Bibtex.
"author0": "Alex Schwendner",
"month": "May",
"year": "2010",
"title": "Distributed Functional Programming in Scheme",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2010/alexrs-meng-thesis.pdf",
"type": "Publication",
"address": "Cambridge, MA",
"school": "Massachusetts Institute of Technology",
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"author": [
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"date": "2010-05",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "mastersthesis",
"publication-type": "MEng Thesis",
"html": "Distributed Functional Programming in Scheme.
Alex Schwendner.
MEng Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Cambridge, MA. May, 2010. Bibtex.
"title": "Umbra: Efficient and Scalable Memory Shadowing",
"author0": "Qin Zhao and Derek Bruening and Saman Amarasinghe",
"booktitle": "The International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization",
"address": "Toronto, Canada",
"month": "Apr",
"year": "2010",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2010/zhao-cgo10-umbra.pdf",
"slides": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2010/zhao-cgo10-umbra-slides.pptx",
"keywords": [
"bibtexKey": "zhao:cgo:2010",
"itemType": "inproceedings",
"author": [
"Qin Zhao",
"Derek Bruening",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "Umbra: Efficient and Scalable Memory Shadowing",
"date": "2010-04",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "inproceedings",
"publication-type": "Conference Publication",
"html": "Umbra: Efficient and Scalable Memory Shadowing.
Qin Zhao, Derek Bruening, Saman Amarasinghe.
The International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization.
Toronto, Canada. Apr, 2010. Slides. Bibtex.
"title": "Autotuning Multigrid with PetaBricks",
"author0": "Cy Chan and Jason Ansel and Yee Lok Wong and Saman Amarasinghe and Alan Edelman",
"booktitle": "ACM/IEEE Conference on Supercomputing",
"month": "Nov",
"year": "2009",
"address": "Portland, OR",
"keywords": [
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2009/chan-sc09.pdf",
"bibtexKey": "chan:sc:2009",
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"author": [
"Cy Chan",
"Jason Ansel",
"Yee Lok Wong",
"Saman Amarasinghe",
"Alan Edelman"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "Autotuning Multigrid with PetaBricks",
"date": "2009-11",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "inproceedings",
"publication-type": "Conference Publication",
"html": "Autotuning Multigrid with PetaBricks.
Cy Chan, Jason Ansel, Yee Lok Wong, Saman Amarasinghe, Alan Edelman.
ACM/IEEE Conference on Supercomputing.
Portland, OR. Nov, 2009. Bibtex.
"title": "Computer-Aided Design for Microfluidic Chips Based on Multilayer Soft Lithography",
"author0": "Nada Amin and William Thies and Saman Amarasinghe",
"booktitle": "IEEE International Conference on Computer Design",
"month": "Oct",
"year": "2009",
"address": "Lake Tahoe, California",
"keywords": [
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2009/amin-iccd09.pdf",
"bibtexKey": "amin:iccd:2009",
"itemType": "inproceedings",
"author": [
"Nada Amin",
"William Thies",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "Computer-Aided Design for Microfluidic Chips Based on Multilayer Soft Lithography",
"date": "2009-10",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "inproceedings",
"publication-type": "Conference Publication",
"html": "Computer-Aided Design for Microfluidic Chips Based on Multilayer Soft Lithography.
Nada Amin, William Thies, Saman Amarasinghe.
IEEE International Conference on Computer Design.
Lake Tahoe, California. Oct, 2009. Bibtex.
"title": "Manipulating Lossless Video in the Compressed Domain",
"author0": "William Thies and Steven Hall and Saman Amarasinghe",
"booktitle": "ACM Multimedia",
"month": "Oct",
"year": "2009",
"address": "Beijing, China",
"keywords": [
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2009/thies-mm09.pdf",
"slides": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2009/thies-mm09-slides.pptx",
"bibtexKey": "thies:mm:2009",
"itemType": "inproceedings",
"author": [
"William Thies",
"Steven Hall",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "Manipulating Lossless Video in the Compressed Domain",
"date": "2009-10",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "inproceedings",
"publication-type": "Conference Publication",
"html": "Manipulating Lossless Video in the Compressed Domain.
William Thies, Steven Hall, Saman Amarasinghe.
ACM Multimedia.
Beijing, China. Oct, 2009. Slides. Bibtex.
"author0": "Jason Ansel",
"month": "Sep",
"year": "2009",
"title": "PetaBricks: A Language and Compiler for Algorithmic Choice",
"keywords": [
"type": "Publication",
"address": "Cambridge, MA",
"school": "Massachusetts Institute of Technology",
"bibtexKey": "ansel:ms-thesis:2009",
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"Jason Ansel"
"label": "PetaBricks: A Language and Compiler for Algorithmic Choice",
"date": "2009-09",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "mastersthesis",
"publication-type": "MEng Thesis",
"html": "PetaBricks: A Language and Compiler for Algorithmic Choice.
Jason Ansel.
MEng Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Cambridge, MA. Sep, 2009. Bibtex.
"title": "PetaBricks: A Language and Compiler for Algorithmic Choice",
"author0": "Jason Ansel and Cy Chan and Yee Lok Wong and Marek Olszewski and Qin Zhao and Alan Edelman and Saman Amarasinghe",
"booktitle": "ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI)",
"month": "Jun",
"year": "2009",
"address": "Dublin, Ireland",
"keywords": [
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2009/ansel-pldi09.pdf",
"slides": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2009/ansel-pldi09-slides.pdf",
"bibtexKey": "ansel:pldi:2009",
"itemType": "inproceedings",
"author": [
"Jason Ansel",
"Cy Chan",
"Yee Lok Wong",
"Marek Olszewski",
"Qin Zhao",
"Alan Edelman",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "PetaBricks: A Language and Compiler for Algorithmic Choice",
"date": "2009-06",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "inproceedings",
"publication-type": "Conference Publication",
"html": "PetaBricks: A Language and Compiler for Algorithmic Choice.
Jason Ansel, Cy Chan, Yee Lok Wong, Marek Olszewski, Qin Zhao, Alan Edelman, Saman Amarasinghe.
ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI).
Dublin, Ireland. Jun, 2009. Slides. Bibtex.
"author0": "Matthew D. Steele",
"month": "May",
"year": "2009",
"title": "A Programming Language for Precision/Cost Tradeoffs",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2009/steele-meng-thesis.pdf",
"keywords": [
"type": "Publication",
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"school": "Massachusetts Institute of Technology",
"bibtexKey": "steele:meng-thesis:2009",
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"author": [
"Matthew D. Steele"
"label": "A Programming Language for Precision/Cost Tradeoffs",
"date": "2009-05",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "mastersthesis",
"publication-type": "MEng Thesis",
"html": "A Programming Language for Precision/Cost Tradeoffs.
Matthew D. Steele.
MEng Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Cambridge, MA. May, 2009. Bibtex.
"author0": "Jason Ansel and Kapil Arya and Gene Cooperman",
"title": "DMTCP: Transparent Checkpointing for Cluster Computations and the Desktop",
"booktitle": "International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium",
"month": "May",
"year": "2009",
"address": "Rome, Italy",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2009/ansel-ipdps09.pdf",
"slides": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2009/ansel-ipdps09-slides.pdf",
"bibtexKey": "ansel:ipdps:2009",
"itemType": "inproceedings",
"author": [
"Jason Ansel",
"Kapil Arya",
"Gene Cooperman"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "DMTCP: Transparent Checkpointing for Cluster Computations and the Desktop",
"date": "2009-05",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "inproceedings",
"publication-type": "Conference Publication",
"html": "DMTCP: Transparent Checkpointing for Cluster Computations and the Desktop.
Jason Ansel, Kapil Arya, Gene Cooperman.
International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium.
Rome, Italy. May, 2009. Slides. Bibtex.
"author0": "Somani Patnaik and Emma Brunskill and William Thies",
"title": "Evaluating the Accuracy of Data Collection on Mobile\n Phones: A Study of Forms, SMS, and Voice",
"booktitle": "International Conference on Information and\n Communication Technologies and Development",
"year": "2009",
"address": "Doha, Qatar",
"month": "Apr",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2009/patnaik-ictd09.pdf",
"slides": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2009/thies-ictd09-slides.pdf",
"keywords": [
"bibtexKey": "thies:ictd:2009",
"itemType": "inproceedings",
"author": [
"Somani Patnaik",
"Emma Brunskill",
"William Thies"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "Evaluating the Accuracy of Data Collection on Mobile\n Phones: A Study of Forms, SMS, and Voice",
"date": "2009-04",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "inproceedings",
"publication-type": "Conference Publication",
"html": "Evaluating the Accuracy of Data Collection on Mobile\n Phones: A Study of Forms, SMS, and Voice.
Somani Patnaik, Emma Brunskill, William Thies.
International Conference on Information and\n Communication Technologies and Development.
Doha, Qatar. Apr, 2009. Slides. Bibtex.
"title": "Kendo: Efficient Deterministic Multithreading in Software",
"author0": "Marek Olszewski and Jason Ansel and Saman Amarasinghe",
"booktitle": "The International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems",
"address": "Washington, DC",
"month": "Mar",
"year": "2009",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2009/asplos073-olszewski.pdf",
"keywords": [
"bibtexKey": "olszewski:asplos:2009",
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"author": [
"Marek Olszewski",
"Jason Ansel",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "Kendo: Efficient Deterministic Multithreading in Software",
"date": "2009-03",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "inproceedings",
"publication-type": "Conference Publication",
"html": "Kendo: Efficient Deterministic Multithreading in Software.
Marek Olszewski, Jason Ansel, Saman Amarasinghe.
The International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems.
Washington, DC. Mar, 2009. Bibtex.
"title": "Language and Compiler Support for Stream Programs",
"author0": "William Thies",
"month": "Feb",
"year": "2009",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2009/thies-phd-thesis.pdf",
"keywords": [
"type": "Publication",
"address": "Cambridge, MA",
"school": "Massachusetts Institute of Technology",
"price": "ACM SIGPLAN John C. Reynolds Doctoral Dissertation Award, 2010.",
"bibtexKey": "thies:phd-thesis:2009",
"itemType": "phdthesis",
"author": [
"William Thies"
"label": "Language and Compiler Support for Stream Programs",
"date": "2009-02",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "phdthesis",
"publication-type": "PhD Thesis",
"html": "Language and Compiler Support for Stream Programs.
William Thies.
PhD Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Cambridge, MA. Feb, 2009. Bibtex.
ACM SIGPLAN John C. Reynolds Doctoral Dissertation Award, 2010..
"author0": "Nada Amin",
"month": "Feb",
"year": "2009",
"title": "Computer-Aided Design for Multilayer Microfluidic Chips",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2009/amin-meng-thesis.pdf",
"keywords": [
"type": "Publication",
"address": "Cambridge, MA",
"school": "Massachusetts Institute of Technology",
"bibtexKey": "amin:meng-thesis:2009",
"itemType": "mastersthesis",
"author": [
"Nada Amin"
"label": "Computer-Aided Design for Multilayer Microfluidic Chips",
"date": "2009-02",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "mastersthesis",
"publication-type": "MEng Thesis",
"html": "Computer-Aided Design for Multilayer Microfluidic Chips.
Nada Amin.
MEng Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Cambridge, MA. Feb, 2009. Bibtex.
"title": "How to do a million watchpoints: Efficient Debugging Using Dynamic Instrumentation",
"author0": "Qin Zhao and Rodric Rabbah and Saman Amarasinghe and Larry Rudolph and Weng-Fai Wong",
"booktitle": "The International Conference on Compiler Construction",
"address": "Budapest, Hungary",
"month": "Apr",
"year": "2008",
"keywords": [
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2008/zhao-cc-2008.pdf",
"bibtexKey": "zhao:cc:2008",
"itemType": "inproceedings",
"author": [
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"Rodric Rabbah",
"Saman Amarasinghe",
"Larry Rudolph",
"Weng-Fai Wong"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "How to do a million watchpoints: Efficient Debugging Using Dynamic Instrumentation",
"date": "2008-04",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "inproceedings",
"publication-type": "Conference Publication",
"html": "How to do a million watchpoints: Efficient Debugging Using Dynamic Instrumentation.
Qin Zhao, Rodric Rabbah, Saman Amarasinghe, Larry Rudolph, Weng-Fai Wong.
The International Conference on Compiler Construction.
Budapest, Hungary. Apr, 2008. Bibtex.
"author0": "Pratik Kotkar and William Thies and Saman Amarasinghe",
"title": "An Audio Wiki for Publishing User-Generated Content in the Developing World",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2008/kotkar-hci08.pdf",
"keywords": [
"month": "Apr",
"year": "2008",
"booktitle": "HCI for Community and International Development (Workshop at CHI 2008)",
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"bibtexKey": "kotkar:hci4cid:2008",
"itemType": "inproceedings",
"author": [
"Pratik Kotkar",
"William Thies",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "An Audio Wiki for Publishing User-Generated Content in the Developing World",
"date": "2008-04",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "inproceedings",
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"html": "An Audio Wiki for Publishing User-Generated Content in the Developing World.
Pratik Kotkar, William Thies, Saman Amarasinghe.
HCI for Community and International Development (Workshop at CHI 2008).
Florence, Italy. Apr, 2008. Bibtex.
"title": "PiPA: Pipelined Profiling and Analysis on Multi-core Systems",
"author0": "Qin Zhao and Ioana Cutcutache and Weng-Fai Wong",
"booktitle": "The International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization",
"address": "Boston, MA",
"month": "Apr",
"year": "2008",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2008/zhao-cgo08-pipa.pdf",
"keywords": [
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"author": [
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"Ioana Cutcutache",
"Weng-Fai Wong"
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"label": "PiPA: Pipelined Profiling and Analysis on Multi-core Systems",
"date": "2008-04",
"type-original": [
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"html": "PiPA: Pipelined Profiling and Analysis on Multi-core Systems.
Qin Zhao, Ioana Cutcutache, Weng-Fai Wong.
The International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization.
Boston, MA. Apr, 2008. Bibtex.
"author0": "Pratik Kotkar and William Thies and Saman Amarasinghe",
"title": "An Audio Wiki for Building Local Repositories of Knowledge in the Developing World",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2008/kotkar-wisard08.pdf",
"keywords": [
"month": "Jan",
"year": "2008",
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"bibtexKey": "kotkar:wisard:2008",
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"Saman Amarasinghe"
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"label": "An Audio Wiki for Building Local Repositories of Knowledge in the Developing World",
"date": "2008-01",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "inproceedings",
"publication-type": "Conference Publication",
"html": "An Audio Wiki for Building Local Repositories of Knowledge in the Developing World.
Pratik Kotkar, William Thies, Saman Amarasinghe.
Wireless Systems: Advanced Research and Development.
Bangalore, India. Jan, 2008. Bibtex.
"author0": "Xin David Zhang and Qiuyuan J. Li and Rodric Rabbah and Saman Amarasinghe",
"title": "A Lightweight Streaming Layer for Multicore Execution",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2007/zhang-dascmp07.pdf",
"keywords": [
"month": "Dec",
"year": "2007",
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"bibtexKey": "zhang:dascmp:2007",
"itemType": "inproceedings",
"author": [
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"Rodric Rabbah",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "A Lightweight Streaming Layer for Multicore Execution",
"date": "2007-12",
"type-original": [
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"publication-type": "Conference Publication",
"html": "A Lightweight Streaming Layer for Multicore Execution.
Xin David Zhang, Qiuyuan J. Li, Rodric Rabbah, Saman Amarasinghe.
Workshop on Design, Architecture and Simulation of Chip Multi-Processors.
Chicago, IL. Dec, 2007. Bibtex.
"author0": "William Thies and Vikram Chandrasekhar and Saman Amarasinghe",
"title": "A Practical Approach to Exploiting Coarse-Grained Pipeline Parallelism in C Programs",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2007/thies-micro07.pdf",
"keywords": [
"slides": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2007/thies-micro07-slides.pdf",
"month": "Dec",
"year": "2007",
"booktitle": "International Symposium on Microarchitecture",
"address": "Chicago, IL",
"bibtexKey": "thies:micro:2007",
"itemType": "inproceedings",
"author": [
"William Thies",
"Vikram Chandrasekhar",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "A Practical Approach to Exploiting Coarse-Grained Pipeline Parallelism in C Programs",
"date": "2007-12",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "inproceedings",
"publication-type": "Conference Publication",
"html": "A Practical Approach to Exploiting Coarse-Grained Pipeline Parallelism in C Programs.
William Thies, Vikram Chandrasekhar, Saman Amarasinghe.
International Symposium on Microarchitecture.
Chicago, IL. Dec, 2007. Slides. Bibtex.
"author0": "William Thies and Frederic Vivien and Saman Amarasinghe",
"title": "A Step Towards Unifying Schedule and Storage Optimization",
"url": "http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1286821.1286825",
"slides": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2001/framework-pldi2001-talk.pdf",
"keywords": [
"month": "Oct",
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"volume": "29",
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"author": [
"William Thies",
"Frederic Vivien",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
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"label": "A Step Towards Unifying Schedule and Storage Optimization",
"date": "2007-10",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "article",
"publication-type": "Journal Article",
"html": "A Step Towards Unifying Schedule and Storage Optimization.
William Thies, Frederic Vivien, Saman Amarasinghe.
Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems.
Oct, 2007. Slides. Bibtex.
"author0": "Xin David Zhang",
"month": "Aug",
"year": "2007",
"title": "A Streaming Computation Framework for the Cell Processor",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2007/zhang-meng-thesis.pdf",
"keywords": [
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"address": "Cambridge, MA",
"school": "Massachusetts Institute of Technology",
"bibtexKey": "zhang:meng-thesis:2007",
"itemType": "mastersthesis",
"author": [
"Xin David Zhang"
"label": "A Streaming Computation Framework for the Cell Processor",
"date": "2007-08",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "mastersthesis",
"publication-type": "MEng Thesis",
"html": "A Streaming Computation Framework for the Cell Processor.
Xin David Zhang.
MEng Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Cambridge, MA. Aug, 2007. Bibtex.
"author0": "Abdulbasier Aziz",
"month": "Jun",
"year": "2007",
"title": "Image-Based Motion Estimation in a Stream Programming Language",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2007/aziz-meng-thesis.pdf",
"keywords": [
"type": "Publication",
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"school": "Massachusetts Institute of Technology",
"bibtexKey": "aziz:meng-thesis:2007",
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"author": [
"Abdulbasier Aziz"
"label": "Image-Based Motion Estimation in a Stream Programming Language",
"date": "2007-06",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "mastersthesis",
"publication-type": "MEng Thesis",
"html": "Image-Based Motion Estimation in a Stream Programming Language.
Abdulbasier Aziz.
MEng Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Cambridge, MA. Jun, 2007. Bibtex.
"author0": "William Thies and John Paul Urbanski and Todd Thorsen and Saman Amarasinghe",
"title": "Abstraction Layers for Scalable Microfluidic\n Biocomputing",
"journal": "Natural Computing",
"year": "2007",
"month": "May",
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"William Thies",
"John Paul Urbanski",
"Todd Thorsen",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "Abstraction Layers for Scalable Microfluidic\n Biocomputing",
"date": "2007-05",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "article",
"publication-type": "Journal Article",
"html": "Abstraction Layers for Scalable Microfluidic\n Biocomputing.
William Thies, John Paul Urbanski, Todd Thorsen, Saman Amarasinghe.
Natural Computing.
May, 2007. Bibtex.
"title": "Tiled Microprocessors",
"author0": "Michael Bedford Taylor",
"month": "Apr",
"year": "2007",
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"keywords": [
"type": "Publication",
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"school": "Massachusetts Institute of Technology",
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"date": "2007-04",
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"pub-type": "phdthesis",
"publication-type": "PhD Thesis",
"html": "Tiled Microprocessors.
Michael Bedford Taylor.
PhD Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Cambridge, MA. Apr, 2007. Bibtex.
"author0": "Qin Zhao and Rodric Rabbah and Saman Amarasinghe and Larry Rudolph and Weng-Fai Wong",
"title": "Ubiquitous Memory Introspection",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2007/zhao-cgo07-umi.pdf",
"keywords": [
"month": "Mar",
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"bibtexKey": "zhao:cgo:2007",
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"author": [
"Qin Zhao",
"Rodric Rabbah",
"Saman Amarasinghe",
"Larry Rudolph",
"Weng-Fai Wong"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "Ubiquitous Memory Introspection",
"date": "2007-03",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "inproceedings",
"publication-type": "Conference Publication",
"html": "Ubiquitous Memory Introspection.
Qin Zhao, Rodric Rabbah, Saman Amarasinghe, Larry Rudolph, Weng-Fai Wong.
International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization.
San Jose, CA. Mar, 2007. Bibtex.
"author0": "Saman Amarasinghe",
"month": "Feb",
"year": "2007",
"title": "The Looming Software Crisis due to the Multicore Menace",
"keywords": [
"slides": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2006/MulticoreMenace.pdf",
"type": "Publication",
"bibtexKey": "amarasinghe:other:2007",
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"date": "2007-02",
"type-original": [
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"html": "The Looming Software Crisis due to the Multicore Menace.
Saman Amarasinghe.
Feb, 2007. Slides. Bibtex.
"author0": "Blaise Gassend and Charles W. O'Donnell and William Thies and Andrew Lee and Marten van Dijk and\n Srinivas Devadas",
"title": "Learning Biophysically-Motivated Parameters for\n Alpha Helix Prediction",
"journal": "BMC Bioinformatics",
"year": "2007",
"volume": "8(Suppl5)",
"number": "S3",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2007/gassend-bmc07.pdf",
"bibtexKey": "thies:bmc:2007",
"itemType": "article",
"author": [
"Blaise Gassend",
"Charles W. O'Donnell",
"William Thies",
"Andrew Lee",
"Marten van Dijk and\n Srinivas Devadas"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "Learning Biophysically-Motivated Parameters for\n Alpha Helix Prediction",
"date": "2007",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "article",
"publication-type": "Journal Article",
"html": "Learning Biophysically-Motivated Parameters for\n Alpha Helix Prediction.
Blaise Gassend, Charles W. O'Donnell, William Thies, Andrew Lee, Marten van Dijk and\n Srinivas Devadas.
BMC Bioinformatics.
2007. Bibtex.
"author0": "Saman Amarasinghe",
"month": "Nov",
"year": "2006",
"title": "StreamIt \u2013 A Programming Language for the Era of Multicores",
"keywords": [
"slides": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2006/Stramit-Alberta.pdf",
"type": "Publication",
"bibtexKey": "amarasinghe:other:2006",
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"author": [
"Saman Amarasinghe"
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"date": "2006-11",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "misc",
"publication-type": "Other",
"html": "StreamIt \u2013 A Programming Language for the Era of Multicores.
Saman Amarasinghe.
Nov, 2006. Slides. Bibtex.
"author0": "Michael I. Gordon and William Thies and Saman Amarasinghe",
"title": "Exploiting Coarse-Grained Task, Data, and Pipeline Parallelism in Stream Programs",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/./06/gordon-asplos06.pdf",
"keywords": [
"slides": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/./06/gordon-asplos06-slides.pdf",
"month": "Oct",
"year": "2006",
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"address": "San Jose, CA",
"bibtexKey": "gordon:asplos:2006",
"itemType": "inproceedings",
"author": [
"Michael I. Gordon",
"William Thies",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "Exploiting Coarse-Grained Task, Data, and Pipeline Parallelism in Stream Programs",
"date": "2006-10",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "inproceedings",
"publication-type": "Conference Publication",
"html": "Exploiting Coarse-Grained Task, Data, and Pipeline Parallelism in Stream Programs.
Michael I. Gordon, William Thies, Saman Amarasinghe.
International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS).
San Jose, CA. Oct, 2006. Slides. Bibtex.
"author0": "Qin Zhao and Joon Edward Sim and Larry Rudolph and Weng-Fai Wong",
"title": "DEP: Detailed Execution Profile",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2006/zhao-pact06-dep.pdf",
"keywords": [
"month": "Sep",
"year": "2006",
"booktitle": "International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques (PACT)",
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"bibtexKey": "zhao:pact:2006",
"itemType": "inproceedings",
"author": [
"Qin Zhao",
"Joon Edward Sim",
"Larry Rudolph",
"Weng-Fai Wong"
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"label": "DEP: Detailed Execution Profile",
"date": "2006-09",
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"publication-type": "Conference Publication",
"html": "DEP: Detailed Execution Profile.
Qin Zhao, Joon Edward Sim, Larry Rudolph, Weng-Fai Wong.
International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques (PACT).
Seattle, WA. Sep, 2006. Bibtex.
"author0": "William Thies and John Paul Urbanski and Todd Thorsen and Saman Amarasinghe",
"title": "Abstraction Layers for Scalable Microfluidic Biocomputers",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2006/thies-dna06.pdf",
"slides": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2006/thies-dna06-slides.pdf",
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"month": "Jun",
"year": "2006",
"booktitle": "International Meeting on DNA Computing",
"address": "Seoul, Korea",
"bibtexKey": "thies:dna:2006",
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"author": [
"William Thies",
"John Paul Urbanski",
"Todd Thorsen",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "Abstraction Layers for Scalable Microfluidic Biocomputers",
"date": "2006-06",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "inproceedings",
"publication-type": "Conference Publication",
"html": "Abstraction Layers for Scalable Microfluidic Biocomputers.
William Thies, John Paul Urbanski, Todd Thorsen, Saman Amarasinghe.
International Meeting on DNA Computing.
Seoul, Korea. Jun, 2006. Slides. Bibtex.
"author0": "Mark Stephenson",
"month": "May",
"year": "2006",
"title": "Automating the Construction of Compiler Heuristics Using Machine Learning",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2006/stephenson_phdthesis.pdf",
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"author": [
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"date": "2006-05",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "phdthesis",
"publication-type": "PhD Thesis",
"html": "Automating the Construction of Compiler Heuristics Using Machine Learning.
Mark Stephenson.
PhD Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Cambridge, MA. May, 2006. Bibtex.
"author0": "Sie Hendrata Dharmawan",
"month": "May",
"year": "2006",
"title": "Understanding Program Structure and Behavior",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2006/dharmawan-meng-thesis.pdf",
"keywords": [],
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"school": "Massachusetts Institute of Technology",
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"Sie Hendrata Dharmawan"
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"date": "2006-05",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "mastersthesis",
"publication-type": "MEng Thesis",
"html": "Understanding Program Structure and Behavior.
Sie Hendrata Dharmawan.
MEng Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Cambridge, MA. May, 2006. Bibtex.
"author0": "Matthew Drake",
"month": "May",
"year": "2006",
"title": "Stream Programming for Image and Video Compression",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2006/madrake-meng-thesis.pdf",
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"date": "2006-05",
"type-original": [
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"html": "Stream Programming for Image and Video Compression.
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MEng Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Cambridge, MA. May, 2006. Bibtex.
"author0": "William Thies and John Paul Urbanski and Todd Thorsen and Saman Amarasinghe",
"month": "May",
"year": "2006",
"title": "Abstraction layers for scalable microfluidic biocomputers (Extended version)",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2006/MIT-CSAIL-TR-2006-034.pdf",
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"institution": "Massachusetts Institute of Technology",
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"itemType": "techreport",
"author": [
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"John Paul Urbanski",
"Todd Thorsen",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
"label": "Abstraction layers for scalable microfluidic biocomputers (Extended version)",
"date": "2006-05",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "techreport",
"publication-type": "Technical Report",
"html": "Abstraction layers for scalable microfluidic biocomputers (Extended version).
William Thies, John Paul Urbanski, Todd Thorsen, Saman Amarasinghe.
MIT/CSAIL Technical Report MIT-CSAIL-TR-2006-034.
Cambridge, MA. May, 2006. Bibtex.
"author0": "Blaise Gassend and Charles W. O'Donnell and William Thies and Andrew Lee and Marten van Dijk and\n Srinivas Devadas",
"title": "Learning Biophysically Motivated Parameters for\n Alpha Helix Prediction",
"booktitle": "Poster Session, International Conference on Research\n in Computational Molecular Biology",
"year": "2006",
"address": "Venice, Italy",
"month": "Apr",
"url": "http://groups.csail.mit.edu:/commit/papers/2006/gassend-recombposter06.pdf",
"bibtexKey": "thies:recombposter:2006",
"itemType": "inproceedings",
"author": [
"Blaise Gassend",
"Charles W. O'Donnell",
"William Thies",
"Andrew Lee",
"Marten van Dijk and\n Srinivas Devadas"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "Learning Biophysically Motivated Parameters for\n Alpha Helix Prediction",
"date": "2006-04",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "inproceedings",
"publication-type": "Conference Publication",
"html": "Learning Biophysically Motivated Parameters for\n Alpha Helix Prediction.
Blaise Gassend, Charles W. O'Donnell, William Thies, Andrew Lee, Marten van Dijk and\n Srinivas Devadas.
Poster Session, International Conference on Research\n in Computational Molecular Biology.
Venice, Italy. Apr, 2006. Bibtex.
"author0": "Samuel Larsen",
"month": "Apr",
"year": "2006",
"title": "Compilation Techniques for Short-Vector Instructions",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2006/larsen-phd-thesis.pdf",
"keywords": [
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"author": [
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"date": "2006-04",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "phdthesis",
"publication-type": "PhD Thesis",
"html": "Compilation Techniques for Short-Vector Instructions.
Samuel Larsen.
PhD Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Cambridge, MA. Apr, 2006. Bibtex.
"author0": "Matthew Drake and Henry Hoffman and Rodric Rabbah and Saman Amarasinghe",
"title": "MPEG-2 Decoding in a Stream Programming Language",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2006/drake-ipdps06.pdf",
"slides": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2006/drake-ipdps06.ppt",
"keywords": [
"month": "Apr",
"year": "2006",
"booktitle": "International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium",
"address": "Rhodes Island, Greece",
"bibtexKey": "drake:ipdps:2006",
"itemType": "inproceedings",
"author": [
"Matthew Drake",
"Henry Hoffman",
"Rodric Rabbah",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "MPEG-2 Decoding in a Stream Programming Language",
"date": "2006-04",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "inproceedings",
"publication-type": "Conference Publication",
"html": "MPEG-2 Decoding in a Stream Programming Language.
Matthew Drake, Henry Hoffman, Rodric Rabbah, Saman Amarasinghe.
International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium.
Rhodes Island, Greece. Apr, 2006. Slides. Bibtex.
"author0": "John Paul Urbanski and William Thies and Christopher Rhodes and Saman Amarasinghe and Todd Thorsen",
"month": "Jan",
"year": "2006",
"title": "Digital microfluidics using soft lithography",
"pages": "96--104",
"volume": "6",
"number": "1",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2006/urbanski-loc06.pdf",
"keywords": [
"journal": "Lab on a Chip",
"bibtexKey": "urbanski:loc:2006",
"itemType": "article",
"author": [
"John Paul Urbanski",
"William Thies",
"Christopher Rhodes",
"Saman Amarasinghe",
"Todd Thorsen"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "Digital microfluidics using soft lithography",
"date": "2006-01",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "article",
"publication-type": "Journal Article",
"html": "Digital microfluidics using soft lithography.
John Paul Urbanski, William Thies, Christopher Rhodes, Saman Amarasinghe, Todd Thorsen.
Lab on a Chip.
Jan, 2006. Bibtex.
"author0": "Blaise Gassend and Charles W. O'Donnell and William Thies and Andrew Lee and Marten van Dijk and\n Srinivas Devadas",
"title": "Predicting Secondary Structure of All-Helical\n Proteins Using Hidden Markov Support Vector\n Machines",
"booktitle": "Workshop on Pattern Recognition in Bioinformatics",
"year": "2006",
"address": "Hong Kong",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2006/gassend-prib06.pdf",
"slides": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2006/thies-prib06-slides.pdf",
"bibtexKey": "thies:prib:2006",
"itemType": "inproceedings",
"author": [
"Blaise Gassend",
"Charles W. O'Donnell",
"William Thies",
"Andrew Lee",
"Marten van Dijk and\n Srinivas Devadas"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "Predicting Secondary Structure of All-Helical\n Proteins Using Hidden Markov Support Vector\n Machines",
"date": "2006",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "inproceedings",
"publication-type": "Conference Publication",
"html": "Predicting Secondary Structure of All-Helical\n Proteins Using Hidden Markov Support Vector\n Machines.
Blaise Gassend, Charles W. O'Donnell, William Thies, Andrew Lee, Marten van Dijk and\n Srinivas Devadas.
Workshop on Pattern Recognition in Bioinformatics.
Hong Kong. 2006. Slides. Bibtex.
"author0": "Samuel Larsen and Rodric Rabbah and Saman Amarasinghe",
"title": "Exploiting Vector Parallelism in Software Pipelined Loops",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2005/Larsen-MICRO38.pdf",
"keywords": [
"month": "Nov",
"year": "2005",
"booktitle": "International Symposium on Microarchitecture",
"address": "Barcelona, Spain",
"bibtexKey": "larsen:micro:2005",
"itemType": "inproceedings",
"author": [
"Samuel Larsen",
"Rodric Rabbah",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "Exploiting Vector Parallelism in Software Pipelined Loops",
"date": "2005-11",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "inproceedings",
"publication-type": "Conference Publication",
"html": "Exploiting Vector Parallelism in Software Pipelined Loops.
Samuel Larsen, Rodric Rabbah, Saman Amarasinghe.
International Symposium on Microarchitecture.
Barcelona, Spain. Nov, 2005. Bibtex.
"author0": "Sitij Agrawal and William Thies and Saman Amarasinghe",
"title": "Optimizing Stream Programs Using Linear State Space Analysis",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2005/agrawal-cases05.pdf",
"slides": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2005/streamit-cases05-slides.pdf",
"keywords": [
"month": "Sep",
"year": "2005",
"booktitle": "Int. Conf. on Compilers, Architecture, and Synthesis for Embedded Systems",
"address": "San Francisco, CA",
"bibtexKey": "agrawal:cases:2005",
"itemType": "inproceedings",
"author": [
"Sitij Agrawal",
"William Thies",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "Optimizing Stream Programs Using Linear State Space Analysis",
"date": "2005-09",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "inproceedings",
"publication-type": "Conference Publication",
"html": "Optimizing Stream Programs Using Linear State Space Analysis.
Sitij Agrawal, William Thies, Saman Amarasinghe.
Int. Conf. on Compilers, Architecture, and Synthesis for Embedded Systems.
San Francisco, CA. Sep, 2005. Slides. Bibtex.
"author0": "Diego Puppin and Mark Stephenson and Walter Lee and Saman Amarasinghe",
"month": "Sep",
"year": "2005",
"title": "Convergent Scheduling",
"volume": "6",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2005/puppin_jilp.pdf",
"keywords": [
"journal": "Journal of Instruction-Level Parallelism",
"bibtexKey": "puppin:ijpp:2005",
"itemType": "article",
"author": [
"Diego Puppin",
"Mark Stephenson",
"Walter Lee",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "Convergent Scheduling",
"date": "2005-09",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "article",
"publication-type": "Journal Article",
"html": "Convergent Scheduling.
Diego Puppin, Mark Stephenson, Walter Lee, Saman Amarasinghe.
Journal of Instruction-Level Parallelism.
Sep, 2005. Bibtex.
"author0": "Jiawen Chen and Michael I. Gordon and William Thies and Matthias Zwicker and Kari Pulli and Fredo Durand",
"title": "A Reconfigurable Architecture for Load-Balanced Rendering",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2005/streamit-graphics-gh.pdf",
"keywords": [
"slides": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2005/streamit-graphics-slides.pdf",
"month": "Aug",
"year": "2005",
"booktitle": "Graphics Hardware",
"address": "Los Angeles, CA",
"bibtexKey": "chen:graphics-hardware:2005",
"itemType": "inproceedings",
"author": [
"Jiawen Chen",
"Michael I. Gordon",
"William Thies",
"Matthias Zwicker",
"Kari Pulli",
"Fredo Durand"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "A Reconfigurable Architecture for Load-Balanced Rendering",
"date": "2005-08",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "inproceedings",
"publication-type": "Conference Publication",
"html": "A Reconfigurable Architecture for Load-Balanced Rendering.
Jiawen Chen, Michael I. Gordon, William Thies, Matthias Zwicker, Kari Pulli, Fredo Durand.
Graphics Hardware.
Los Angeles, CA. Aug, 2005. Slides. Bibtex.
"author0": "Amy Williams and William Thies and Michael D. Ernst",
"title": "Static Deadlock Detection for Java Libraries",
"booktitle": "European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming",
"year": "2005",
"address": "Glasgow, UK",
"month": "Jul",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2005/williams-ecoop05.pdf",
"slides": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2005/williams-ecoop05-slides.pdf",
"bibtexKey": "thies:ecoop:2005",
"itemType": "inproceedings",
"author": [
"Amy Williams",
"William Thies",
"Michael D. Ernst"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "Static Deadlock Detection for Java Libraries",
"date": "2005-07",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "inproceedings",
"publication-type": "Conference Publication",
"html": "Static Deadlock Detection for Java Libraries.
Amy Williams, William Thies, Michael D. Ernst.
European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming.
Glasgow, UK. Jul, 2005. Slides. Bibtex.
"author0": "Saman Amarasinghe and Michael I. Gordon and Michal Karczmarek and Jasper Lin and David Maze and Rodric Rabbah and William Thies",
"title": "Language and Compiler Design for Streaming\n Applications",
"journal": "International Journal of Parallel Programming",
"year": "2005",
"volume": "33",
"number": "2/3",
"month": "Jun",
"url": "http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10766-005-3590-6",
"keywords": [
"bibtexKey": "amarasinghe:ijpp:2005",
"itemType": "article",
"author": [
"Saman Amarasinghe",
"Michael I. Gordon",
"Michal Karczmarek",
"Jasper Lin",
"David Maze",
"Rodric Rabbah",
"William Thies"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "Language and Compiler Design for Streaming\n Applications",
"date": "2005-06",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "article",
"publication-type": "Journal Article",
"html": "Language and Compiler Design for Streaming\n Applications.
Saman Amarasinghe, Michael I. Gordon, Michal Karczmarek, Jasper Lin, David Maze, Rodric Rabbah, William Thies.
International Journal of Parallel Programming.
Jun, 2005. Bibtex.
"title": "Programming by Sketching for Bit-Streaming Programs",
"author0": "Armando Solar-Lezama and Rodric Rabbah and Rastislav Bodik and Kemal Ebcioglu",
"booktitle": "ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI)",
"address": "Chicago, IL",
"month": "Jun",
"year": "2005",
"keywords": [
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2005/solar-pldi-2005.pdf",
"bibtexKey": "solar-lezama:pldi:2005",
"itemType": "inproceedings",
"author": [
"Armando Solar-Lezama",
"Rodric Rabbah",
"Rastislav Bodik",
"Kemal Ebcioglu"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "Programming by Sketching for Bit-Streaming Programs",
"date": "2005-06",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "inproceedings",
"publication-type": "Conference Publication",
"html": "Programming by Sketching for Bit-Streaming Programs.
Armando Solar-Lezama, Rodric Rabbah, Rastislav Bodik, Kemal Ebcioglu.
ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI).
Chicago, IL. Jun, 2005. Bibtex.
"author0": "Janis Sermulins and William Thies and Rodric Rabbah and Saman Amarasinghe",
"title": "Cache Aware Optimization of Stream Programs",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2005/sermulins-lctes05.pdf",
"keywords": [
"slides": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2005/sermulins-lctes05.ppt",
"month": "Jun",
"year": "2005",
"booktitle": "Languages, Compilers, and Tools for Embedded Systems",
"address": "Chicago",
"bibtexKey": "sermulins:lctes:2005",
"itemType": "inproceedings",
"author": [
"Janis Sermulins",
"William Thies",
"Rodric Rabbah",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "Cache Aware Optimization of Stream Programs",
"date": "2005-06",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "inproceedings",
"publication-type": "Conference Publication",
"html": "Cache Aware Optimization of Stream Programs.
Janis Sermulins, William Thies, Rodric Rabbah, Saman Amarasinghe.
Languages, Compilers, and Tools for Embedded Systems.
Chicago. Jun, 2005. Slides. Bibtex.
"author0": "William Thies and Michal Karczmarek and Janis Sermulins and Rodric Rabbah and Saman Amarasinghe",
"title": "Teleport Messaging for Distributed Stream Programs",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2005/thies-ppopp05.pdf",
"slides": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2005/thies-ppopp05-slides.pdf",
"keywords": [
"month": "Jun",
"year": "2005",
"booktitle": "Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming",
"address": "Chicago, Illinois",
"bibtexKey": "thies:ppopp:2005",
"itemType": "inproceedings",
"author": [
"William Thies",
"Michal Karczmarek",
"Janis Sermulins",
"Rodric Rabbah",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "Teleport Messaging for Distributed Stream Programs",
"date": "2005-06",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "inproceedings",
"publication-type": "Conference Publication",
"html": "Teleport Messaging for Distributed Stream Programs.
William Thies, Michal Karczmarek, Janis Sermulins, Rodric Rabbah, Saman Amarasinghe.
Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming.
Chicago, Illinois. Jun, 2005. Slides. Bibtex.
"title": "Software orchestration of Instruction Level parallelism on Tiled Processor Architectures",
"author0": "Walter Lee",
"month": "May",
"year": "2005",
"url": "https://dspace.mit.edu/bitstream/handle/1721.1/33862/66280771-MIT.pdf",
"keywords": [
"type": "Publication",
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"school": "Massachusetts Institute of Technology",
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"author": [
"Walter Lee"
"label": "Software orchestration of Instruction Level parallelism on Tiled Processor Architectures",
"date": "2005-05",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "phdthesis",
"publication-type": "PhD Thesis",
"html": "Software orchestration of Instruction Level parallelism on Tiled Processor Architectures.
Walter Lee.
PhD Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Cambridge, MA. May, 2005. Bibtex.
"author0": "Janis Sermulins",
"month": "May",
"year": "2005",
"title": "Cache Optimizations for Stream Programs",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2005/sermulins-meng-thesis.pdf",
"keywords": [
"type": "Publication",
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"school": "Massachusetts Institute of Technology",
"bibtexKey": "sermulins:meng-thesis:2005",
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"author": [
"Janis Sermulins"
"label": "Cache Optimizations for Stream Programs",
"date": "2005-05",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "mastersthesis",
"publication-type": "MEng Thesis",
"html": "Cache Optimizations for Stream Programs.
Janis Sermulins.
MEng Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Cambridge, MA. May, 2005. Bibtex.
"author0": "Saman Amarasinghe",
"title": "Multicores from the Compiler's Perspective: A Blessing or A Curse?",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2005/amarasinghe-CGO-Keynote-Abstract-03-05.pdf",
"keywords": [
"slides": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2005/amarasinghe-CGO-Keynote-03-05.pdf",
"month": "Mar",
"year": "2005",
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"bibtexKey": "amarasinghe:cgo:2005",
"itemType": "inproceedings",
"author": [
"Saman Amarasinghe"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "Multicores from the Compiler's Perspective: A Blessing or A Curse?",
"date": "2005-03",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "inproceedings",
"publication-type": "Conference Publication",
"html": "Multicores from the Compiler's Perspective: A Blessing or A Curse?.
Saman Amarasinghe.
International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization.
San Jose, California. Mar, 2005. Slides. Bibtex.
"author0": "Mark Stephenson and Saman Amarasinghe",
"title": "Predicting Unroll Factors Using Supervised Classification",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2005/stephensonm_supervised.pdf",
"keywords": [
"month": "Mar",
"year": "2005",
"booktitle": "International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization",
"address": "San Jose, California",
"bibtexKey": "stephenson:cgo:2005",
"itemType": "inproceedings",
"author": [
"Mark Stephenson",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "Predicting Unroll Factors Using Supervised Classification",
"date": "2005-03",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "inproceedings",
"publication-type": "Conference Publication",
"html": "Predicting Unroll Factors Using Supervised Classification.
Mark Stephenson, Saman Amarasinghe.
International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization.
San Jose, California. Mar, 2005. Bibtex.
"author0": "Derek Bruening and Saman Amarasinghe",
"title": "Maintaining Consistency and Bounding Capacity of Software Code Caches",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2005/RIO-cacheconscap.pdf",
"keywords": [
"month": "Mar",
"year": "2005",
"booktitle": "International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization",
"address": "San Jose, California",
"bibtexKey": "bruening:cgo:2005",
"itemType": "inproceedings",
"author": [
"Derek Bruening",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "Maintaining Consistency and Bounding Capacity of Software Code Caches",
"date": "2005-03",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "inproceedings",
"publication-type": "Conference Publication",
"html": "Maintaining Consistency and Bounding Capacity of Software Code Caches.
Derek Bruening, Saman Amarasinghe.
International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization.
San Jose, California. Mar, 2005. Bibtex.
"author0": "Kimberly Kuo and Rodric Rabbah and Saman Amarasinghe",
"title": "A Productive Programming Environment for Stream Computing",
"pages": "35--44",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2005/kkuo-sdt.pdf",
"keywords": [
"month": "Feb",
"year": "2005",
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"address": "San Francisco",
"bibtexKey": "kuo:pphec:2005",
"itemType": "inproceedings",
"author": [
"Kimberly Kuo",
"Rodric Rabbah",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "A Productive Programming Environment for Stream Computing",
"date": "2005-02",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "inproceedings",
"publication-type": "Conference Publication",
"html": "A Productive Programming Environment for Stream Computing.
Kimberly Kuo, Rodric Rabbah, Saman Amarasinghe.
Workshop on Productivity and Performance in High-End Computing.
San Francisco. Feb, 2005. Bibtex.
"author0": "Zhao, Qin and Rabbah, Rodric and Wong, Weng-Fai",
"title": "Dynamic memory optimization using pool allocation and prefetching",
"journal": "SIGARCH Comput. Archit. News",
"volume": "33",
"number": "5",
"year": "2005",
"issn": "0163-5964",
"pages": "27--32",
"doi": "http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1127577.1127584",
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"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2005/zhao-wbia05-pool.pdf",
"address": "New York, NY, USA",
"keywords": [
"bibtexKey": "zhao:wbia:2005",
"itemType": "article",
"author": [
"Qin Zhao",
"Rodric Rabbah",
"Weng-Fai Wong"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "Dynamic memory optimization using pool allocation and prefetching",
"date": "2005",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "article",
"publication-type": "Journal Article",
"html": "Dynamic memory optimization using pool allocation and prefetching.
Qin Zhao, Rodric Rabbah, Weng-Fai Wong.
SIGARCH Comput. Archit. News.
New York, NY, USA. 2005. Bibtex.
"author0": "William Thies and J.P. Urbanski and Mats Cooper and David Wentzlaff and Todd Thorsen and Saman Amarasinghe",
"title": "Programmable Microfluidics",
"booktitle": "ASPLOS Wild and Crazy Ideas Session",
"year": "2004",
"address": "Boston, MA",
"month": "Oct",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2004/thies-asploswild04.pdf",
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"itemType": "inproceedings",
"author": [
"William Thies",
"J.P. Urbanski",
"Mats Cooper",
"David Wentzlaff",
"Todd Thorsen",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "Programmable Microfluidics",
"date": "2004-10",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "inproceedings",
"publication-type": "Conference Publication",
"html": "Programmable Microfluidics.
William Thies, J.P. Urbanski, Mats Cooper, David Wentzlaff, Todd Thorsen, Saman Amarasinghe.
ASPLOS Wild and Crazy Ideas Session.
Boston, MA. Oct, 2004. Slides. Bibtex.
"author0": "Derek Bruening",
"month": "Sep",
"year": "2004",
"title": "Efficient, Transparent, and Comprehensive Runtime Code Manipulation",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2004/derek-phd-thesis.pdf",
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"school": "Massachusetts Institute of Technology",
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"author": [
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"date": "2004-09",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "phdthesis",
"publication-type": "PhD Thesis",
"html": "Efficient, Transparent, and Comprehensive Runtime Code Manipulation.
Derek Bruening.
PhD Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Cambridge, MA. Sep, 2004. Bibtex.
"author0": "Sitij Agrawal",
"month": "Aug",
"year": "2004",
"title": "Linear State-Space Analysis and Optimization of StreamIt Programs",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2004/sitij-meng-thesis.pdf",
"keywords": [
"type": "Publication",
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"school": "Massachusetts Institute of Technology",
"bibtexKey": "agrawal:meng-thesis:2004",
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"author": [
"Sitij Agrawal"
"label": "Linear State-Space Analysis and Optimization of StreamIt Programs",
"date": "2004-08",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "mastersthesis",
"publication-type": "MEng Thesis",
"html": "Linear State-Space Analysis and Optimization of StreamIt Programs.
Sitij Agrawal.
MEng Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Cambridge, MA. Aug, 2004. Bibtex.
"author0": "Juan C Reyes",
"month": "Jun",
"year": "2004",
"title": "A Graph Editing Framework for the StreamIt Language",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2004/reyes-meng-thesis.pdf",
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"address": "Cambridge, MA",
"school": "Massachusetts Institute of Technology",
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"author": [
"Juan C Reyes"
"label": "A Graph Editing Framework for the StreamIt Language",
"date": "2004-06",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "mastersthesis",
"publication-type": "MEng Thesis",
"html": "A Graph Editing Framework for the StreamIt Language.
Juan C Reyes.
MEng Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Cambridge, MA. Jun, 2004. Bibtex.
"author0": "Christopher Leger",
"month": "Jun",
"year": "2004",
"title": "An API for Dynamic Partial Evaluation under DynamoRIO",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2004/cl-meng-thesis.pdf",
"keywords": [
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"school": "Massachusetts Institute of Technology",
"bibtexKey": "leger:meng-thesis:2004",
"itemType": "mastersthesis",
"author": [
"Christopher Leger"
"label": "An API for Dynamic Partial Evaluation under DynamoRIO",
"date": "2004-06",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "mastersthesis",
"publication-type": "MEng Thesis",
"html": "An API for Dynamic Partial Evaluation under DynamoRIO.
Christopher Leger.
MEng Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Cambridge, MA. Jun, 2004. Bibtex.
"author0": "Kimberly Kuo",
"month": "Jun",
"year": "2004",
"title": "The StreamIt Development Tool: A Programming Environment for StreamIt",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2004/kkuo-meng-thesis.pdf",
"keywords": [
"type": "Publication",
"address": "Cambridge, MA",
"school": "Massachusetts Institute of Technology",
"bibtexKey": "kuo:meng-thesis:2004",
"itemType": "mastersthesis",
"author": [
"Kimberly Kuo"
"label": "The StreamIt Development Tool: A Programming Environment for StreamIt",
"date": "2004-06",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "mastersthesis",
"publication-type": "MEng Thesis",
"html": "The StreamIt Development Tool: A Programming Environment for StreamIt.
Kimberly Kuo.
MEng Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Cambridge, MA. Jun, 2004. Bibtex.
"author0": "Michael Taylor and Walter Lee and Jason Miller and David Wentzlaff and Ian Bratt and Benjamin Greenwald and Henry Hoffman and Paul Johnson and Jason Kim and James Psota and Arvind Saraf and Nathan Shnidman and Volker Strumpen and Matthew Frank and Saman Amarasinghe and Anant Agarwal",
"title": "Evaluation of the Raw Microprocessor: An Exposed-Wire-Delay Architecture for ILP and Streams",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2004/raw_isca_2004.pdf",
"keywords": [
"month": "Jun",
"year": "2004",
"booktitle": "International Symposium on Computer Architecture",
"address": "Munich, Germany",
"bibtexKey": "taylor:isca:2004",
"itemType": "inproceedings",
"author": [
"Michael Taylor",
"Walter Lee",
"Jason Miller",
"David Wentzlaff",
"Ian Bratt",
"Benjamin Greenwald",
"Henry Hoffman",
"Paul Johnson",
"Jason Kim",
"James Psota",
"Arvind Saraf",
"Nathan Shnidman",
"Volker Strumpen",
"Matthew Frank",
"Saman Amarasinghe",
"Anant Agarwal"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "Evaluation of the Raw Microprocessor: An Exposed-Wire-Delay Architecture for ILP and Streams",
"date": "2004-06",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "inproceedings",
"publication-type": "Conference Publication",
"html": "Evaluation of the Raw Microprocessor: An Exposed-Wire-Delay Architecture for ILP and Streams.
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International Symposium on Computer Architecture.
Munich, Germany. Jun, 2004. Bibtex.
"author0": "Jeremy Wong",
"month": "Jan",
"year": "2004",
"title": "Modeling the Scalability of Acyclic Stream Programs",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2004/wong-meng-thesis.pdf",
"keywords": [
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"address": "Cambridge, MA",
"school": "Massachusetts Institute of Technology",
"bibtexKey": "wong:meng-thesis:2004",
"itemType": "mastersthesis",
"author": [
"Jeremy Wong"
"label": "Modeling the Scalability of Acyclic Stream Programs",
"date": "2004-01",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "mastersthesis",
"publication-type": "MEng Thesis",
"html": "Modeling the Scalability of Acyclic Stream Programs.
Jeremy Wong.
MEng Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Cambridge, MA. Jan, 2004. Bibtex.
"author0": "Diego Puppin and Mark Stephenson and Saman Amarasinghe and Una-May O'Reilly and Martin C. Martin",
"title": "Adapting Convergent Scheduling Using Machine Learning",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2003/puppin-lcpc.pdf",
"keywords": [
"month": "Oct",
"year": "2003",
"booktitle": "Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing",
"address": "College Station, TX",
"bibtexKey": "puppin:lcpc:2003",
"itemType": "inproceedings",
"author": [
"Diego Puppin",
"Mark Stephenson",
"Saman Amarasinghe",
"Una-May O'Reilly",
"Martin C. Martin"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "Adapting Convergent Scheduling Using Machine Learning",
"date": "2003-10",
"type-original": [
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"publication-type": "Conference Publication",
"html": "Adapting Convergent Scheduling Using Machine Learning.
Diego Puppin, Mark Stephenson, Saman Amarasinghe, Una-May O'Reilly, Martin C. Martin.
Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing.
College Station, TX. Oct, 2003. Bibtex.
"author0": "Gleb A. Chuvpilo and Saman Amarasinghe",
"title": "High-Bandwidth Packet Switching on the Raw General-Purpose Architecture",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2003/chuvpilo-2003-icpp.pdf",
"keywords": [
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"year": "2003",
"booktitle": "International Conference on Parallel Processing",
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"bibtexKey": "chuvpilo:icpp:2003",
"itemType": "inproceedings",
"author": [
"Gleb A. Chuvpilo",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "High-Bandwidth Packet Switching on the Raw General-Purpose Architecture",
"date": "2003-10",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "inproceedings",
"publication-type": "Conference Publication",
"html": "High-Bandwidth Packet Switching on the Raw General-Purpose Architecture.
Gleb A. Chuvpilo, Saman Amarasinghe.
International Conference on Parallel Processing.
Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Republic of China. Oct, 2003. Bibtex.
"author0": "Iris Baron",
"month": "Sep",
"year": "2003",
"title": "Dynamic Optimization of Interpreters using DynamoRIO",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2003/iris-SMthesis.pdf",
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"school": "Massachusetts Institute of Technology",
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"itemType": "mastersthesis",
"author": [
"Iris Baron"
"label": "Dynamic Optimization of Interpreters using DynamoRIO",
"date": "2003-09",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "mastersthesis",
"publication-type": "MEng Thesis",
"html": "Dynamic Optimization of Interpreters using DynamoRIO.
Iris Baron.
MEng Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Cambridge, MA. Sep, 2003. Bibtex.
"author0": "Timothy Garnett",
"month": "Jun",
"year": "2003",
"title": "Dynamic Optimization of IA-32 Applications Under DynamoRIO",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2003/garnett-meng-thesis.pdf",
"keywords": [
"type": "Publication",
"address": "Cambridge, MA",
"school": "Massachusetts Institute of Technology",
"bibtexKey": "garnett:meng-thesis:2003",
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"author": [
"Timothy Garnett"
"label": "Dynamic Optimization of IA-32 Applications Under DynamoRIO",
"date": "2003-06",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "sciencethesis",
"publication-type": "SM Thesis",
"html": "Dynamic Optimization of IA-32 Applications Under DynamoRIO.
Timothy Garnett.
SM Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Cambridge, MA. Jun, 2003. Bibtex.
"author0": "Gregory Sullivan and Derek Bruening and Iris Baron and Timothy Garnett and Saman Amarasinghe",
"title": "Dynamic Native Optimization of Interpreters",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2003/RIO-IVME03.pdf",
"keywords": [
"month": "Jun",
"year": "2003",
"booktitle": "Workshop on Interpreters, Virtual Machines and Emulators",
"address": "San Diego, California",
"bibtexKey": "sullivan:ivme:2003",
"itemType": "inproceedings",
"author": [
"Gregory Sullivan",
"Derek Bruening",
"Iris Baron",
"Timothy Garnett",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "Dynamic Native Optimization of Interpreters",
"date": "2003-06",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "inproceedings",
"publication-type": "Conference Publication",
"html": "Dynamic Native Optimization of Interpreters.
Gregory Sullivan, Derek Bruening, Iris Baron, Timothy Garnett, Saman Amarasinghe.
Workshop on Interpreters, Virtual Machines and Emulators.
San Diego, California. Jun, 2003. Bibtex.
"author0": "Michal Karczmarek and William Thies and Saman Amarasinghe",
"title": "Phased Scheduling of Stream Programs",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2003/lctes-phased.pdf",
"slides": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2003/lctes-phased.ppt",
"keywords": [
"month": "Jun",
"year": "2003",
"booktitle": "Languages, Compilers, and Tools for Embedded Systems",
"address": "San Diego, CA",
"bibtexKey": "karczmarek:lctes:2003",
"itemType": "inproceedings",
"author": [
"Michal Karczmarek",
"William Thies",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "Phased Scheduling of Stream Programs",
"date": "2003-06",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "inproceedings",
"publication-type": "Conference Publication",
"html": "Phased Scheduling of Stream Programs.
Michal Karczmarek, William Thies, Saman Amarasinghe.
Languages, Compilers, and Tools for Embedded Systems.
San Diego, CA. Jun, 2003. Slides. Bibtex.
"author0": "Mark Stephenson and Saman Amarasinghe and Martin C. Martin and Una-May O'Reilly",
"title": "Meta Optimization: Improving Compiler Heuristics with Machine Learning",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2003/metaopt-pldi.pdf",
"keywords": [
"month": "Jun",
"year": "2003",
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"itemType": "inproceedings",
"author": [
"Mark Stephenson",
"Saman Amarasinghe",
"Martin C. Martin",
"Una-May O'Reilly"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "Meta Optimization: Improving Compiler Heuristics with Machine Learning",
"date": "2003-06",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "inproceedings",
"publication-type": "Conference Publication",
"html": "Meta Optimization: Improving Compiler Heuristics with Machine Learning.
Mark Stephenson, Saman Amarasinghe, Martin C. Martin, Una-May O'Reilly.
ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI).
San Diego, CA. Jun, 2003. Bibtex.
"author0": "Andrew Lamb and William Thies and Saman Amarasinghe",
"title": "Linear Analysis and Optimization of Stream Programs",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2003/pldi-linear.pdf",
"slides": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2003/pldi-linear.ppt",
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"year": "2003",
"booktitle": "ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI)",
"address": "San Diego, CA",
"bibtexKey": "lamb:pldi:2003",
"itemType": "inproceedings",
"author": [
"Andrew Lamb",
"William Thies",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "Linear Analysis and Optimization of Stream Programs",
"date": "2003-06",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "inproceedings",
"publication-type": "Conference Publication",
"html": "Linear Analysis and Optimization of Stream Programs.
Andrew Lamb, William Thies, Saman Amarasinghe.
ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI).
San Diego, CA. Jun, 2003. Slides. Bibtex.
"author0": "Matthew Frank",
"month": "May",
"year": "2003",
"title": "SUDS: Automatic Parallelization for Raw Processors",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2003/mfrank-thesis.pdf",
"keywords": [
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"school": "Massachusetts Institute of Technology",
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"author": [
"Matthew Frank"
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"date": "2003-05",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "phdthesis",
"publication-type": "PhD Thesis",
"html": "SUDS: Automatic Parallelization for Raw Processors.
Matthew Frank.
PhD Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Cambridge, MA. May, 2003. Bibtex.
"author0": "Vladimir Kiriansky and Derek Bruening and Saman Amarasinghe",
"month": "May",
"year": "2003",
"title": "Execution Model Enforcement Via Program Shepherding",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2003/RIO-security-TM-638.pdf",
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"institution": "Massachusetts Institute of Technology",
"bibtexKey": "kiriansky:lcs-tm:2003",
"itemType": "techreport",
"author": [
"Vladimir Kiriansky",
"Derek Bruening",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
"label": "Execution Model Enforcement Via Program Shepherding",
"date": "2003-05",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "techreport",
"publication-type": "Technical Report",
"html": "Execution Model Enforcement Via Program Shepherding.
Vladimir Kiriansky, Derek Bruening, Saman Amarasinghe.
MIT/LCS Technical Memo LCS-TM-638.
Cambridge, MA. May, 2003. Bibtex.
"author0": "Andrew Lamb",
"month": "May",
"year": "2003",
"title": "Linear Analysis and Optimization of Stream Programs",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2003/aalamb-meng-thesis.pdf",
"keywords": [
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"address": "Cambridge, MA",
"school": "Massachusetts Institute of Technology",
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"author": [
"Andrew Lamb"
"label": "Linear Analysis and Optimization of Stream Programs",
"date": "2003-05",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "mastersthesis",
"publication-type": "MEng Thesis",
"html": "Linear Analysis and Optimization of Stream Programs.
Andrew Lamb.
MEng Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Cambridge, MA. May, 2003. Bibtex.
"author0": "Mark Stephenson and Una-May O'Reilly and Martin C. Martin and Saman Amarasinghe",
"title": "Genetic Programming Applied to Compiler Heuristic Optimization",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2003/GP-HeuristicOpt-EuroGP.pdf",
"keywords": [
"slides": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2003/GP-HeuristicOpt-EuroGP.ppt",
"month": "Apr",
"year": "2003",
"booktitle": "European Conference on Genetic Programming",
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"bibtexKey": "stephenson:eurogp:2003",
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"author": [
"Mark Stephenson",
"Una-May O'Reilly",
"Martin C. Martin",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "Genetic Programming Applied to Compiler Heuristic Optimization",
"date": "2003-04",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "inproceedings",
"publication-type": "Conference Publication",
"html": "Genetic Programming Applied to Compiler Heuristic Optimization.
Mark Stephenson, Una-May O'Reilly, Martin C. Martin, Saman Amarasinghe.
European Conference on Genetic Programming.
Essex, UK. Apr, 2003. Slides. Bibtex.
"author0": "Saman Amarasinghe",
"title": "Defying the Speed of Light: Wire-Exposed Architectures and Spatially-Aware Compilers",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2003/StreamIt-GOMAC.pdf",
"keywords": [
"month": "Mar",
"year": "2003",
"booktitle": "GOMACTech Conference",
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"bibtexKey": "amarasinghe:gomactech:2003",
"itemType": "inproceedings",
"author": [
"Saman Amarasinghe"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "Defying the Speed of Light: Wire-Exposed Architectures and Spatially-Aware Compilers",
"date": "2003-03",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "inproceedings",
"publication-type": "Conference Publication",
"html": "Defying the Speed of Light: Wire-Exposed Architectures and Spatially-Aware Compilers.
Saman Amarasinghe.
GOMACTech Conference.
Tampa, Florida. Mar, 2003. Bibtex.
"author0": "Derek Bruening and Timothy Garnett and Saman Amarasinghe",
"title": "An Infrastructure for Adaptive Dynamic Optimization",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2003/RIO-adaptive-CGO03.pdf",
"keywords": [
"month": "Mar",
"year": "2003",
"booktitle": "International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization",
"address": "San Francisco",
"bibtexKey": "bruening:cgo:2003",
"itemType": "inproceedings",
"author": [
"Derek Bruening",
"Timothy Garnett",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "An Infrastructure for Adaptive Dynamic Optimization",
"date": "2003-03",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "inproceedings",
"publication-type": "Conference Publication",
"html": "An Infrastructure for Adaptive Dynamic Optimization.
Derek Bruening, Timothy Garnett, Saman Amarasinghe.
International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization.
San Francisco. Mar, 2003. Bibtex.
"author0": "Vladimir Kiriansky",
"month": "Feb",
"year": "2003",
"title": "Secure Execution Environment via Program Shepherding",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2003/vlk-MEthesis.pdf",
"keywords": [
"type": "Publication",
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"school": "Massachusetts Institute of Technology",
"price": "Dmitris Chorafas international award for extraordinary scientific achievement.",
"bibtexKey": "kiriansky:meng-thesis:2003",
"itemType": "mastersthesis",
"author": [
"Vladimir Kiriansky"
"label": "Secure Execution Environment via Program Shepherding",
"date": "2003-02",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "mastersthesis",
"publication-type": "MEng Thesis",
"html": "Secure Execution Environment via Program Shepherding.
Vladimir Kiriansky.
MEng Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Cambridge, MA. Feb, 2003. Bibtex.
Dmitris Chorafas international award for extraordinary scientific achievement..
"author0": "Michael Taylor and Walter Lee and Saman Amarasinghe and Anant Agarwal",
"title": "Scalar Operand Networks: On-chip Interconnect for ILP in Partitioned Architectures",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2002/raw-hpca.pdf",
"keywords": [
"month": "Feb",
"year": "2003",
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"bibtexKey": "taylor:hpca:2003",
"itemType": "inproceedings",
"author": [
"Michael Taylor",
"Walter Lee",
"Saman Amarasinghe",
"Anant Agarwal"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "Scalar Operand Networks: On-chip Interconnect for ILP in Partitioned Architectures",
"date": "2003-02",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "inproceedings",
"publication-type": "Conference Publication",
"html": "Scalar Operand Networks: On-chip Interconnect for ILP in Partitioned Architectures.
Michael Taylor, Walter Lee, Saman Amarasinghe, Anant Agarwal.
International Symposium on High Performance Computer Architecture.
Anaheim, California. Feb, 2003. Bibtex.
"author0": "Diego Puppin",
"month": "Dec",
"year": "2002",
"title": "Convergent Scheduling: A Flexible and Extensible Scheduling Framework for Clustered VLIW Architectures",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2002/diego-thesis.pdf",
"keywords": [
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"author": [
"Diego Puppin"
"label": "Convergent Scheduling: A Flexible and Extensible Scheduling Framework for Clustered VLIW Architectures",
"date": "2002-12",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "sciencethesis",
"publication-type": "SM Thesis",
"html": "Convergent Scheduling: A Flexible and Extensible Scheduling Framework for Clustered VLIW Architectures.
Diego Puppin.
SM Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Cambridge, MA. Dec, 2002. Bibtex.
"author0": "Michal Karczmarek",
"month": "Dec",
"year": "2002",
"title": "Constrained and Phased Scheduling of Synchronous Data Flow Graphs for StreamIt Language",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2002/karczma-thesis-SM.pdf",
"keywords": [
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"school": "Massachusetts Institute of Technology",
"bibtexKey": "karczmarek:sm-thesis:2002",
"itemType": "sciencethesis",
"author": [
"Michal Karczmarek"
"label": "Constrained and Phased Scheduling of Synchronous Data Flow Graphs for StreamIt Language",
"date": "2002-12",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "sciencethesis",
"publication-type": "SM Thesis",
"html": "Constrained and Phased Scheduling of Synchronous Data Flow Graphs for StreamIt Language.
Michal Karczmarek.
SM Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Cambridge, MA. Dec, 2002. Bibtex.
"author0": "Walter Lee and Diego Puppin and Shane Michael Swenson and Saman Amarasinghe",
"title": "Convergent Scheduling",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2002/Convergence-MICRO-2002.pdf",
"keywords": [
"month": "Nov",
"year": "2002",
"booktitle": "International Symposium on Microarchitecture",
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"bibtexKey": "lee:micro:2002",
"itemType": "inproceedings",
"author": [
"Walter Lee",
"Diego Puppin",
"Shane Michael Swenson",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "Convergent Scheduling",
"date": "2002-11",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "inproceedings",
"publication-type": "Conference Publication",
"html": "Convergent Scheduling.
Walter Lee, Diego Puppin, Shane Michael Swenson, Saman Amarasinghe.
International Symposium on Microarchitecture.
Istanbul, Turkey. Nov, 2002. Bibtex.
"author0": "Michael I. Gordon and William Thies and Michal Karczmarek and Jasper Lin and Ali S. Meli and Christopher Leger and Andrew Lamb and Jeremy Wong and Henry Hoffman and David Maze and Saman Amarasinghe",
"title": "A Stream Compiler For Communication-Exposed Architectures",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2002/streamit-asplos.pdf",
"slides": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2002/streamit-asplos.ppt",
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"year": "2002",
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"address": "San Jose, CA USA",
"bibtexKey": "gordon:asplos:2002",
"itemType": "inproceedings",
"author": [
"Michael I. Gordon",
"William Thies",
"Michal Karczmarek",
"Jasper Lin",
"Ali S. Meli",
"Christopher Leger",
"Andrew Lamb",
"Jeremy Wong",
"Henry Hoffman",
"David Maze",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "A Stream Compiler For Communication-Exposed Architectures",
"date": "2002-10",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "inproceedings",
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"html": "A Stream Compiler For Communication-Exposed Architectures.
Michael I. Gordon, William Thies, Michal Karczmarek, Jasper Lin, Ali S. Meli, Christopher Leger, Andrew Lamb, Jeremy Wong, Henry Hoffman, David Maze, Saman Amarasinghe.
International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems.
San Jose, CA USA. Oct, 2002. Slides. Bibtex.
"author0": "Samuel Larsen and Emmett Witchel and Saman Amarasinghe",
"title": "Increasing and Detecting Memory Address Congruence",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2002/Congruence-PACT-2002.pdf",
"keywords": [
"month": "Sep",
"year": "2002",
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"bibtexKey": "larsen:pact:2002",
"itemType": "inproceedings",
"author": [
"Samuel Larsen",
"Emmett Witchel",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "Increasing and Detecting Memory Address Congruence",
"date": "2002-09",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "inproceedings",
"publication-type": "Conference Publication",
"html": "Increasing and Detecting Memory Address Congruence.
Samuel Larsen, Emmett Witchel, Saman Amarasinghe.
International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques (PACT).
Charlottesville, VA. Sep, 2002. Bibtex.
"author0": "Samidh Chakrabarti",
"month": "Sep",
"year": "2002",
"title": "Low-Bandwidth Web Access with Tandem Proxies",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2002/samidh-MEthesis.pdf",
"keywords": [
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"school": "Massachusetts Institute of Technology",
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"author": [
"Samidh Chakrabarti"
"label": "Low-Bandwidth Web Access with Tandem Proxies",
"date": "2002-09",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "mastersthesis",
"publication-type": "MEng Thesis",
"html": "Low-Bandwidth Web Access with Tandem Proxies.
Samidh Chakrabarti.
MEng Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Cambridge, MA. Sep, 2002. Bibtex.
"author0": "Michael I. Gordon",
"month": "Aug",
"year": "2002",
"title": "A Stream-Aware Compiler For Communication-Exposed Architectures",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2002/mgordon-thesis-SM.pdf",
"keywords": [
"type": "Publication",
"address": "Cambridge, MA",
"school": "Massachusetts Institute of Technology",
"bibtexKey": "gordon:sm-thesis:2002",
"itemType": "sciencethesis",
"author": [
"Michael I. Gordon"
"label": "A Stream-Aware Compiler For Communication-Exposed Architectures",
"date": "2002-08",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "sciencethesis",
"publication-type": "SM Thesis",
"html": "A Stream-Aware Compiler For Communication-Exposed Architectures.
Michael I. Gordon.
SM Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Cambridge, MA. Aug, 2002. Bibtex.
"author0": "Gleb A. Chuvpilo",
"month": "Aug",
"year": "2002",
"title": "High-Bandwidth Packet Switching on the Raw General-Purpose Architecture",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2002/chuvpilo-thesis-SM.pdf",
"keywords": [
"type": "Publication",
"address": "Cambridge, MA",
"school": "Massachusetts Institute of Technology",
"bibtexKey": "chuvpilo:sm-thesis:2002",
"itemType": "sciencethesis",
"author": [
"Gleb A. Chuvpilo"
"label": "High-Bandwidth Packet Switching on the Raw General-Purpose Architecture",
"date": "2002-08",
"type-original": [
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"html": "High-Bandwidth Packet Switching on the Raw General-Purpose Architecture.
Gleb A. Chuvpilo.
SM Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Cambridge, MA. Aug, 2002. Bibtex.
"author0": "Vladimir Kiriansky and Derek Bruening and Saman Amarasinghe",
"title": "Secure Execution via Program Shepherding",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2002/RIO-security-usenix.pdf",
"keywords": [
"month": "Aug",
"year": "2002",
"booktitle": "USENIX Security Symposium",
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"bibtexKey": "kiriansky:security:2002",
"itemType": "inproceedings",
"author": [
"Vladimir Kiriansky",
"Derek Bruening",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "Secure Execution via Program Shepherding",
"date": "2002-08",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "inproceedings",
"publication-type": "Conference Publication",
"html": "Secure Execution via Program Shepherding.
Vladimir Kiriansky, Derek Bruening, Saman Amarasinghe.
USENIX Security Symposium.
San Francisco. Aug, 2002. Bibtex.
"author0": "William Thies",
"month": "Jun",
"year": "2002",
"title": "A Unified Framework for Schedule and Storage Optimization",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2002/thies-MEthesis.pdf",
"keywords": [
"type": "Publication",
"address": "Cambridge, MA",
"school": "Massachusetts Institute of Technology",
"bibtexKey": "thies:meng-thesis:2002",
"itemType": "mastersthesis",
"author": [
"William Thies"
"label": "A Unified Framework for Schedule and Storage Optimization",
"date": "2002-06",
"type-original": [
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"publication-type": "MEng Thesis",
"html": "A Unified Framework for Schedule and Storage Optimization.
William Thies.
MEng Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Cambridge, MA. Jun, 2002. Bibtex.
"author0": "William Thies and Michal Karczmarek and Michael I. Gordon and David Maze and Jeremy Wong and Henry Hoffman and Matthew Brown and Saman Amarasinghe",
"title": "A Common Machine Language for Grid-Based Architectures",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2002/streamit-can.pdf",
"keywords": [
"month": "Jun",
"year": "2002",
"booktitle": "ACM SIGARCH Computer Architecture News",
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"author": [
"William Thies",
"Michal Karczmarek",
"Michael I. Gordon",
"David Maze",
"Jeremy Wong",
"Henry Hoffman",
"Matthew Brown",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "A Common Machine Language for Grid-Based Architectures",
"date": "2002-06",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "inproceedings",
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William Thies, Michal Karczmarek, Michael I. Gordon, David Maze, Jeremy Wong, Henry Hoffman, Matthew Brown, Saman Amarasinghe.
ACM SIGARCH Computer Architecture News.
Jun, 2002. Bibtex.
"author0": "Libby Levison and William Thies and Saman Amarasinghe",
"title": "Providing Web Search Capability for Low-Connectivity Communities",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2002/istas02-tek.pdf",
"keywords": [
"month": "Jun",
"year": "2002",
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"bibtexKey": "levison:istas:2002",
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"author": [
"Libby Levison",
"William Thies",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "Providing Web Search Capability for Low-Connectivity Communities",
"date": "2002-06",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "inproceedings",
"publication-type": "Conference Publication",
"html": "Providing Web Search Capability for Low-Connectivity Communities.
Libby Levison, William Thies, Saman Amarasinghe.
International Symposium on Technology and Society.
Raleigh, North Carolina. Jun, 2002. Bibtex.
"author0": "Michael I. Gordon and William Thies and Michal Karczmarek and Jeremy Wong and Henry Hoffman and David Maze and Saman Amarasinghe",
"month": "May",
"year": "2002",
"title": "A Stream Compiler for Communication-Exposed Architectures",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2002/streamit-627-v2.pdf",
"keywords": [
"number": "MIT/LCS Technical Memo LCS-TM-627",
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"institution": "Massachusetts Institute of Technology",
"bibtexKey": "gordon:lcs-tm:2002",
"itemType": "techreport",
"author": [
"Michael I. Gordon",
"William Thies",
"Michal Karczmarek",
"Jeremy Wong",
"Henry Hoffman",
"David Maze",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
"label": "A Stream Compiler for Communication-Exposed Architectures",
"date": "2002-05",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "techreport",
"publication-type": "Technical Report",
"html": "A Stream Compiler for Communication-Exposed Architectures.
Michael I. Gordon, William Thies, Michal Karczmarek, Jeremy Wong, Henry Hoffman, David Maze, Saman Amarasinghe.
MIT/LCS Technical Memo LCS-TM-627.
Cambridge, MA. May, 2002. Bibtex.
"author0": "William Thies and Janelle Prevost and Tazeen Mahtab and Genevieve T. Cuevas and Saad Shakhshir and Alexandro Artola and Binh D. Vo and Yuliya Litvak and Sheldon Chan and Sid Henderson and Mark Halsey and Libby Levison and Saman Amarasinghe",
"title": "Searching the World Wide Web in Low-Connectivity Communities",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2002/www2002-tek.pdf",
"slides": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2002/www2002-tek.ppt",
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"booktitle": "World Wide Web Conference",
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"author": [
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"Janelle Prevost",
"Tazeen Mahtab",
"Genevieve T. Cuevas",
"Saad Shakhshir",
"Alexandro Artola",
"Binh D. Vo",
"Yuliya Litvak",
"Sheldon Chan",
"Sid Henderson",
"Mark Halsey",
"Libby Levison",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "Searching the World Wide Web in Low-Connectivity Communities",
"date": "2002-05",
"type-original": [
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"html": "Searching the World Wide Web in Low-Connectivity Communities.
William Thies, Janelle Prevost, Tazeen Mahtab, Genevieve T. Cuevas, Saad Shakhshir, Alexandro Artola, Binh D. Vo, Yuliya Litvak, Sheldon Chan, Sid Henderson, Mark Halsey, Libby Levison, Saman Amarasinghe.
World Wide Web Conference.
Honolulu, Hawaii. May, 2002. Slides. Bibtex.
"author0": "Michael Taylor and Jason Kim and Jason Miller and David Wentzlaff and Fae Ghodrat and Benjamin Greenwald and Henry Hoffman and Jae-Wook Lee and Paul Johnson and Walter Lee and Albert Ma and Arvind Saraf and Mark Seneski and Nathan Shnidman and Volker Strumpen and Matthew Frank and Saman Amarasinghe and Anant Agarwal",
"month": "May",
"year": "2002",
"title": "The Raw Microprocessor: A Computational Fabric for Software Circuits and General Purpose Programs",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2002/raw-ieee-micro.pdf",
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"Benjamin Greenwald",
"Henry Hoffman",
"Jae-Wook Lee",
"Paul Johnson",
"Walter Lee",
"Albert Ma",
"Arvind Saraf",
"Mark Seneski",
"Nathan Shnidman",
"Volker Strumpen",
"Matthew Frank",
"Saman Amarasinghe",
"Anant Agarwal"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "The Raw Microprocessor: A Computational Fabric for Software Circuits and General Purpose Programs",
"date": "2002-05",
"type-original": [
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"html": "The Raw Microprocessor: A Computational Fabric for Software Circuits and General Purpose Programs.
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IEEE Micro.
May, 2002. Bibtex.
"author0": "Darin Petkov and Randolph Harr and Saman Amarasinghe",
"title": "Efficient Pipelining of Nested Loops: Unroll-and-Squash",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2002/uas-ipdps-02p.pdf",
"keywords": [
"month": "Apr",
"year": "2002",
"booktitle": "International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium",
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"bibtexKey": "petkov:ipdps:2002",
"itemType": "inproceedings",
"author": [
"Darin Petkov",
"Randolph Harr",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "Efficient Pipelining of Nested Loops: Unroll-and-Squash",
"date": "2002-04",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "inproceedings",
"publication-type": "Conference Publication",
"html": "Efficient Pipelining of Nested Loops: Unroll-and-Squash.
Darin Petkov, Randolph Harr, Saman Amarasinghe.
International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium.
Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Apr, 2002. Bibtex.
"author0": "William Thies and Michal Karczmarek and Saman Amarasinghe",
"title": "StreamIt: A Language for Streaming Applications",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2002/streamit-cc.pdf",
"slides": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2002/streamit-cc.ppt",
"keywords": [
"month": "Apr",
"year": "2002",
"booktitle": "International Conference on Compiler Construction",
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"author": [
"William Thies",
"Michal Karczmarek",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "StreamIt: A Language for Streaming Applications",
"date": "2002-04",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "inproceedings",
"publication-type": "Conference Publication",
"html": "StreamIt: A Language for Streaming Applications.
William Thies, Michal Karczmarek, Saman Amarasinghe.
International Conference on Compiler Construction.
Grenoble, France. Apr, 2002. Slides. Bibtex.
"author0": "Shane Michael Swenson",
"month": "Feb",
"year": "2002",
"title": "Spatial Instruction Scheduling for Raw Machines",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2002/swenson-MEthesis.ps",
"keywords": [
"type": "Publication",
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"school": "Massachusetts Institute of Technology",
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"author": [
"Shane Michael Swenson"
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"date": "2002-02",
"type-original": [
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"publication-type": "MEng Thesis",
"html": "Spatial Instruction Scheduling for Raw Machines.
Shane Michael Swenson.
MEng Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Cambridge, MA. Feb, 2002. Bibtex.
"author0": "Vladimir Kiriansky and Derek Bruening and Saman Amarasinghe",
"month": "Feb",
"year": "2002",
"title": "Secure Execution Via Program Shepherding",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2002/RIO-security-TM-625.pdf",
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"number": "MIT/LCS Technical Memo LCS-TM-625",
"type": "Publication",
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"institution": "Massachusetts Institute of Technology",
"bibtexKey": "kiriansky:lcs-tm:2002",
"itemType": "techreport",
"author": [
"Vladimir Kiriansky",
"Derek Bruening",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
"label": "Secure Execution Via Program Shepherding",
"date": "2002-02",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "techreport",
"publication-type": "Technical Report",
"html": "Secure Execution Via Program Shepherding.
Vladimir Kiriansky, Derek Bruening, Saman Amarasinghe.
MIT/LCS Technical Memo LCS-TM-625.
Cambridge, MA. Feb, 2002. Bibtex.
"author0": "Gleb A. Chuvpilo and David Wentzlaff and Saman Amarasinghe",
"title": "Gigabit IP Routing on Raw",
"pages": "2--9",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2002/chuvpilo-HPCA-NP.pdf",
"keywords": [
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"year": "2002",
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"bibtexKey": "chuvpilo:hpca-np:2002",
"itemType": "inproceedings",
"author": [
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"David Wentzlaff",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "Gigabit IP Routing on Raw",
"date": "2002-02",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "inproceedings",
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"html": "Gigabit IP Routing on Raw.
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IEEE HPCA Workshop on Network Processors.
Cambridge, Massachusetts. Feb, 2002. Bibtex.
"author0": "Diego Puppin and Dean Tullsen",
"title": "Maximizing TLP with Loop-Parallelization on SMT",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2001/diego_SMT_MTEAC.ps",
"month": "Dec",
"year": "2001",
"booktitle": "Workshop on Multithreaded Execution, Architecture, and Compilation",
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"bibtexKey": "puppin:mteac:2001",
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"Diego Puppin",
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"type-original": [
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"html": "Maximizing TLP with Loop-Parallelization on SMT.
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Workshop on Multithreaded Execution, Architecture, and Compilation.
Austin, Texas. Dec, 2001. Bibtex.
"author0": "Emmett Witchel and Samuel Larsen and C. Scott Ananian and Krste Asanovic",
"title": "Direct Address Caches for Reduced Power Consumption",
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"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2001/dacache-micro2001.pdf",
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"year": "2001",
"booktitle": "International Symposium on Microarchitecture",
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"bibtexKey": "witchel:micro:2001",
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"author": [
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"Krste Asanovic"
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"date": "2001-12",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "inproceedings",
"publication-type": "Conference Publication",
"html": "Direct Address Caches for Reduced Power Consumption.
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International Symposium on Microarchitecture.
Austin, Texas. Dec, 2001. Bibtex.
"author0": "Derek Bruening and Evelyn Duesterwald and Saman Amarasinghe",
"title": "Design and Implementation of a Dynamic Optimization Framework for Windows",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2001/RIO-FDDO.pdf",
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"month": "Dec",
"year": "2001",
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"bibtexKey": "bruening:fddo:2001",
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"author": [
"Derek Bruening",
"Evelyn Duesterwald",
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"type": "Publication",
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"date": "2001-12",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "inproceedings",
"publication-type": "Conference Publication",
"html": "Design and Implementation of a Dynamic Optimization Framework for Windows.
Derek Bruening, Evelyn Duesterwald, Saman Amarasinghe.
ACM Workshop on Feedback-Directed and Dynamic Optimization.
Austin, Texas. Dec, 2001. Bibtex.
"author0": "William Thies and Michal Karczmarek and Michael I. Gordon and David Maze and Jeremy Wong and Henry Hoffman and Matthew Brown and Saman Amarasinghe",
"month": "Dec",
"year": "2001",
"title": "StreamIt: A Compiler for Streaming Applications",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2001/StreamIt-TM-622.pdf",
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"number": "MIT/LCS Technical Memo LCS-TM-622",
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"institution": "Massachusetts Institute of Technology",
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"itemType": "techreport",
"author": [
"William Thies",
"Michal Karczmarek",
"Michael I. Gordon",
"David Maze",
"Jeremy Wong",
"Henry Hoffman",
"Matthew Brown",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
"label": "StreamIt: A Compiler for Streaming Applications",
"date": "2001-12",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "techreport",
"publication-type": "Technical Report",
"html": "StreamIt: A Compiler for Streaming Applications.
William Thies, Michal Karczmarek, Michael I. Gordon, David Maze, Jeremy Wong, Henry Hoffman, Matthew Brown, Saman Amarasinghe.
MIT/LCS Technical Memo LCS-TM-622.
Cambridge, MA. Dec, 2001. Bibtex.
"author0": "Rajeev Barua and Walter Lee and Saman Amarasinghe and Anant Agarwal",
"month": "Nov",
"year": "2001",
"title": "Compiler Support for Scalable and Efficient Memory Systems",
"volume": "50",
"number": "11",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/maps-toc2001.pdf",
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"label": "Compiler Support for Scalable and Efficient Memory Systems",
"date": "2001-11",
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"html": "Compiler Support for Scalable and Efficient Memory Systems.
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Transactions on Computers.
Nov, 2001. Bibtex.
"author0": "Samuel Larsen and Emmett Witchel and Saman Amarasinghe",
"month": "Nov",
"year": "2001",
"title": "Techniques for Increasing and Detecting Memory Alignment",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2001/MIT-LCS-TM-621.pdf",
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"number": "MIT/LCS Technical Memo LCS-TM-621",
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"institution": "Massachusetts Institute of Technology",
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"author": [
"Samuel Larsen",
"Emmett Witchel",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
"label": "Techniques for Increasing and Detecting Memory Alignment",
"date": "2001-11",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "techreport",
"publication-type": "Technical Report",
"html": "Techniques for Increasing and Detecting Memory Alignment.
Samuel Larsen, Emmett Witchel, Saman Amarasinghe.
MIT/LCS Technical Memo LCS-TM-621.
Cambridge, MA. Nov, 2001. Bibtex.
"author0": "Mathew Deeds",
"month": "Sep",
"year": "2001",
"title": "Design and Implementation of a PowerPC and AltiVec Backend with Optimization",
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"author": [
"Mathew Deeds"
"label": "Design and Implementation of a PowerPC and AltiVec Backend with Optimization",
"date": "2001-09",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "mastersthesis",
"publication-type": "MEng Thesis",
"html": "Design and Implementation of a PowerPC and AltiVec Backend with Optimization.
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MEng Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Cambridge, MA. Sep, 2001. Bibtex.
"author0": "David Maze",
"month": "Sep",
"year": "2001",
"title": "A Flexible Compilation Infrastructure for VLIW and SIMD Architectures",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2001/maze-MEthesis.pdf",
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"school": "Massachusetts Institute of Technology",
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"David Maze"
"label": "A Flexible Compilation Infrastructure for VLIW and SIMD Architectures",
"date": "2001-09",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "mastersthesis",
"publication-type": "MEng Thesis",
"html": "A Flexible Compilation Infrastructure for VLIW and SIMD Architectures.
David Maze.
MEng Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Cambridge, MA. Sep, 2001. Bibtex.
"author0": "William Thies and Michal Karczmarek and Saman Amarasinghe",
"month": "Aug",
"year": "2001",
"title": "StreaMIT: A Language for Streaming Applications",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2001/StreaMIT-TM-620.pdf",
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"type": "Publication",
"address": "Cambridge, MA",
"institution": "Massachusetts Institute of Technology",
"bibtexKey": "thies:lcs-tm:2001",
"itemType": "techreport",
"author": [
"William Thies",
"Michal Karczmarek",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
"label": "StreaMIT: A Language for Streaming Applications",
"date": "2001-08",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "techreport",
"publication-type": "Technical Report",
"html": "StreaMIT: A Language for Streaming Applications.
William Thies, Michal Karczmarek, Saman Amarasinghe.
MIT/LCS Technical Memo LCS-TM-620.
Cambridge, MA. Aug, 2001. Bibtex.
"author0": "Jeffrey W. Sheldon and Walter Lee and Benjamin Greenwald and Saman Amarasinghe",
"title": "Strength Reduction of Integer Divison and Modulo Operations",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2001/mdopt-lcpc2001.pdf",
"keywords": [
"month": "Aug",
"year": "2001",
"booktitle": "Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing",
"address": "Cumberland Falls, Kentucky",
"bibtexKey": "sheldon:lcpc:2001",
"itemType": "inproceedings",
"author": [
"Jeffrey W. Sheldon",
"Walter Lee",
"Benjamin Greenwald",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "Strength Reduction of Integer Divison and Modulo Operations",
"date": "2001-08",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "inproceedings",
"publication-type": "Conference Publication",
"html": "Strength Reduction of Integer Divison and Modulo Operations.
Jeffrey W. Sheldon, Walter Lee, Benjamin Greenwald, Saman Amarasinghe.
Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing.
Cumberland Falls, Kentucky. Aug, 2001. Bibtex.
"author0": "Libby Levison and William Thies and Saman Amarasinghe",
"title": "The TEK Search Engine",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2001/dyd-tek.pdf",
"keywords": [
"month": "Jul",
"year": "2001",
"booktitle": "Development by Design Workshop",
"address": "Boston, MA",
"bibtexKey": "levison:dyd:2001",
"itemType": "inproceedings",
"author": [
"Libby Levison",
"William Thies",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "The TEK Search Engine",
"date": "2001-07",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "inproceedings",
"publication-type": "Conference Publication",
"html": "The TEK Search Engine.
Libby Levison, William Thies, Saman Amarasinghe.
Development by Design Workshop.
Boston, MA. Jul, 2001. Bibtex.
"author0": "William Thies and Frederic Vivien and Jeffrey W. Sheldon and Saman Amarasinghe",
"title": "A Unified Framework For Schedule And Storage Optimization",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2001/framework-pldi2001.pdf",
"slides": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2001/framework-pldi2001-talk.pdf",
"keywords": [
"month": "Jun",
"year": "2001",
"booktitle": "ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI)",
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"bibtexKey": "thies:pldi:2001",
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"author": [
"William Thies",
"Frederic Vivien",
"Jeffrey W. Sheldon",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "A Unified Framework For Schedule And Storage Optimization",
"date": "2001-06",
"type-original": [
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"html": "A Unified Framework For Schedule And Storage Optimization.
William Thies, Frederic Vivien, Jeffrey W. Sheldon, Saman Amarasinghe.
ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI).
Snowbird, Utah. Jun, 2001. Slides. Bibtex.
"author0": "Jeffrey W. Sheldon",
"month": "Jun",
"year": "2001",
"title": "Strength Reduction of Integer Division and Modulo Operations",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2001/sheldon-MEthesis.ps",
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"school": "Massachusetts Institute of Technology",
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"author": [
"Jeffrey W. Sheldon"
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"date": "2001-06",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "mastersthesis",
"publication-type": "MEng Thesis",
"html": "Strength Reduction of Integer Division and Modulo Operations.
Jeffrey W. Sheldon.
MEng Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Cambridge, MA. Jun, 2001. Bibtex.
"author0": "Darin Petkov",
"month": "Feb",
"year": "2001",
"title": "Efficient Pipelining of Nested Loops: Unroll-and-Squash",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2001/petkov-MEthesis.pdf",
"keywords": [
"type": "Publication",
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"school": "Massachusetts Institute of Technology",
"bibtexKey": "petkov:meng-thesis:2001",
"itemType": "mastersthesis",
"author": [
"Darin Petkov"
"label": "Efficient Pipelining of Nested Loops: Unroll-and-Squash",
"date": "2001-02",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "mastersthesis",
"publication-type": "MEng Thesis",
"html": "Efficient Pipelining of Nested Loops: Unroll-and-Squash.
Darin Petkov.
MEng Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Cambridge, MA. Feb, 2001. Bibtex.
"author0": "Govinda Shrestha and Saman Amarasinghe",
"month": "Jan",
"year": "2001",
"title": "Perspectives on the Use of Internet in Sri Lanka",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2001/tek-sl-survey.pdf",
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"institution": "Massachusetts Institute of Technology",
"bibtexKey": "shrestha:lcs-tr:2001",
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"author": [
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"Saman Amarasinghe"
"label": "Perspectives on the Use of Internet in Sri Lanka",
"date": "2001-01",
"type-original": [
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"html": "Perspectives on the Use of Internet in Sri Lanka.
Govinda Shrestha, Saman Amarasinghe.
MIT/LCS Technical Report LCS-TR-815.
Cambridge, MA. Jan, 2001. Bibtex.
"author0": "Derek Bruening and Srikrishna Devabhaktuni and Saman Amarasinghe",
"title": "Softspec: Software-based Speculative Parallelism",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2000/Softspec-FDDO.pdf",
"keywords": [
"month": "Dec",
"year": "2000",
"booktitle": "ACM Workshop on Feedback-Directed and Dynamic Optimization",
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"bibtexKey": "bruening:fddo:2000",
"itemType": "inproceedings",
"author": [
"Derek Bruening",
"Srikrishna Devabhaktuni",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
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"label": "Softspec: Software-based Speculative Parallelism",
"date": "2000-12",
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"html": "Softspec: Software-based Speculative Parallelism.
Derek Bruening, Srikrishna Devabhaktuni, Saman Amarasinghe.
ACM Workshop on Feedback-Directed and Dynamic Optimization.
Monterey, California. Dec, 2000. Bibtex.
"author0": "William Thies and Frederic Vivien and Jeffrey W. Sheldon and Saman Amarasinghe",
"month": "Nov",
"year": "2000",
"title": "A Unified Framework For Schedule and Storage Optimization",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2000/AOV-TM.pdf",
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"institution": "Massachusetts Institute of Technology",
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"author": [
"William Thies",
"Frederic Vivien",
"Jeffrey W. Sheldon",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
"label": "A Unified Framework For Schedule and Storage Optimization",
"date": "2000-11",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "techreport",
"publication-type": "Technical Report",
"html": "A Unified Framework For Schedule and Storage Optimization.
William Thies, Frederic Vivien, Jeffrey W. Sheldon, Saman Amarasinghe.
MIT/LCS Technical Memo LCS-TM-613.
Cambridge, MA. Nov, 2000. Bibtex.
"author0": "Csaba Andras Moritz and Matthew Frank and Saman Amarasinghe",
"title": "FlexCache: A Framework for Flexible Compiler Generated Data Caching",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2000/Moritz-IRAM-2000.pdf",
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"year": "2000",
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"Matthew Frank",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
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"date": "2000-11",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "inproceedings",
"publication-type": "Conference Publication",
"html": "FlexCache: A Framework for Flexible Compiler Generated Data Caching.
Csaba Andras Moritz, Matthew Frank, Saman Amarasinghe.
Workshop on Intelligent Memory Systems.
Boston, Massachusetts. Nov, 2000. Bibtex.
"author0": "Elliot L. Waingold",
"month": "Jun",
"year": "2000",
"title": "SIFt: A Compiler for Streaming Applications",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2000/elliot-MEng.pdf",
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"school": "Massachusetts Institute of Technology",
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"author": [
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"date": "2000-06",
"type-original": [
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"html": "SIFt: A Compiler for Streaming Applications.
Elliot L. Waingold.
MEng Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Cambridge, MA. Jun, 2000. Bibtex.
"author0": "Mark Stephenson and Johnathan Babb and Saman Amarasinghe",
"title": "Bitwidth Analysis with Application to Silicon Compilation",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2000/bitwise-pldi2k.pdf",
"keywords": [
"month": "Jun",
"year": "2000",
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"itemType": "inproceedings",
"author": [
"Mark Stephenson",
"Johnathan Babb",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
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"label": "Bitwidth Analysis with Application to Silicon Compilation",
"date": "2000-06",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "inproceedings",
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"html": "Bitwidth Analysis with Application to Silicon Compilation.
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ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI).
Vancouver, British Columbia. Jun, 2000. Bibtex.
"author0": "Samuel Larsen and Saman Amarasinghe",
"title": "Exploiting Superword Level Parallelism With Multimedia Instruction Sets",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2000/SLP-PLDI-2000.pdf",
"keywords": [
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"year": "2000",
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"bibtexKey": "larsen:pldi:2000",
"itemType": "inproceedings",
"author": [
"Samuel Larsen",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
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"date": "2000-06",
"type-original": [
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"html": "Exploiting Superword Level Parallelism With Multimedia Instruction Sets.
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ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI).
Vancouver, British Columbia. Jun, 2000. Bibtex.
"author0": "Samuel Larsen",
"month": "May",
"year": "2000",
"title": "Exploiting Superword-Level Parallelism with Multimedia Instruction Sets",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2000/SLarsen-SM.pdf",
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"pub-type": "sciencethesis",
"publication-type": "SM Thesis",
"html": "Exploiting Superword-Level Parallelism with Multimedia Instruction Sets.
Samuel Larsen.
SM Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Cambridge, MA. May, 2000. Bibtex.
"author0": "Mark Stephenson",
"month": "May",
"year": "2000",
"title": "Bitwise: Optimizing Bitwidths Using Data-Range Propagation",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2000/Mark-SM.pdf",
"keywords": [
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"school": "Massachusetts Institute of Technology",
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"date": "2000-05",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "sciencethesis",
"publication-type": "SM Thesis",
"html": "Bitwise: Optimizing Bitwidths Using Data-Range Propagation.
Mark Stephenson.
SM Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Cambridge, MA. May, 2000. Bibtex.
"author0": "Derek Bruening and Srikrishna Devabhaktuni and Saman Amarasinghe",
"month": "Apr",
"year": "2000",
"title": "Softspec: Software-Based Speculative Parallelism",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2000/Softspec-TM.pdf",
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"number": "MIT/LCS Technical Memo LCS-TM-606",
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"Srikrishna Devabhaktuni",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
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"date": "2000-04",
"type-original": [
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"html": "Softspec: Software-Based Speculative Parallelism.
Derek Bruening, Srikrishna Devabhaktuni, Saman Amarasinghe.
MIT/LCS Technical Memo LCS-TM-606.
Cambridge, MA. Apr, 2000. Bibtex.
"author0": "Rajeev Barua",
"month": "Jan",
"year": "2000",
"title": "Maps: A Compiler-Managed Memory System for Software-Exposed Architectures",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/2000/Barua-PhD.pdf",
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"school": "Massachusetts Institute of Technology",
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"date": "2000-01",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "phdthesis",
"publication-type": "PhD Thesis",
"html": "Maps: A Compiler-Managed Memory System for Software-Exposed Architectures.
Rajeev Barua.
PhD Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Cambridge, MA. Jan, 2000. Bibtex.
"author0": "Walter Lee and Benjamin Greenwald and Saman Amarasinghe",
"month": "Nov",
"year": "1999",
"title": "Strength Reduction of Integer Division and Modulo Operations",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/1999/mdopt-TM.pdf",
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"institution": "Massachusetts Institute of Technology",
"bibtexKey": "lee:lcs-tm:1999",
"itemType": "techreport",
"author": [
"Walter Lee",
"Benjamin Greenwald",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
"label": "Strength Reduction of Integer Division and Modulo Operations",
"date": "1999-11",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "techreport",
"publication-type": "Technical Report",
"html": "Strength Reduction of Integer Division and Modulo Operations.
Walter Lee, Benjamin Greenwald, Saman Amarasinghe.
MIT/LCS Technical Memo LCS-TM-600.
Cambridge, MA. Nov, 1999. Bibtex.
"author0": "Samuel Larsen and Saman Amarasinghe",
"month": "Nov",
"year": "1999",
"title": "Exploiting Superword Level Parallelism with Multimedia Instruction Sets",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/1999/SLP-TM.pdf",
"keywords": [
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"type": "Publication",
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"institution": "Massachusetts Institute of Technology",
"bibtexKey": "larsen:lcs-tm:1999",
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"Samuel Larsen",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
"label": "Exploiting Superword Level Parallelism with Multimedia Instruction Sets",
"date": "1999-11",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "techreport",
"publication-type": "Technical Report",
"html": "Exploiting Superword Level Parallelism with Multimedia Instruction Sets.
Samuel Larsen, Saman Amarasinghe.
MIT/LCS Technical Memo LCS-TM-601.
Cambridge, MA. Nov, 1999. Bibtex.
"author0": "Mark Stephenson and Johnathan Babb and Saman Amarasinghe",
"month": "Nov",
"year": "1999",
"title": "Bitwidth Analysis With Application To Silicon Compilation",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/1999/bitwise-TM-1999.pdf",
"keywords": [
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"type": "Publication",
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"institution": "Massachusetts Institute of Technology",
"bibtexKey": "stephenson:lcs-tm:1999",
"itemType": "techreport",
"author": [
"Mark Stephenson",
"Johnathan Babb",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
"label": "Bitwidth Analysis With Application To Silicon Compilation",
"date": "1999-11",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "techreport",
"publication-type": "Technical Report",
"html": "Bitwidth Analysis With Application To Silicon Compilation.
Mark Stephenson, Johnathan Babb, Saman Amarasinghe.
MIT/LCS Technical Memo LCS-TM-602.
Cambridge, MA. Nov, 1999. Bibtex.
"author0": "Benjamin Greenwald",
"month": "Sep",
"year": "1999",
"title": "A Technique for Compilation to Exposed Memory Hierarchy",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/1999/ben-SM.pdf",
"type": "Publication",
"address": "Cambridge, MA",
"school": "Massachusetts Institute of Technology",
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"author": [
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"label": "A Technique for Compilation to Exposed Memory Hierarchy",
"date": "1999-09",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "sciencethesis",
"publication-type": "SM Thesis",
"html": "A Technique for Compilation to Exposed Memory Hierarchy.
Benjamin Greenwald.
SM Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Cambridge, MA. Sep, 1999. Bibtex.
"author0": "Csaba Andras Moritz and Matthew Frank and Walter Lee and Saman Amarasinghe",
"month": "Aug",
"year": "1999",
"title": "Hot Pages: Software Caching for Raw Microprocessors",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/1999/hotpages-TM.pdf",
"keywords": [
"number": "MIT/LCS Technical Memo LCS-TM-599",
"type": "Publication",
"address": "Cambridge, MA",
"institution": "Massachusetts Institute of Technology",
"bibtexKey": "moritz:lcs-tm:1999",
"itemType": "techreport",
"author": [
"Csaba Andras Moritz",
"Matthew Frank",
"Walter Lee",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
"label": "Hot Pages: Software Caching for Raw Microprocessors",
"date": "1999-08",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "techreport",
"publication-type": "Technical Report",
"html": "Hot Pages: Software Caching for Raw Microprocessors.
Csaba Andras Moritz, Matthew Frank, Walter Lee, Saman Amarasinghe.
MIT/LCS Technical Memo LCS-TM-599.
Cambridge, MA. Aug, 1999. Bibtex.
"author0": "Tsvetomir P. Petrov",
"month": "Jun",
"year": "1999",
"title": "Code Compaction and Parallelization for VLIW/DSP Chip Architectures",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/1999/Petrov-MEng.pdf",
"keywords": [
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"label": "Code Compaction and Parallelization for VLIW/DSP Chip Architectures",
"date": "1999-06",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "mastersthesis",
"publication-type": "MEng Thesis",
"html": "Code Compaction and Parallelization for VLIW/DSP Chip Architectures.
Tsvetomir P. Petrov.
MEng Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Cambridge, MA. Jun, 1999. Bibtex.
"author0": "Tyler J. Moeller",
"month": "May",
"year": "1999",
"title": "Field Programmable Gate Arrays for Radar Front-End Digital Signal Processing",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/1999/Tyler-Moeller-MEng.pdf",
"keywords": [
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"school": "Massachusetts Institute of Technology",
"bibtexKey": "moeller:meng-thesis:1999",
"itemType": "mastersthesis",
"author": [
"Tyler J. Moeller"
"label": "Field Programmable Gate Arrays for Radar Front-End Digital Signal Processing",
"date": "1999-05",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "mastersthesis",
"publication-type": "MEng Thesis",
"html": "Field Programmable Gate Arrays for Radar Front-End Digital Signal Processing.
Tyler J. Moeller.
MEng Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Cambridge, MA. May, 1999. Bibtex.
"author0": "Rajeev Barua and Walter Lee and Saman Amarasinghe and Anant Agarwal",
"title": "Maps: A Compiler-Managed Memory System for Raw Machines",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/1999/Maps-ISCA.pdf",
"keywords": [
"month": "May",
"year": "1999",
"booktitle": "International Symposium on Computer Architecture",
"address": "Atlanta, Georgia",
"bibtexKey": "barua:isca:1999",
"itemType": "inproceedings",
"author": [
"Rajeev Barua",
"Walter Lee",
"Saman Amarasinghe",
"Anant Agarwal"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "Maps: A Compiler-Managed Memory System for Raw Machines",
"date": "1999-05",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "inproceedings",
"publication-type": "Conference Publication",
"html": "Maps: A Compiler-Managed Memory System for Raw Machines.
Rajeev Barua, Walter Lee, Saman Amarasinghe, Anant Agarwal.
International Symposium on Computer Architecture.
Atlanta, Georgia. May, 1999. Bibtex.
"author0": "Johnathan Babb and Martin Rinard and Csaba Andras Moritz and Walter Lee and Matthew Frank and Rajeev Barua and Saman Amarasinghe",
"title": "Parallelizing Applications into Silicon",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/1999/ToSilicon-FCCM.pdf",
"keywords": [
"month": "Apr",
"year": "1999",
"booktitle": "IEEE Workshop on FPGAs for Custom Computing Machines",
"address": "Napa Valley, California",
"bibtexKey": "babb:fccm:1999",
"itemType": "inproceedings",
"author": [
"Johnathan Babb",
"Martin Rinard",
"Csaba Andras Moritz",
"Walter Lee",
"Matthew Frank",
"Rajeev Barua",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "Parallelizing Applications into Silicon",
"date": "1999-04",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "inproceedings",
"publication-type": "Conference Publication",
"html": "Parallelizing Applications into Silicon.
Johnathan Babb, Martin Rinard, Csaba Andras Moritz, Walter Lee, Matthew Frank, Rajeev Barua, Saman Amarasinghe.
IEEE Workshop on FPGAs for Custom Computing Machines.
Napa Valley, California. Apr, 1999. Bibtex.
"author0": "Matthew Frank and Csaba Andras Moritz and Benjamin Greenwald and Saman Amarasinghe and Anant Agarwal",
"month": "Jan",
"year": "1999",
"title": "SUDS: Primitive Mechanisms for Memory Dependence Speculation",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/1999/SLP-TM.pdf",
"keywords": [
"number": "MIT/LCS Technical Memo LCS-TM-591",
"type": "Publication",
"address": "Cambridge, MA",
"institution": "Massachusetts Institute of Technology",
"bibtexKey": "frank:lcs-tm:1999",
"itemType": "techreport",
"author": [
"Matthew Frank",
"Csaba Andras Moritz",
"Benjamin Greenwald",
"Saman Amarasinghe",
"Anant Agarwal"
"label": "SUDS: Primitive Mechanisms for Memory Dependence Speculation",
"date": "1999-01",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "techreport",
"publication-type": "Technical Report",
"html": "SUDS: Primitive Mechanisms for Memory Dependence Speculation.
Matthew Frank, Csaba Andras Moritz, Benjamin Greenwald, Saman Amarasinghe, Anant Agarwal.
MIT/LCS Technical Memo LCS-TM-591.
Cambridge, MA. Jan, 1999. Bibtex.
"author0": "Srikrishna Devabhaktuni",
"year": "1999",
"title": "Softspec: Software-based Speculative Parallelism via Stride Prediction",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/1999/Sri-SM.pdf",
"keywords": [
"type": "Publication",
"address": "Cambridge, MA",
"school": "Massachusetts Institute of Technology",
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"itemType": "sciencethesis",
"author": [
"Srikrishna Devabhaktuni"
"label": "Softspec: Software-based Speculative Parallelism via Stride Prediction",
"date": "1999",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "sciencethesis",
"publication-type": "SM Thesis",
"html": "Softspec: Software-based Speculative Parallelism via Stride Prediction.
Srikrishna Devabhaktuni.
SM Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Cambridge, MA. 1999. Bibtex.
"author0": "Rajeev Barua and Walter Lee and Saman Amarasinghe and Anant Agarwal",
"title": "Memory Bank Disambiguation using Modulo Unrolling for Raw Machines",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/1998/ModUnroll-HiPC.pdf",
"keywords": [
"month": "Dec",
"year": "1998",
"booktitle": "International Conference on High Performance Computing",
"address": "",
"bibtexKey": "barua:hpc:1998",
"itemType": "inproceedings",
"author": [
"Rajeev Barua",
"Walter Lee",
"Saman Amarasinghe",
"Anant Agarwal"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "Memory Bank Disambiguation using Modulo Unrolling for Raw Machines",
"date": "1998-12",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "inproceedings",
"publication-type": "Conference Publication",
"html": "Memory Bank Disambiguation using Modulo Unrolling for Raw Machines.
Rajeev Barua, Walter Lee, Saman Amarasinghe, Anant Agarwal.
International Conference on High Performance Computing.
Dec, 1998. Bibtex.
"author0": "Johnathan Babb and Martin Rinard and Csaba Andras Moritz and Walter Lee and Matthew Frank and Rajeev Barua and Saman Amarasinghe",
"month": "Oct",
"year": "1998",
"title": "Parallelizing Applications into Smart Memories",
"keywords": [
"number": "MIT/LCS Technical Report LCS-TR-769",
"type": "Publication",
"address": "Cambridge, MA",
"institution": "Massachusetts Institute of Technology",
"bibtexKey": "babb:lcs-tr:1998",
"itemType": "techreport",
"author": [
"Johnathan Babb",
"Martin Rinard",
"Csaba Andras Moritz",
"Walter Lee",
"Matthew Frank",
"Rajeev Barua",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
"label": "Parallelizing Applications into Smart Memories",
"date": "1998-10",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "techreport",
"publication-type": "Technical Report",
"html": "Parallelizing Applications into Smart Memories.
Johnathan Babb, Martin Rinard, Csaba Andras Moritz, Walter Lee, Matthew Frank, Rajeev Barua, Saman Amarasinghe.
MIT/LCS Technical Report LCS-TR-769.
Cambridge, MA. Oct, 1998. Bibtex.
"author0": "Walter Lee and Rajeev Barua and Matthew Frank and Srikrishna Devabhaktuni and Johnathan Babb and Vivek Sarkar and Saman Amarasinghe",
"title": "Space Time Scheduling of Instruction-Level Parallelism on a Raw Machine",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/1998/Spacetime-ASPLOS.pdf",
"keywords": [
"month": "Oct",
"year": "1998",
"booktitle": "International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems",
"address": "",
"bibtexKey": "lee:asplos:1998",
"itemType": "inproceedings",
"author": [
"Walter Lee",
"Rajeev Barua",
"Matthew Frank",
"Srikrishna Devabhaktuni",
"Johnathan Babb",
"Vivek Sarkar",
"Saman Amarasinghe"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "Space Time Scheduling of Instruction-Level Parallelism on a Raw Machine",
"date": "1998-10",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "inproceedings",
"publication-type": "Conference Publication",
"html": "Space Time Scheduling of Instruction-Level Parallelism on a Raw Machine.
Walter Lee, Rajeev Barua, Matthew Frank, Srikrishna Devabhaktuni, Johnathan Babb, Vivek Sarkar, Saman Amarasinghe.
International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems.
Oct, 1998. Bibtex.
"author0": "Rajeev Barua and Walter Lee and Saman Amarasinghe and Anant Agarwal",
"month": "Jul",
"year": "1998",
"title": "Maps: A Compiler-Managed Memory System for Raw Machines",
"keywords": [
"number": "MIT/LCS Technical Memo LCS-TM-583",
"type": "Publication",
"address": "Cambridge, MA",
"institution": "Massachusetts Institute of Technology",
"bibtexKey": "barua:lcs-tm:1998",
"itemType": "techreport",
"author": [
"Rajeev Barua",
"Walter Lee",
"Saman Amarasinghe",
"Anant Agarwal"
"label": "Maps: A Compiler-Managed Memory System for Raw Machines",
"date": "1998-07",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "techreport",
"publication-type": "Technical Report",
"html": "Maps: A Compiler-Managed Memory System for Raw Machines.
Rajeev Barua, Walter Lee, Saman Amarasinghe, Anant Agarwal.
MIT/LCS Technical Memo LCS-TM-583.
Cambridge, MA. Jul, 1998. Bibtex.
"author0": "Rajeev Barua and Walter Lee and Saman Amarasinghe and Anant Agarwal",
"month": "Jun",
"year": "1998",
"title": "Memory Bank Disambiguation using Modulo Unrolling For Raw Machines",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/1998/mod-unroll-TR.pdf",
"keywords": [
"number": "MIT/LCS Technical Report LCS-TR-759",
"type": "Publication",
"address": "Cambridge, MA",
"institution": "Massachusetts Institute of Technology",
"bibtexKey": "barua:lcs-tr:1998",
"itemType": "techreport",
"author": [
"Rajeev Barua",
"Walter Lee",
"Saman Amarasinghe",
"Anant Agarwal"
"label": "Memory Bank Disambiguation using Modulo Unrolling For Raw Machines",
"date": "1998-06",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "techreport",
"publication-type": "Technical Report",
"html": "Memory Bank Disambiguation using Modulo Unrolling For Raw Machines.
Rajeev Barua, Walter Lee, Saman Amarasinghe, Anant Agarwal.
MIT/LCS Technical Report LCS-TR-759.
Cambridge, MA. Jun, 1998. Bibtex.
"author0": "Walter Lee and Rajeev Barua and Devabhaktuni Srikrishna and Johnathan Babb and Vivek Sarkar and Saman Amarasinghe and Anant Agarwal",
"month": "Dec",
"year": "1997",
"title": "Space-Time Scheduling of Instruction-Level Parallelism on a Raw Machine",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/1997/st-scheduling-TM.pdf",
"keywords": [
"number": "MIT/LCS Technical Memo LCS-TM-572",
"type": "Publication",
"address": "Cambridge, MA",
"institution": "Massachusetts Institute of Technology",
"bibtexKey": "lee:lcs-tm:1997",
"itemType": "techreport",
"author": [
"Walter Lee",
"Rajeev Barua",
"Devabhaktuni Srikrishna",
"Johnathan Babb",
"Vivek Sarkar",
"Saman Amarasinghe",
"Anant Agarwal"
"label": "Space-Time Scheduling of Instruction-Level Parallelism on a Raw Machine",
"date": "1997-12",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "techreport",
"publication-type": "Technical Report",
"html": "Space-Time Scheduling of Instruction-Level Parallelism on a Raw Machine.
Walter Lee, Rajeev Barua, Devabhaktuni Srikrishna, Johnathan Babb, Vivek Sarkar, Saman Amarasinghe, Anant Agarwal.
MIT/LCS Technical Memo LCS-TM-572.
Cambridge, MA. Dec, 1997. Bibtex.
"author0": "Elliot L. Waingold and Michael Taylor and Devabhaktuni Srikrishna and Vivek Sarkar and Walter Lee and Victor Lee and Jang Kim and Matthew Frank and Peter Finch and Rajeev Barua and Johnathan Babb and Saman Amarasinghe and Anant Agarwal",
"month": "Sep",
"year": "1997",
"title": "Baring it all to Software: Raw Machines",
"volume": "30",
"number": "9",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/1997/raw-computer.pdf",
"keywords": [
"journal": "IEEE Computer",
"bibtexKey": "waingold:computer:1997",
"itemType": "article",
"author": [
"Elliot L. Waingold",
"Michael Taylor",
"Devabhaktuni Srikrishna",
"Vivek Sarkar",
"Walter Lee",
"Victor Lee",
"Jang Kim",
"Matthew Frank",
"Peter Finch",
"Rajeev Barua",
"Johnathan Babb",
"Saman Amarasinghe",
"Anant Agarwal"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "Baring it all to Software: Raw Machines",
"date": "1997-09",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "article",
"publication-type": "Journal Article",
"html": "Baring it all to Software: Raw Machines.
Elliot L. Waingold, Michael Taylor, Devabhaktuni Srikrishna, Vivek Sarkar, Walter Lee, Victor Lee, Jang Kim, Matthew Frank, Peter Finch, Rajeev Barua, Johnathan Babb, Saman Amarasinghe, Anant Agarwal.
IEEE Computer.
Sep, 1997. Bibtex.
"author0": "Anant Agarwal and Saman Amarasinghe and Rajeev Barua and Matthew Frank and Walter Lee and Vivek Sarkar and Devabhaktuni Srikrishna and Michael Taylor",
"title": "The Raw Compiler Project",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/1997/Rawcomp-suif.pdf",
"keywords": [
"month": "Aug",
"year": "1997",
"booktitle": "SUIF Compiler Workshop",
"address": "Stanford, California",
"bibtexKey": "agarwal:suif:1997",
"itemType": "inproceedings",
"author": [
"Anant Agarwal",
"Saman Amarasinghe",
"Rajeev Barua",
"Matthew Frank",
"Walter Lee",
"Vivek Sarkar",
"Devabhaktuni Srikrishna",
"Michael Taylor"
"type": "Publication",
"label": "The Raw Compiler Project",
"date": "1997-08",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "inproceedings",
"publication-type": "Conference Publication",
"html": "The Raw Compiler Project.
Anant Agarwal, Saman Amarasinghe, Rajeev Barua, Matthew Frank, Walter Lee, Vivek Sarkar, Devabhaktuni Srikrishna, Michael Taylor.
SUIF Compiler Workshop.
Stanford, California. Aug, 1997. Bibtex.
"author0": "Elliot L. Waingold and Michael Taylor and Vivek Sarkar and Walter Lee and Victor Lee and Jang Kim and Matthew Frank and Peter Finch and Srikrishna Devabhaktuni and Rajeev Barua and Johnathan Babb and Saman Amarasinghe and Anant Agarwal",
"month": "Mar",
"year": "1997",
"title": "Baring it all to Software: The Raw Machine",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/1997/raw-TR.pdf",
"keywords": [
"number": "MIT/LCS Technical Report LCS-TR-709",
"type": "Publication",
"address": "Cambridge, MA",
"institution": "Massachusetts Institute of Technology",
"bibtexKey": "waingold:lcs-tr:1997",
"itemType": "techreport",
"author": [
"Elliot L. Waingold",
"Michael Taylor",
"Vivek Sarkar",
"Walter Lee",
"Victor Lee",
"Jang Kim",
"Matthew Frank",
"Peter Finch",
"Srikrishna Devabhaktuni",
"Rajeev Barua",
"Johnathan Babb",
"Saman Amarasinghe",
"Anant Agarwal"
"label": "Baring it all to Software: The Raw Machine",
"date": "1997-03",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "techreport",
"publication-type": "Technical Report",
"html": "Baring it all to Software: The Raw Machine.
Elliot L. Waingold, Michael Taylor, Vivek Sarkar, Walter Lee, Victor Lee, Jang Kim, Matthew Frank, Peter Finch, Srikrishna Devabhaktuni, Rajeev Barua, Johnathan Babb, Saman Amarasinghe, Anant Agarwal.
MIT/LCS Technical Report LCS-TR-709.
Cambridge, MA. Mar, 1997. Bibtex.
"title": "Parallelizing Compiler Techniques Based On Linear Inequalities",
"author0": "Saman Amarasinghe",
"month": "Jan",
"year": "1997",
"url": "https://commit.csail.mit.edu/papers/1997/Saman-PhD-thesis-CSL-TR-97-714.pdf",
"type": "Publication",
"address": "Stanford, CA",
"school": "Stanford University",
"price": "Arthur Samuel Best Thesis Award",
"bibtexKey": "saman:phd-thesis:1997",
"itemType": "phdthesis",
"author": [
"Saman Amarasinghe"
"label": "Parallelizing Compiler Techniques Based On Linear Inequalities",
"date": "1997-01",
"type-original": [
"pub-type": "phdthesis",
"publication-type": "PhD Thesis",
"html": "Parallelizing Compiler Techniques Based On Linear Inequalities.
Saman Amarasinghe.
PhD Thesis, Stanford University.
Stanford, CA. Jan, 1997. Bibtex.
Arthur Samuel Best Thesis Award.